Performance Review Program for Initial Licensure (PRPIL)

Program Summary


The Performance Review Program for Initial Licensure (PRPIL) is an alternative licensure program for teachers holding a Preliminary license with a minimum of two years teaching experience. It is Route 4 in the DESE regulations. The program takes approximately 4-8 months to complete.

Teachers in PRPIL are assessed based on 4 classroom observations and aportfolio of forms and evidence. All assessments are guided by the DESE CAP documents and the 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers.


Throughout PRPIL, a teacher works with two partners: a mentor chosen by the teacher during the application process and an Instructional Consultant assigned by Class Measures. The mentor functions similarly to a cooperating teacher and is called the Supervising Practitioner on CAP documents. The Instructional Consultant (IC) is called the Program Supervisor on CAPdocuments.


PRPIL includes a total of four classroom observations: 2 announced observations by the Instructional Consultant and 2 unannounced observations by the mentor. These observations must be a minimum of 3-4 weeks apart. The teacher receives both verbal and written feedback following each observation.


PRPIL teachers must assemble a portfolio. All portfolios should include a one page reflection for each Standard,appropriate CAP forms, and 2 pieces of hard evidence for each of the indicators listed below. Portfolios can be submitted in either paper or electronic format.

Standard I: Curriculum, Planning, and Assessment / Standard II: Teaching All Students
A3: Rigorous Standards-Based Unit Design / A3: Meeting Diverse Needs
A4: Well-Structured Lessons / B1: Safe Learning Environment
B1: Variety of Assessment Methods / C2: Maintains Respectful Environment
B2: Adjustments to Practice / D1: Clear Expectations
C3: Sharing Conclusions With Students / D2: High Expectations
Standard III: Family and Community Engagement / Standard IV: Professional Culture
A1: Parent/Family Engagement / A1: Reflective Practice
B1: Learning Expectations / B1: Professional Learning and Growth
C1: Two-Way Communication / C1: Professional Collaboration

3-Way Meetings

During PRPIL there are a minimum of three 3-way meetings which must include the teacher, the Instructional Consultant and the mentor. These meetings are designed to allow for discussion of program requirements, formative and summative feedback, and ongoing evaluation of the portfolio.

Additional details about PRPIL can be found at our website or by calling the Class Measures office.

100 Tower Park Drive, Suite A781-939-5699Revised

Woburn, MA 01801 2016