ASAA Executive Meeting

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Percy Page Centre, Edmonton, AB


In Attendance:Dave Jones, PresidentJohn Paton, Executive Director

Kelle Hansen, Member at LargeMichelle Ross, Deputy Director

George Hoyt, Boys Director of AthleticsMichael Steele, Project Assistant

Regrets:Tracy Sullivan, Girls Director of Athletics

Joyce Loucks, Vice-President

Meeting was put into session at 9:15 a.m. by Dave Jones

1.0Adoption of the Agenda
It was moved and seconded to adopt the agenda.

2.0Adoption of the minutes from the Executive Meeting of March 8, 2011
It was moved and seconded to adopt the minutes from the Executive meeting of March 8, 2011.

3.0Adoption of the web minutes from the Executive Meeting of March 8, 2011
It was moved and seconded to adopt the web minutes from the Executive meeting of March 8, 2011.


4.1Financial Statements to April 13, 2011

4.2Budget 2010/11: First draft – ITEM TABLED TO MAY
It was moved and accepted to accept financial statements.

ACTION ITEM: Dave to send a letter to AVA addressing follow up to discussion had in December


5.1Staff (provide in written format to the Executive)
Each of the staff highlighted key items from their report. Items discussed during reports included: Provincials, On-line Coaching initiative, AIAAA conference, zone meetings, ASAA sponsorship, transfer committee, ASRPWF Summit.
ACTION ITEM:ASAA to send a letter to superintendents to acknowledge those schools that have stepped up to host provincials.

Brief comments were provided by everyone.

6.0Business arising

6.1March meeting Action Item updates.
Action items were reviewed and discussed.

6.2Alberta Bowl
All correspondence was reviewed and discussed.

It was moved and seconded that no further disciplinary action will be taken.

ACTION ITEM:John to write a letter for Dave to sendregarding Alberta Bowl

6.3Updates on discipline issues –Updates were provided to the Executive regarding the outcome of the Discipline hearings.

7.0New Business


7.1.1W.P. Wagner – no show fee for wrestling
Correspondence was reviewed and discussed by the Executive.

ACTION ITEM: Write a letter to school explaining that the information wasavailable on the website well in advance to the event. Memo that was sent had a clerical error, however had no bearing on the issue because enough information was provided on the hostwebsite to know what time the weigh-ins were being held.

7.1.2Koinonia Christian – eligibility 19 years old (request – policy not appealable)
It was moved and seconded to accept the request.
Rationale: John was asked to call the AD to ask if he can find any additional information regarding the student’s orphanage records as the date of birth appears unclear.


7.2.1Rural Wrestling: Bonnyville Centralized
It was moved and seconded to accept the bid from Bonnyville Centralized.

7.2.2Provincial Wrestling: Foothills Composite
It was moved and seconded to accept the bid from Foothills Composite.

7.3Most Sportsmanlike Coach Award
The item was discussed. It was determined that two nominees would receive the award.
ACTION ITEM: Executive to review nominations and provide their recommendation to Michelle as soon as possible.

ACTION ITEM: Send a letter to all nominees that did not win, to congratulate them on the nomination.

7.4Media Recognition Award
It was moved and seconded to award Carson Papke of Sylvan Lake News Ltd,with the Media Recognition Award.

7.5Notices of Motion
Item tabled to May meeting.

7.6Transfer Policy/Definition of a Practice
The item was discussed. Executive provided feedback to the both the transfer policy/form and the definition of a practice.

ACTION ITEM: Michelle/John to modify the draft transfer form and definition of a practice to reflect feedback from Executive and to include in the Notices of Motion

7.7AGM schedule and discussion
The AGM agenda was discussed and approved by the Executive.

8.0Next Meeting: Wednesday May 11, 2011 Coast Edmonton Plaza Hotel Downtown, start time 1 pm


Meeting was adjourned at 2:30 pm