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Ref :ACTREC/AMC/Audio-Video/E-06/2016-17/ Date : 17.06.2016
Tender for Annual maintenance contract for Audio visual set up in auditorium/seminar room and conference room of ACTREC -
The Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Tata memorial Centre, Sector 22 Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, intends to award Annual Maintenance Contract for the entire set up of ‘Audio Video Equipments’ in auditorium, seminar and conference room of Khanolkar Shodhika Building.
Two parts sealed tenders are invited for the same from reputed experienced firms engaged in undertaking of Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of ‘Audio Video Equipments’. The scope of work, terms & conditions of the tender are enclosed at ‘Annexure - A’. Details of ‘Audio Video Equipments’ to be entered in the Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for one year (extendable on the same rate, same terms & conditions) are enclosed at ‘Annexure - B’. “OEM’s authorized service centers/ OEM’s authorized after sale service provider” dealing in ‘Audio Video Equipments’ can quote their rates for providing effective and proper maintenance for equipments (as per ‘Annexure- B’) on the given scope of work, terms & conditions. The sealed bids for the AMC of ‘Audio Video Equipments’ are invited in the proforma for filling the rates and other details enclosed at “Annexure - C”.
Bidders are requested to submit their sealed tenders for the AMC of ‘Audio Video Equipments’ in the office of ‘Purchase Department, Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC), Tata Memorial Centre, Plot number 1 2, Sector 22, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, on or before 13/07/2016 upto 01:00 p.m. The technical bids will be opened on 13/07/2016 at 02:30 p.m. The financial bids of the only bidders successful in technical bid will be opened on later informed date. Conditional Quotations will not be accepted.
The tender document can be downloaded from the website ‘’. The tender fee of Rs.200.00 and Earnest Money deposit (EMD) of `` 15000.00 by Demand Draft favouring Director, ACTREC payable at Mumbai to be deposited at Cash Counter, Gr.floor, Paymaster Shodhika, ACTREC, Kharghar and receipts to be enclosed in sealed envelope, before its submission. The Tender Document No. and Receipt Nos should be mentioned on the envelope. Tenderers who are registered with NSIC/SSI/MSME are exempt from paying EMD and tender fees, shall indicate in their tender offer such registration numbers & photocopy of such registration certificate shall be submitted with their offer. No tender form will be issued by post. The ACTREC reserves all rights to accept or reject any or all tenders, fully or partially without assigning any reason whatsoever.
Purchase Officer
Eligibility -
Following Pre-Qualification Criteria (PQC) is applicable for the tender:-
A) The prospective firm should be in the business of providing design, supply, and installation of Audio-Video (AV) systems and after commissioning support services for AV systems at least since last three years. The firm must have successfully implemented at least five Audio/Video Conferencing systems consisting of following components:-
- Tele- Conferencing/Videoconferencing equipment
- Projectors
- Screens/Flat Panel Displays
- Complete audio/video control equipments including amplifiers, mixers, mikes, speakers etc.
B) The firm must have at least two on-going AMC Services contract (as on 15.04.2013) for Audio-Video conferencing system amounting each to more than 5 lacs.
C) The firm should be OEM’s authorized after sale service provider.
D) Support documents for Points in A) B) and C) must be the part of technical bid.
Scope of work, terms & conditions
1. The Annual Maintenance work will comprise maintenance of all ‘Audio Video Equipments’ (Sr. No. 1.1 to 4.23 as per ‘Annexure – B’) installed in the Auditorium, seminar room and conference room of Khanolkar shodhika building of ACTREC.
2. Scope of Annual Maintenance Contract services shall consist of Preventive Maintenance (atleast once in two months) & unlimited Corrective (repair) Maintenance calls of ‘Audio Video Equipments’. AMC services shall include all required manpower, labour, tools etc. for the repair & maintenance activities. The rates quoted for the AMC services shall also include all types of taxes, duties as applicable and transportation charges, insurances etc.
3. The details of ‘Audio Video Studio Equipments’ & their Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) are given from Sr. No. 1.1 to 4.23 at ‘Annexure - B’. Tenderer(s) should be “OEM’s authorized service centre /OEM’s authorized after sale service provider” essentially for the equipments mentioned at ‘Sr. No. 1.1 to 4.23’ of ‘Annexure – B’. Tenderer(s) shall have to submit a valid authorization certificate from the OEMs in his favour with technical bid for the equipments mentioned at ‘Sr. No. 1.1 to 4.23’ of ‘Annexure – B’.
4. Even if no call is made by ACTREC, the contractual firm is required to undertake preventive maintenance by checking all the ‘Audio Video Equipments’ at least once in every two months and confirm that the equipments are in the best of working conditions.
5. This constitutes an annual maintenance contract and includes repair & maintenance
of all parts of the Audio Video Equipments. ACTREC shall not be liable to make payment over and above the maintenance cost in any case “except only the cost of new spares / part”. If any spares/part is beyond repair then only the cost of replaced new spare / part will be done.
6. If any spare/part cannot be repaired, then contractual firm shall submit the proforma
Invoice (for the cost of new spare) to ACTREC for the approval of cost. In that case, only cost of spare will be paid after the approval, successful repair, installation and commissioning of repaired equipment at ACTREC.
7. The contractual firm shall attend all complaints / faults of the system, whenever complaint received from ACTREC staff or in writing or over telephone and shall be bound for repairs of the equipments within Two working days (48 hours) from the time of intimation of the defect / complaint.
8 In the eventuality of the AMC contractor not being in a position to rectify the fault within Two Working Days (48 hours) for any equipment, standby equipment of acceptable similar configuration shall be provided to ACTREC by the contractor. On failure to provide standby equipment, a penalty of 1% per day per equipment of the total contract value (AMC amount) will be levied. Delay beyond 07 days in rectifying the reported problem, will entitle this office to exercise the option of getting the work done from another agency and deduct such expenses from the AMC charges, in addition to penalty from the AMC contractor. Delay beyond 15 days may lead to cancellation of contract by this office.
8. For critical events like international conference etc, it is the firm responsibility to ensure the complete functionality of the set up for the event. The firm should depute, once informed, the expertise to inspect the setup thoroughly and ensure the functionality of the set up in totality. Any malfunctions, if observed, should be fixed one day prior to the event.
9. The successful tenderer shall have to render the services satisfactorily and replace the genuine parts/spares in the system. In case the agency does not render satisfactory services or replace with the sub-standard parts/spares, ACTREC is at the liberty to terminate the contract at any time during the period of contract after giving prior notice of 15 days. This may also lead to legal action including forfeiture of performance security.
10. At the end of period / termination of AMC, the contractor shall demonstrate satisfactory testing and operation of all the Audio Video Equipments.
11. Before quoting the rates, tenderer can inspect the details of specifications & working
condition of above mentioned ‘Audio Video Equipments’ in the auditorium/seminar and conference room on working days at his own cost after taking requisite permission from I.T department of ACTREC.
12. AMC will be for a period of one year (extendable on the same rate, same terms &conditions). Maintenance contract will be effective from ‘date of awarding the AMC order by ACTREC. Order of AMC can be cancelled unilaterally by this office whenever the service is not found to be satisfactory or up to the mark by giving prior notice of 15 days.
13. Only Sales tax /Service Tax / Value Added Tax (VAT) registered firms are eligible to
fill this tender. Interested firms shall quote their Sales tax/Service Tax/VAT/TIN Number with documentary proof along-with latest Tax Clearance Certificate or copies of latest return filed / challans indicating deposition of tax with the concerned department.
14. Rates should be quoted for the item in ‘Annexure - C’ inclusive of all types of taxes,
duties & transportation charges. Nothing over and above the quoted rates shall be payable.
15. Bid / Quoted rates shall be valid for a period of 180 days from the date of opening of
Technical Bid.
16. The payment of AMC Charges shall be made on completion of each quarter subject
to rendering the satisfactory services and on the production of ‘Satisfactory Service Report’ from the I.T department of ACTREC.
17. No advanced payment shall be given to any firm on any grounds what so ever.
18. In case the offer is accepted, an the vendor does not honour his obligations, the EMD shall be forfeited. The EMD furnished by the bidders other than the one selected shall be refunded within one month. EMD of successful bidders shall be refunded only after receipt of Bank Guarantee..
19. The tenderer shall indicate their rates in clear visible figures and words and shall not
alter/overwrite/make cutting in the rates. If alteration/overwriting /cutting in rates are noticed, such tenders shall not be taken into consideration.
20. A copy of tender documents terms & conditions duly signed by the bidder(s) should also be attached with the “Technical Bid”, Unsigned tender documents shall not be accepted at any cost.
21. Tenderer(s) shall submit the following details/documents with tender:
a. Valid registration Number of the firm for the VAT / Service Tax purpose.
b. Income Tax Return for the last three financial Year.
c. Document related to total years of experience in providing supply of Audio Video Equipments.( PO copies of last three years)
d. Form 16 A (copies) issued by the Government Organizations / reputed organization deducting TDS on AMC services provided by the firm.
e. List of Government, reputed private organization which renewed the AMC with the firm, with copies of orders
f. Signed copy of tender document along with scope, terms & conditions.
g. Valid authorization certificates from the OEMs in the favour of tenderer for the equipments mentioned at ‘Annexure – B’
22. Conditional tenders shall not be accepted and shall be rejected straightway.
23. Payment:The payment shall be released in 2 equal installments against the bill raised by the vendor at the end of each six months after satisfactory service.
24. A Performance Security deposit of 10% of Invoice value to be paid either in cash or in the form of Bank Guarantee to be given for satisfactory performance and service for warranty period or AMC/CMC.
Details of ‘Audio Video Studio Equipments’ (installed in the Auditorium, seminar and conference rooms ) to be entered in the Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for one year.
1. Location Of Conference RoomSr .No / Descrition of the Item / Make / Model / Quantity
Video Equipments
1.1 / 3700 ANSI, XGA, LCD 600:1 3.5 / NEC / NP 1250 / 1
1.2 / Motorized front projection Scr / Remaco / Pro-1818 / 1
1.3 / Fixed Ceiling mount kit for proj / SISPL / FCMK-1 / 1
1.4 / 42" /40" professional HD LCD / Panasonic / TH-42PH30/400 / 1
1.5 / Pan/ Tilt / Zoom Color NTSC Vi / Sony / EVID70 / 1
Audio Equipments
1.6 / Power Speaker Frequency Res / Tannoy / Di5a / 2
1.7 / Microphone Volume Control a / Extron / MVC 121 / 1
1.8 / UHF Wireless Lavalier System / Shure / PG 14/ PG185 / 1
Switching And Control
1.9 / 8x4 VGA and Stereo Audio Ma / Extron / MVX 84 VGAA / 1
1.10 / Two input Scaler / Extron / IN1502 / 1
1.11 / Wall plate with VGA and Audio / SISPL / - / 1
1.12 / Twisted pair Transmitter for V / Extron / MTP T 15 HD A / 1
1.13 / Twisted pair Receiver for VGA / Extron / MTP 1500RL 15 / 1
1.14 / RS -232 Extenders package / Gefen / EXT-RS232 / 1
1.16 / Wall mount Controller with 1 C / Crestron / MPC-M20 / 1
1.18 / On Line UPS System with 6 KVA / APC / - / 1
1.19 / OnLine UPS system with 2 KVA / APC / - / 1
2. Location Of Seminar Room
Video Equipments
2.1 / 3700 ANSI, XGA, LCD 600:1 3.5 / NEC / NP 1250 / 1
2.2 / Motorized front projection Scr / Remaco / Pro-1818 / 1
2.3 / Fixed Ceiling mount kit for proj / SISPL / FCMK-1 / 1
2.4 / 42" /40" professional HD LCD / Panasonic / TH-42PH30/400 / 1
2.5 / Pan/ Tilt / Zoom Color NTSC Vi / Sony / EVID70 / 1
Audio Equipments
2.6 / Power Speaker Frequency Res / Tannoy / Di5a / 2
2.7 / Microphone Volume Control a / Extron / MVC 121 / 1
2.8 / UHF Wireless Lavalier System / Shure / PG 14/ PG185 / 1
Switching And Control
2.9 / 8x4 VGA and Stereo Audio Ma / Extron / MVX 84 VGAA / 1
2.10 / Two input Scaler / Extron / IN1502 / 1
2.11 / Wall plate with VGA and Audio / SISPL / - / 1
2.12 / Twisted pair Transmitter for V / Extron / MTP T 15 HD A / 1
2.13 / Twisted pair Receiver for VGA / Extron / MTP 1500RL 15 / 1
2.14 / RS -232 Extenders package / Gefen / EXT-RS232 / 1
2.16 / Wall mount Controller with 1 C / Crestron / MPC-M20 / 1
3. Location : Auditorium
Video Equipments
3.1 / Front projection Motorized Sc / Remaco / PRO-L3030SL2 / 1
3.2 / Fixed Ceiling mount kit for Proj / SISPL / FCMK-1 / 1
3.3 / LCD Projector : 5000 lumens A / NEC / NP 3250 / 1
3.4 / Full HD PTZ Camera / Sony / EVIHD7V / 2
3.5 / Ceiling Mounyt Camera for PTZ / SISPL / - / 2
3.6 / Wall Plate with VGA and Audio / SISPL / - / 2
3.7 / 17" Interactive Pen Display / Wacom / DTF-720AB / 1
3.8 / 65" Flat Panel LCD Monitor wi / Panasonic / TH- 65PF30 / 2
3.9 / 42"/40" Professional HD LCD / Panasonic / TH-42PH30/400 / 2
3.10 / Swivel Mount Kit for 40" LCD / SISPL / - / 2
Audio Equipments
3.11 / FOH Speaker Frequency Respo / Tannoy / Di6 / 8
3.12 / Dual Channel Amplifier / QSC / GX-5 / 2
3.13 / Gooseneck Microphone on lec / Shure / MX412D / 1
3.14 / UHF Wireless Lavalier System F / Shure / PG 14/ PG185 / 2
3.15 / Vocal Microphone suitable for / Shure / SM 58 / 1
Control Room
Video Equipments
4.1 / 32" Professional HD LCD Mo / Samsung / 320MX-3 / 1
4.2 / Video Conference System : / Lifesize / Team 200 / 1
4.3 / DVD Recorder 320 GB HDD / Panasonic / DMR EH-69 / 1
Audio Equipments
4.4 / Digital Signal Processor upto / Biamp / Audiaflex NC / 1
4.5 / Dual Channel Echo Cancellat / Biamp / AEC-2HD / 2
4.6 / Dual Channel Mic / Line inp / Biamp / IP2 / 5
4.7 / Dual Channel Mic / Line Out / Biamp / OP2e / 5
Switching and Control
4.8 / 12 x 12 Ultra Wideband Mat / Extron / Crosspoint Ultr / 1
4.9 / Two Input Scaler / Extron / IN1502 / 1
4.1 / Scan Converter / Extron / VSC 500 / 1
4.11 / Twisted pair Transmitter for / Extron / MTP T 15 HD A / 4
4.12 / Twisted pair Receiver for VG / Extron / MTP 1500RL 1 / 4
4.13 / Multi type Distribution Bloc / kCrestron / C2NH-BLOCK / 1
4.14 / Control System With 6 Com / Crestron / PRO2 / 1
4.15 / 15" Touch Panel / Crestron / TPMC-V15 / 1
4.16 / Button Panel / Crestron / C2N-DB12 / 1
4.17 / IR Probes / Crestron / IRP2 / 3
4.18 / Control Card Expansion / Crestron / CAGE2 / 1
4.19 / Ethernet port switch / Dlink / 2
4.2 / 3 Com port RS 232 / 422 / 4 / Crestron / C2COM-3 / 3
4.21 / 2 Com port RS 232 / 422 / 4 / Crestron / ST-COM / 1
4.22 / Power Control Interface - 8 / Crestron / CNPCI-8 / 1
4.23 / Camera Controller ( Joy Stic / kCrestron / C2N-CAMIDJ / 1