PeopleAdmin 7.0 Upgrade
Job Aid

(Updated Oct 19, 2012)

NOTE: The PeopleAdmin 7.0 system works best with the Mozilla Firefox or Safari browser. Some issues may occur with older Internet Explorer versions, Google Chrome or other less common browsers.

Purpose for upgrade:

The new system allows for improved access to users, easier understanding for the navigation of the site and improved functionality.


1.  You will need to login with your e-mail account

2.  Can reset your own password.

3.  Can send the position back or forward one level in the approval process.

4.  All actions are assigned to individuals.

5.  Department Fiscal Managers will now be able to view and make changes prior to the position going to Budget.

New PeopleAdmin Site:

End User Website:

Initial login, use your MSU Denver email address for both your User Name and Password.

Once you log-in you will need to set up a new personal password.

NOTE: If you get locked out of the system, you will need to contact HR to reset your password.

Applicant Website: –

Users will need to create a User Account in order to apply for positions.

Training Site (available for practice):

Test site:

You should be able to log in with your personal user name and password.

NOTE: If you get locked out of the system, you will need to contact HR to reset your password.

System overview:

System Sections / Tabs / Current Function
(graphic bar at the top of the page will be blue) / Home
Inbox - Action Items
Access postings, hiring proposals and position actions that are awaiting approval
Watch List - used to monitor status of postings, hiring proposals and position actions that are in the approval or posting process. / Postings
Creates a new posting for a position to be filled
(Submitted to EO
for approval but
does not go through
full approval process) / Hiring Proposals
Not currently used
Notification and training will be provided when Hiring Proposal function
is implemented / Used when you are posting an approved position to be filled. Positions must go through approval process in the Position Management section prior to posting
Position Management
(graphic bar at the top of the page will be orange) / Home
Inbox - Action Items
Access postings, hiring proposals and position actions that are awaiting approval
Watch List - used to monitor status of postings, hiring proposals and position actions that are in the approval or posting process. / Position Descriptions
Used to view, modify or create positions or view position actions in process.
Positions must go through approval process in the Position Management section prior to posting / Classifications
Used to view classification categories within employee groups / Used for creating/modifying a position for submission to approval process; viewing current positions or position actions and viewing classification categories

Watch list - You have the ability to track where an action is and get notifications as it moves along the change of approval. As the Initiator you can watch it at all times and see it move through the process. As it goes to the next level of approval you will receive a new notification.

You can move to the different sections by using the drop down in the upper right corner.

NOTE: Switching between the system sections works best from the Home page.

Adjusting your User Profile:

You can make a variety of adjustments using the “My Profile” area

This option is listed at the top of the page beside the “Help” function

When you click on “My Profile” you will be able to view the summary account information that has been added to the system. When you click on the “Edit” link by “User Details” you will have some additional options available to you.

You can also verify or update your user profile – Name, Email, Phone Number, etc.

Preferred Group On Login - You can choose the default User Role you would use most often. The preferred group will vary depending on how you most often use the system.

Example: If you are responsible to create or modify positions on a regular basis – you may want to select the “Initiator” role as your preferred group at login.

If you are in an approver role – you may want to select the approver status role you use most often (i.e. Supervisor, Department Chair, Dean’s Office, Vice President, etc.) as your preferred group at login.

Default Product Module - You can select the Applicant Tracking section or the Position Management section to be your default section upon login.

To save your selections, just click on the orange “Update User” button.

Manage Email – In “My Profile”, you will also see a second tab titled “Manage Email” (right beside the Summary tab).

On this tab you can manage what email notifications you receive for a variety of system or position events. If you do not want to receive email notifications for particular events, you can click on the “Opt out” box.

Other Options – Using the orange “Take Action on User” button in the upper right corner, you can also access the Edit Profile screen or the Manage System Email screen.

In addition, you can:

·  Request a Group Change

·  Manage your password

·  Manage User Documents - this includes Application documents and Posting documents

Position Management User Roles:

You will have different User Roles available to you within the system – these will vary depending on your responsibilities within your department. They are accessed using the drop down box in upper right of the system but PLEASE NOTE: you must click on the refresh function to activate that role in the system.

User Roles / Ability
Employee / Can only view your user profile within the system
Initiator / Role for initiating any action – assures position will move through all steps of the approval process.
Can create and modify all employee types available in department
Will submit department Faculty positions to Department Chair for approval
Will submit department Admin/Classified positions to Hiring Manager for approval
Department Chair / Will review Initiator created actions for department Faculty Positions
Will submit Faculty positions to Department Fiscal Manager for approval
Hiring Manager / Will review Initiator created actions for dept. Administrative and Classified Positions
Will submit Admin/Classified positions to Next Level Supervisor for approval
Supervisor / Will review all actions for department Administrative and Classified Positions
Will submit Admin/Classified positions to Department Fiscal Manager for approval
Department Fiscal Manager / Will review actions for all employee types within department
Will submit department Faculty positions to Dean’s Office for approval
Will submit department Admin/Classified positions to VP for approval
Dean’s Office / Will review actions for department Faculty positions
Will submit Faculty positions to Deputy Provost/Provost for approval
Vice President / Will review actions for area Administrative and Classified Positions
Will submit Admin/Classified positions to Budget for approval
Deputy Provost / Will review actions for all Faculty positions
Will submit Faculty positions to Budget for approval
Budget / Can review all employee positions
Will submit all positions to HR for approval
HR / Can review all employee positions
Will submit Faculty positions to EO for review
If Administrative position is being filled, will submit to EO for review
Will approve Administrative “fill” position after EO review.
If Classified position is being filled, will approve position for posting
Will approve both Administrative and Classified non-“fill” positions
EO / Will review and approve actions for all Faculty positions
Will review all Administrative “fill” positions for posting
Will return to HR for final approval
Search Chair or Screening Committee Member / The roles will be assigned to you when you are serving or chairing a search committee and will be addressed in the Applicant review process

Position Descriptions & Classifications:

All completed job descriptions active (not in process) in PeopleAdmin 5.8 as of September 4th were loaded into the new PeopleAdmin 7.0 system. All positions created after that date or were in process (in the Action state) will need to be submitted into the new PeopleAdmin 7.0 by the individual departments.

Position Descriptions are found under the Position Description tab in the Position Management section using the following listings:

Administrative / All approved, active Administrative positions
Faculty / All approved, active Tenure, Tenure-track, Visiting and Affiliate faculty positions
Classified / All approved, active Classified positions
Administrative Actions / All pending Administrative positions that are in the Action state awaiting final approval
Faculty Actions / All pending Tenure, Tenure-track, Visiting and Affiliate faculty positions that are in the Action state awaiting final approval
Classified Actions / All pending Classified positions that are in the Action state awaiting final approval

Classifications are found under the Classifications tab in the Position Management section and represent the underlying classes for the individual Faculty and Staff positions. You can look at the classification titles and view all of the information for each of the different employee groups.

CREATING A NEW POSITION: (See below for Updating and Modifying a current position.)

In Initiator role: Under Position Description, select the desired employee group (Administrative, Faculty or Classified)

A search window will appear. In the upper right hand corner of the search window, click on the orange “Create New Position Description”

A pop-up box will appear. Select “New Position Description”

Input position title in the supplied text box and select the department using the supplied drop down box.

Click on the orange “Start Action” button located above the position title text box.

Option: Cloning a position:

You can now clone a similar position and then update the job description information to reflect the duties and requirements for the new position. You can only clone positions which are available to you in the departments you have access to.

NOTE: Use with caution and make sure to review all fields to assure that information is accurately updated!

You will see the Cloning option below the area where you input the Position Title and Department.
Note: You must select the position you would like to clone before completing these fields.

Locate the position that you would like to clone – if you have several positions listed in the Position Description area, you can use the “Filter these results” option to search for the position using Position Title, Position Number or Department.

Select the position you would like to clone using the radio button beside the position title.

Complete the Position Title and Department fields and then click on the orange “Start Action” button located above the position title text box.

As you move through the areas containing the Position Description information, the fields will pre-populate with the information from the position description you are cloning.

Note: You will need to verify the classification is correct for the new position. Also, be sure to remove the position number (the position number from the cloned position will carry over). The new position number will be assigned during the approval process

As mentioned above, PLEASE review each area to make sure the information contained does reflect the correct information for the new position. We need to assure the job description is accurate for the position.

Purpose - Using the drop down box, you will need to select the type of request from the following listings:

Selection / Applies to:
Change in Reporting Relationship / Change in Supervisor for position.
New position / Creating a new position that does not currently exist at the University.
Reallocation – existing position
(Used for Classified positions only) / Review Classified position duties for possible change in classification.
Review for Appropriate Salary / Review for possible compensation adjustment.
Review for Proper Classification
(Used for all employee types – Admin, Faculty and Classified) / Review for possible allocation to different classification.
Review for Possible Exemption / Review for possible exemption from the State Classified system (Conversion of Classified position to Admin)
Review for Title and Possible Change Comparison / Review for possible title change and request possible compensation adjustment.
Title Change Only / Change to position’s working title.
Update/Modify Job Description / Revision of job description duties and responsibilities, qualifications, etc.

For a brand new position, you would select “New position” and, in the “What is the purpose of this request?” text box, detail any information regarding the new position. Example: “New department position approved by Board of Trustees in June session” NOTE: Both the type of request and purpose of request are required fields.

After completing these fields, click on the orange “Next” box on the right side of the screen.

Proposed Classification – You will then select the appropriate classification on the next screen. You can click on the classification title to view the details of the individual classification. This classification will be reviewed by HR during the approval process. Select the radio button by the desired classification and then click on the orange “Next” box on the right side of the screen.

Position Details – At a minimum you will need to complete the required fields but we highly recommend completing as much of the form as possible. NOTE: there is now a “Check Spelling” option at the top of the form! Once you have completed the position details, click on the orange “Next” box on the right side of the screen.

EClass Code – Within the Position Details Information you are required to select the appropriate EClass Code. We have included the chart on the next page to assist you with selecting the appropriate EClass Code for a new or updated position.

NOTE: If you have cloned a position and need to update the department - any department changes must be completed by HR. Please contact HR and work directly with them to update the department and assure the proper routing in PeopleAdmin for the position!

E Class Code / Position Number Type / Applies to:
Admin < FT without benefits / E XXX / Use for FTE less than .5 (50%)
Admin < FT with benefits / E XXX / Use for FTE greater than .5 (50%) but less than 1.00 (100%)
Full Time Administrators / E XXX / Use for 1.00 (100%) FTE
(Default for a Full-time Admin position)
Classified Salaried Exempt / C XXX / Classified position that are NOT eligible for overtime (E : Exempt)
Classified Salaried Non-Exempt / C XXX / Classified position that are eligible for overtime (NE : Non-Exempt)
Classified Part-Time / C XXX / Classified positions less than 1.0 (100%). Regular positions, not Temp
FT FACULTY – Trans Retirees / F XXX / Must be retired Faculty
Part-Time Affiliate Faculty / Affiliate positions only / Use for Affiliate Faculty Pooled Positions
FT Faculty - 10 mo with benes / F XXX / Use for Regular Faculty appointments
(Default for a standard faculty position)
Full Time Faculty – Def Pay / F XXX / Use for 12 month Faculty appointments

Required Documents - You will need to attach or create the following required documents: