Welcome to Happy Dog Training
Woodlands Park, Bedford Road, Clapham, Bedfordshire MK41 6EJ Tel: (01234) 365601
We pride ourselves on our fun, friendly, reward based training methods and hope to provide a safe, relaxed environment for you and your dog to work in. To help achieve this, class size will be limited and booking is essential. Before completing the registration form please phone to confirm a place is available in the class of your choice.
For personalised training programmes and grooming please call for an appointment.
Work towards the Kennel Club Good Citizen Puppy, Bronze, Silver & Gold Awards and receive a Certificate & Rosette.
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday9.30 - 10.15 / Puppy
Preschool / Puppy
Tumbletots / Beginners
Agility / Puppy Class / 9.00 – 9.45 / Agility
10.30 - 11.15 / Puppy Class / Beginners
Agility / Beginners
Agility / Pet Obedience
Improvers / 10.00 - 10.45 / Agility
11.30 - 12.15 / Pet Obedience / Agility
Improvers / Agility
Improvers / Pet Obedience / 11.00 – 11.45 / Young Puppy
12.30 - 1.15 / Pet Obedience / Puppy
Tumbletots / Agility
Improvers / 12.00 – 12.45 / Older Puppy
1.30 - 2.15 / Beginners
2.30 – 3.15 / Beginners
2.00 - 3.00 / Ring Craft
5.00 – 5.45 / Puppy
6.00 - 6.45 / Puppy
Preschool / Puppy
Tumbletots / Puppy
Tumbletots / Puppy Class / Puppy Class
7.00 - 7.45 / Puppy Class / Beginners
Agility / Beginners
Agility / Pet Obedience
Improvers / Pet Obedience
Course times and dates may change subject to demand and instructor availability. Additional classes may be available.
The duration of these classes will be 6 weeks.
Training Classes: 6 week course £45
Agility: 6 week course £48
Registration Form
Name: Dogs Name:
Address: Breed:
D.O.B: Gender:M/F
Date of vaccination:
Tel No: Date of worming:
Mobile: Neutered: Yes/No
Level of experience:
Class: Day: Time: Cost: Start Date:
Payment Enclosed
Please make cheques payable to Happy Dog Training & return with your registration form
Equipment You Will Need:
1. Ordinary collar with ID tag
2. Standard/long lead (the use of extendable leads is restricted for safety)
3. Food treats
4. Ball/toy (preferably non-squeaky!)
5. Poop scoop/bags
6. Sense of Humour
The use of check chains is not permitted. However other training aids are acceptable if used correctly e.g; halti/gentle leaders. For agility you will need an ordinary flat buckle collar.
All dogs must be fully vaccinated (proof will be required) and free from any infectious diseases.
Bitches in season must take a break from classes to avoid any accidents!!
In order that everyone can enjoy their time at Happy Dog and comply with Health and Safety/Planning regulations the following rules apply:
All dogs should be on a lead and under control unless practising or during socialisation period.
All dogs must be kept on a lead in and around the car parking area at all times.
If your dog requires the ‘toilet’ please use the area provided and pick up after your dog.
Aggressive and overly vocal dogs will require private training before attending any of the classes.
Cruelty of any kind will not be tolerated.