The Great Gatsby

Performance Task: Live Newscast

CD News Live! Now that the events of The Great Gatsby have concluded, it’s time to put the pieces together for everyone!

Choose one of the three choices below. Once you have decided on your choice, follow the criteria for that selection.

One Person: Live News Report. You must write the script for a news story that when read, is 2 minutes in length. (Yes, you will have to practice reading it before you present it.)

Two People: News cast with 2 anchors. You must write the script for a newscast that is delivered between you and your partner. Each “show” must include a minimum of 4 stories from the book, and each person must speak for a minimum of 2:00

Three People: Newscast with live news report. You must write a script for a newscast that contains a minimum of 4 stories, one of them breaking off into a live news report. Each person in the group must speak for a minimum of 1:30 seconds.

All newscasts must include the following:

  1. Opening/introduction to broadcast, introduction of speakers.
  2. Transition between news stories
  3. Closing of newscast

Points available:

Script: 20Quiz:

Must include the use events, themes or symbols presented in the text.

Performance: 23Test

May read from script.

See grading rubric for scoring details.

The Great Gatsby

Script Examples

One Person: Still include who is speaking, even if it is yourself. Use a space to break between stories or changing subjects.


MRS. BURNS: Good evening Valley of Ashes! My name is Mrs. Burns and I am reporting this evening from Wilson’s garage.

I’m here tonight because the most extraordinary events have taken place over the last two days, and they have all led to this little garage. First, many of you may have heard rumors about Mr. Jay Gatsby, but I’m here to report to you the truth……(fill in with rest of news and stories to be delivered)

That’s all of the news I have for you today. Thank you for listening and we will see you back here tomorrow.

Two People: Go back and forth between speakers. Use a space to break between people speaking or changing subjects.


MRS BURNS: Good Evening New York City! My name is Mrs. Burns, and next to me is Jane Doe. We are here to report on all the city news that’s making news.

JANE DOE: That’s right Mrs. Burns, and boy do we have stories for you tonight. I’ll start. So, many of you have seen that beautiful yellow car zooming around our city streets, driven by none other than the great Jay Gatsby. Well, it has just been reported to us…(finish story).

MRS. BURNS: In other news, connected to your story, the council of American Prohibition Act is now reconsidering removing the ban on alcohol. Seems that a lot of crime committed today centers on the use of this illegal substance. Experts have reported…(finish story).

(keep talking back and forth until final closing)

MRS. BURNS: Well New York, that’s all the news that’s interesting to us. Join us back here tomorrow when we discuss the clean-up efforts in the Valley of Ashes.

Three People: Go back and forth between speakers. Use a space to break between people speaking or changing subjects, but include the third speaker as a “live” on the scene reporter.

MRS BURNS: Good Evening New York City! My name is Mrs. Burns, and next to me is Jane Doe. We are here to report on all the city news that’s making news.

JANE DOE: That’s right Mrs. Burns, and boy do we have stories for you tonight. I’ll start. So, many of you have seen that beautiful yellow car zooming around our city streets, driven by none other than the great Jay Gatsby. Well, it has just been reported to us…(finish story).

MRS. BURNS: This just in, we have a reporter waiting live from the scene of Jay Gatsby’s mansion. Johnny Cat, what’s going on?

JOHNNY CAT: Well, this place is amazing! I have heard about all of Gatsby’s parties, but I never imagined a place could look as rich as this.

MRS. BURNS: I’ve been to a couple, they are amazing. However, why are you there today?

JOHNNY CAT: Oh yeah, well, “I’m here because early this morning, someone came and shot the owner, Mr. Jay Gatsby, while he was swimming in his pool. Early paramedics say that…

(keep talking back and forth, include other anchor until final closing)

MRS. BURNS: Well New York, that’s all the news that’s interesting to us. Join us back here tomorrow when we discuss the clean-up efforts in the Valley of Ashes.