PERIOD _7__: Allusion Presenter List 1st Semester

Students NOT Prepared to present on due date – IF prepared next day = -25%; IF prepared on 3rd date = - 50%. After 3 “not ready” times, teacher will provide information and student receives a ZERO for SpeakingGrade.

1. Britta Baugham / Aurielle McFarthing-15. Polk / 29. Nicholas Till / 43. Ferris Halemeh
2. Nicole Bayless / 16. Stevie Murdock / 30. Savannah Vasquez / 44. Stone Hatfield
3. Julia Belvin / 17. Zachary Obenhoff / 31. Noah Wishnia / 45. Cameron Jenkins
4. Duncan Berry / 18.Kennedy O’Connnor / 32. Karen Wu / 46. Riley McDaniel
5. Carlee Bettis / 19. Kayla Oden / 33. Britta Baugham / Aurielle McFarthing-
47. Polk
6. Sissy Blossom / 20. Natalie Parlato / 34. Nicole Bayless / 48. Stevie Murdock
7. Ashleigh Gehman / 21. Jaylen Reed / 35. Julia Belvin / 49. Zachary Obenhoff
8. Mae Goss / 22. Michala Settle / 36. Duncan Berry / 50. Kennedy O’Connnor
9. Jordan Griffin / 23. Avry Silva / 37. Carlee Bettis / 51. Kayla Oden
10. Isaac Gibert / 24. Bella Smart / 38. Sissy Blossom / 52. Natalie Parlato
11. Ferris Halemeh / 25. Perrin Smith / 39. Ashleigh Gehman / 53. Jaylen Reed
12. Stone Hatfield / 26. Sophia Smith / 40. Mae Goss / 54. Michala Settle
13. Cameron Jenkins / 27. Erin Stewart / 41. Jordan Griffin / 55. Avry Silva
14. Riley McDaniel / 28. Tevin Styles / 42. Isaac Gibert / 56. Bella Smart

When is information presented? Check class calendar for exact days.

More than one studentmay present on some days; student with

lowest number will present 1st.

If I’m to present first, what do I do? First person to present is to be in

front of the classroomwhen the bell rings. Give class a minute

to get their blank charts out – then START presenting info on

allusion, followed by word.

What if I’m absent when I’m to present? You present the next day

allusions are presented – you go AFTER students who are

scheduled (on above list) to present that day.

How do I get allusion information when I’m absent? YOU are

responsible for getting the information- look up infoor ask

another student.

Are the allusions and words (root/suffix/prefix) connected in meaning? NOT on purpose, maybe accidentally.

What happens 2nd semester? There will be a new allusion/word list starting alphabetically where this list stops.

Can I use notes? – YES! Since you are responsible for the information all other students will have, it must be correct – I


(If you have any questions – ask me – Mrs. C)