Percussion Ensemble
Course Syllabus
J. Thomas,
Band Office (770)819-2521 ext. 283
Course Description
This course is designed to cover the fundamentals of playing percussion instruments and application of musicianship skills to the genre. It is designed to improve the playing skills and knowledge in the areas of mallets, different types of drums, intermediate rhythmic reading, percussion ensemble, sight-reading, and improvisation. The students will gain an appreciation for complexity involved in performing music at a high level. To be an effective member of this organization, students must exhibit a strong work ethic and high level of discipline.
Course Objectives
The students will be able to sight read intermediate level melodic and rhythmic material, play several contrasting styles of timing, and successfully perform appropriate percussion ensemble literature. Students will also receive feedback on their progress throughout the semester.
Course Materials
1) Sticks (for assigned instrument), mallets, practice pads (must) and all additional implements and materials required by the instructors for practices and performances.
2) All sheet music or instructional books required. Including material downloaded from the band website.
3) One or more sharpened pencils for use at every rehearsal or class (No pens except a hi-lighter)
4) 3-ring binder with sheet protectors to hold music, lined and music staff paper.
Classroom Procedures:
➢All students will be in the band room when the tardy bell sounds. You will have 5 minutes to get assigned instruments and be set.
➢ Book bags that do not fit in your instrument locker should be placed in the back of the band room during class and for after school rehearsals—not atyour seat.
➢At the end of rehearsal, instruments should be placed in it’s proper storage area.
➢ When the conductor is on the podium there is no talking, when the conductor steps off the podium you may talk quietly if at all necessary.
Student Evaluation: Students will be graded by the following categories.
Final Exam (Written) 20%
Performances 20%
Test (Written) 15%
Test (Playing) 15%
*Daily Participation 30%
* Participation points
- Having Instrument(along with folder, music, sticks, mallets, ect.) - 10 pts.
- Concert Etiquette - 5 pts
- Being in designated area - 5 pts
All daily grades are worth 20 points a day. This will equal out to 100 points a week.
Make-up assignments: Students are responsible for making up a missing assignment (written test, playing test) before the end of a grading period (when report cards go out). After the grading period has passed, the assignment will be given a Z in the grade book with indicate that the assignment was not completed or was not made up. Please check pinnacle on a weekly base to keep up with your grades. If an assignment is given right at the end of a grading period and you are absent, that grade can be made up.
Attendance: Students are expected to adhere by the PebblebrookHigh School attendance policies. Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is expected of each student throughout the school year. This includes after-school rehearsals as well. Individual situations in which a rehearsal will be missed must be discussed well in advance with the director. Should prior notice not be given, the absence will be considered “unexcused”. However, personal illness and certain other circumstances for which prior notice has not been given will be considered "excused" absences (determined by the band director). These absences must be accompanied by a note signed by a parent/guardian and given to the band director on the student's return to school. "Unexcused" absences may not be made-up, and will result in a lowering of the student's band grade.
* A special note on performance attendance
Attendance at all performances is MANDATORY. The only excused absences that will
be allowed are as follows: extreme personal illness, death in the immediate family,
awedding in the immediate family (sister, brother, parent), or legitimate religious
obligation/observance. It is the student’s responsibility to find transportation to school should a parent/guardian be unable. Any other conflicts must be presented to thedirector in writing (signed by a parent/guardian) with at least two weeks advanced notice.
Major Discipline: Fighting, Disrespect of faculty and staff, Theft, Intentional damaging of equipment and property, Profanity, Insubordination of instruction.
1. Automatic Discipline Referral to Administration.
2. Referral and No participation with band.
3. Dismissed from program at the end of the semester.
Minor Discipline: Excessive talking, Out of area, horse playing, Eating, Drinking or chewing gum, Throwing objects, doing other assignments during instructional time, etc.
1. Warning and Parent call.
2. Isolation music room and Detention
3. Referral to Administration (continued)
Appropriate Listening When Someone Else is Talking
It is expected that when a staff member is talking, you address him or her with your eyes and with full attention. We believe you should have enough self-respect that you would honor this request.
Inappropriate Talking
When a staff member is talking, you should not be talking. If another student talks to you at an inappropriate time, don’t respond. He or she will get the message.
Instrument Rooms
- Only instruments and music will be placed in the instrument rooms. Noclothes or text books from other classes.
- Only percussionist should enter the percussion room
- Only tuba players should enter the tuba room
Expectation Agreement Form
I have read, understand, and will comply with all rules and procedures. I believe that we are responsible for making rehearsals run smoothly. I am willing to do my part!
Student SignatureDate
Parent SignatureDate
Parent Home Phone NumberParent Cell Phone Number
(Not Student)(Not Student)
Parent Work Phone NumberParent Email Address