Existing Course:

Perfa 360 Computer Drafting: Vectorworks & CAD based programs(3 units)

This course will provide students with hands-on training in Vectorworks and an overview of other CAD programs including AutoCAD. Students will learn how to draft light plots, sound plots, scenery and scenic elements, and stage spaces for practical application as production designers for dance. Students will work with both wireframe and 3D drafting, modeling and rendering.

Proposal for the addition of Perfa 347 and 348:


Perfa 360 was initially offered as a hybrid learning course to cater to students who had some experience in CAD software allowing more in-depth exploration of other types of CAD software as well as more sophisticated drafting techniques. After offering this course initially we determined that some students required a more in-depth understanding of the computer program separate from drafting applications. The addition of Perfa 347 and 348 will allow us to address this by separating the computer program training into a 1 unit course focused entirely on the applications of the software while allowing 348 to focus on the drafting techniques and applications of the software. Students could take both courses simultaneously or in separate terms depending on their comfort level with the software applications. 360 will still be offered for students who already have a firmer grasp of the CAD software.

The addition of these courses would slightly shift the graduation requirements for the MFA Dance: Design and Production degree. Currently, students are required to take PERFA 360. The addition of Perfa 347 and 348 would change the requirement to EITHER Perfa 360 or Perfa 347 AND 348.


347 and 348 will take the place of 360 in semesters in which they are offered because 347 and 348 together equal 3 units there is no negative impact on the MFA Dance budget. Additionally, Perfa 360 is somewhat prohibitive for Creative Practice students because it is more advanced than many of them are prepared for. Students in Creative Practice could take Perfa 347 and later take either 360 or 348 to advance their understanding if they had an interest. This would potentially have a positive impact on the budget by allowing access to more students. Students entering with an advanced understanding of the program and the process of computer drafting or students having already completed 347 and 348 would still be able to take 360 as amore advanced elective as an individualized study. This would also allow for a potential positive impact on the MFA Dance budget.

Proposed Course Descriptions

Perfa 347 (1 unit) VectorWorks

This course will provide students with hands-on training in the computer aided drafting program VectorWorks. In this course students will learn how to utilize this CAD program as a resource for drafting their scenery, light plots, and sound plots. Students will work with both wireframe and 3D drafting, modeling, and rendering.

Perfa 348 (2 units) Drafting

This course will provide students with hands-on training in scale drawing, drafting, rendering and 3D modeling using computer technology. Students will apply their knowledge of CAD software to generate light plots and sound plots in addition to drafting and rendering scenic elements and stage spaces for practical application as production designers for dance.

Proposed Learning Outcomes:

Perfa 347

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of computer drafting software and its applications.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the applications of CAD software in the field of Production Design for Dance.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of how to retrieve data from lighting plots, sound plots, and scenic drawings provided in vwx file formats.
  4. Utilize CAD programs to generate communication tools such as light plots, sound plots and scale drawings of scenery.

Perfa 348

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of drafting techniques utilized in the field of design and production for dance and how to apply them through the use of computer technology.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the various resources contained within the computer program to enhance your ability to communicate production designs including: wireframe, rendering and 3D modeling.
  3. Utilize CAD programs to develop complete production drawings to enhance your communication as a production designer for dance.