History of Science (Part II) :Cosmology
Recall: Galileo
Telescopic observation
Moons of Jupiter
Phases of Venus
Promoted Copernicus
Defended Copernican system
Dialogue of the Two World Ssytems
Tried by the Inquisition (1633)
Discourse on Two New Sciences (1637): kinematics
No treatment of causes of motion
Newton: Principia (1687)
Law 1 Every body continues in its state of rest, or uniform motion in a straight line, unless compelled to change by forces acting on it
Law 2: The change in motion is proportional to the force impressed, and in the direction of the force
Law 3: To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to contrary parts
Summ: N2
F = force acting
F = mam = mass
a = accel
- force causes accel (F = 0 ↔ a = 0)
- accel is proportional to force acting
3. accel is inversely proportional to mass of object
4. inertial mass is constant
Law 4: Universal Law of Gravitation
FG = GMm/r2
FG= force of gravity
M= mass of one object
m = mass of other object
r = separation of objects
G = constant (6.6x 10-11)
Unites terrestrial and celestial gravity
Force on apple = force on planets
- FG v. weak force (G extremely small)
FG only seen when one mass is a planet
- FG always attractive
- FG acts instantaneously across huge distances
- M,m = inertial mass (see N2)
Newton’s Cosmos
1. Force of gravity –
Attractive, weak, infinite range
2. Univ. infinite in time (eternal)
no beginning, no end
3. Univ. finite in content
Gravity would crush universe
Olber’s paradox
4. Space – infinite?
Space and time a fixed stage
19th century cosmology
- Improved telescopes
Distances to stars
- Photography
Improved images
- Spectroscopy
Analysis of starlight
Spectral lines of known elements
The Great Debate 1900-1920
- Detection of the distant nebulae
- Stars within Milky Way ? (Shapley)
Measured diameter of Milky way – enormous
- Galaxies outside Milky Way ? ( Curtis )
Motion too great to be confined to Milky way
Emission lines doppler-shifted : Vesto Slipher
- Measurement of distance to nebulae (Hubble, 1925)
Cepheid variables
Much larger than diameter of Milky Way
Conclude: many distant galaxies !
Hubble’s Law
- Detected galaxies outside Milky Way
Cepheid variables
- Combined with velocity measures of nebulae (galaxies)
Vesto Slipher
- Relation between distance and velocity of a galaxy
Hubble’s Lawv = Hod(1929)
Linear relation
Ho = slope = measure of expansion rate
uncertain due to distance calc
- Hubble’s Law II (1931)
more accurate
measurements of distance to 40 galaxies – Hubble
measurement of 40 redshifts – Humason (assistant)
Albert Einstein (1867-1955)
Special Relativity (1905): breakdown of Newtonian mechanics
at high velocities
Speed of light universal const
Distance, time and mass velocity-dependent!
Mass-energy (E = mc2)
General Relativity (1915) : breakdown of Newtonian mechanics
at high gravitational fields
Gμν = -kTμν(10 eqs)
Geometry of space-time (Gμν) is determined by distribution
of matter and energy (Tμν)
“Gravity = distortion of space-time by mass”
geometric properties of space-time
(curvature and expansion)
properties of matter
(density and state of motion)
GR and cosmology
Note: 10 equations of GR : solutions?
Note: Assume Cosmological Principle:
U is homogeneous
U is isotropic
Note : Solutions of GR equations are dynamic
(U expanding or contracting)
Solutions: Einstein, deSitter, Friedmann,Lemaitre
1. Einstein’s cosmology
Believed U static, unchanging
Introduced cosmological constant λ for static U
Gμν + λgμν = -kTμν
Note: Failed to predict expanding U
Greatest blunder
Rejected Friedmann solns
2. Alexander Friedmann
Solns of GR (1922) assuming Cosmological Principle
No cosmological constant: space-time dynamic
Expanding U: balloon model
Density of matter = clock
Friedmann Models
Closed U: gravity > expansion (+ve curvature)
Open U: gravity < expansion (-ve curvature)
Flat U : gravity = expansion (flat U)
- Def: critical density of matter dc
If density of U > dc → U eventually collapse
If density of U < dc → U expand forever
2. Define Ω = d/dc
Ω > 1→U eventually collapse
Ω 1→U expand
Ω = 1→Dividing line
3. Georges Lemaitre
Mathematician and physicist (Louvain)
Astronomy at Cambridge, Harvard and MIT
1.Solns of GR (1922) assuming Cosmological Principle
No cosmological constant: space-time dynamic
Expanding U: balloon model
Independent of Friedmann
Three Models
Closed U: gravity > expansion (+ve curvature)
Open U: gravity < expansion (-ve curvature)
Flat U : gravity = expansion (flat U)
- Compares to astronomical measurements
Dynamic U and Slipher redshifts
Obscure journal(1927)
- Shows to Einstein (1927)
Referred to Friedmann’s work
- Republished in 1931 (Eddington)
Hubble’s law causes Eddington rethink
Redshift section missing?
Hubble’s Law and relativity
Linear relation between distance and velocity of a galaxy
Red-shifted galaxies: receding source
Coverted redshift to recession velocity v
Hubble’s Lawv = Hod(1929)
Ho = slope = measure of expansion rate, of K.E.
- difficult to measure due to distance calc
Hubble’s Law II (1931)
Measurements of distance to 40 galaxies – Hubble
Measurement of 40 redshifts – Humason (assistant)
Hubble’s Law and relativity
Einstein accepts dynamic universe (1931)
Eddington, Einstein consider new universe
Lemaitre paper republished (1931)
Lemaitre/Friedmann model accepted
Note: redshift due to stretching of space-time (expansion)
Note: gravity prevents expansion locally
Origin of Universe
Reverse expansion: age of U ~ 1/Ho(if const)
Lemaitre (1931): cataclysmic origin to U
super-hot genesis of U
singularity predicted by GR
Lemaitre (1931): primeaval atom
process of radioactive decay?
Problem: Hubble age ~ 2 billion yr (faulty Ho)
Conflict with age of oldest stars: ~ 12 billion yr
Suggests: open U
Resolution: Modern value for Ho reduced
Age of U ~ 13.7 billion yr
Big Bang Model
George Gamow: prelim BB theory (1946)
Eextended model of Friedmann, Lemaitre
All Friedmann expanding models can be reversed back
intergalatic distance = 0
density of matter = ∞
curvature of space-time = ∞
temperature = ∞
Primordial state: neutons, protons, electrons + radiation
Expansion + cooling
Formation of atomic matter: 75% H, 25% He
Alpher, Bethe and Gamow (1948):
radiation should remain as cosmic backgound field
Temp ~ 5 Kelvin
Steady State model of U
Gold, Hoyle, Bondi: U expanding but homogenous in time
Perfect Cosmological Principle
Expansion rate constant
De Sitter soln of GR equations
Necessitates continuous creation for balance
Evidence that U was different in the past would rule it out
Hoyle: coined term Big Bang in derision
Cosmic Background Radiation
Penzias and Wilson (1965): background radiation
Microwave radiation (red-shifted)
Independent of time, place
Extra-galactic source
Black-body spectrum
Temperature: 3 Kelvin
Explanation: Alpher, Bethe and Gamow (1948):
Dicke and Peebles (1965)
CBR Leftover from Big Bang
Correct spectrum, temp
Main evidence for Big Bang
Cosmic background radiation: theory
Radiation produced in early stages of primordial fireball
Electrons stripped off atoms – plasma
Up to 300,000 yr after BB:
U as hot as the sun
opaque to light
photon scattering
As universe cools:
atoms form
photon scattering reduced
U transparent
Cosmic Microwave Background:
relic of radiation at recombination
u.v radiation
red-shifted by U expansion
observed at microwave frequencies
Expansion problems
1. Ho= measure of expansion rate
= measure of K.E. of U
2. Ω = measure of density of U
= measure of P.E. of U
3. Expansion = competition Hovs Ω
4. Neither Ho, Ω specified by Friedmann eq
5. Originally Ω ≈ 1
6. Nowadays Ω ≈ 0.3 ? (observation)
Suggests most matter is dark
7. Cosmological flatness problem
(see inflation)
Evidence for Big Bang
1.Hubble’s Law
Expansion of U
2. Cosmic background radiation (1965)
Temperature, uniformity, extra-galatic
3. Stellar composition
Nucleosynthesis of the elements
Hydrogen and helium proportions
3. Baryongenesis (Sakharov)
Early U baryon-symmetric
Slight preference for baryons during cooling
Huge numbers of photons
4. Stellar age
Agrees with reversed Friedmann model
5. Space-time structure (1992)
Wrinkles in CMB
Big Bang problems
- Spacetime singularity at beginning (BH)
-extrapolation of GR to quantum times incorrect?
-need quantum gravity
- Flatness problem
Ω must ≈ 1 (GR: deviations accelerate)
Observation : Ω ≈ 0.3
- Horizon problem
Large-scale smoothness of U
Faster than light communication?
≈ 1
- Acceleration of U (Supernova evidence)
- reintroduce cosmological constant
- energy density of vacuum
- causes gravity to push
- reconciles inflation with low Ω
Solution: Inflation (Guth, 1981)
Original expansion much more rapid
Black Holes
Schwarzschild (1916): exact soln of GR for point-like star
gravity so intense in vicinity, light can’t escape
Chandresekar (1930s): theory of stellar evolution
“stars of large mass cannot evolve into white dwarfs”
Oppenheimer (1939): calculated collapse of star to body of extreme density that swallows everything in vicinty
Wheeler (1950): Black Holes
“regions of space-time in state of extreme gravitational collapse”
Penrose (1965): collapse of any massive star must end in singular space-time point (BH): proof
Hawking and Penrose (1970): Grand Cosmological Theorem
U begins where BH ends: spacetime singularity
1970s: Evidence of BH
Cygnus X-1: BH paired with star
2000: many BH detected
Supermassive BH at center of our galaxy
- Particle physics and cosmology (1980s)
- Flatness problem
Ω originally ≈1, now Ω= 0.3?
- One solution: cosmic inflation
Hugely accelerated expansion during at start of BB
Phase transition accompanied by vacuum energy
Ω →1
(Huge balloon is flat)
- New evidence: U speeding up
cosmic repulsion
- New cosmological const in GR
Energy density of vacuum
- Exactly what is need to cause inflation
Reconciles inflation with Ω= 0.3
Modern measurements and GR
- Ripples in microwave background (1992)
fluctuations in density, amplified by gravity
2. Gravity waves (1990s)
shock waves from cataclysmic event
-indirect evidence
3. Gravitational lensing (1980s)
gravity of galaxy splits light from star
rejoins when galaxy past
ring of light seen
used as lens system in astonomy
4. Acceleration of U (1998)
Not predicted by Friedmann (GR)
Soln: new cosmological constant in GR
5. U has flat geometry (2000)
Measurements of angular variations of CMB
Ω =1
Acceleration of U
Experimental measurements (1998-)
Not predicted by Friedmann solns (GR)
Suggests: dark energy- new cosmological constant
Most likely:energy density of vacuum = ρ
Gμν + = 8ΠG (Tμν + ρgμν)
predicted by quantum theory
particle-antiparticle creation/annihilation
virtual particles
causes gravity to push instead of pull
could cause flat U with acceleration