People Support Services
Foundation Level
Application Form
Closing Date for receipt of Applications midday Monday 30thOctober 2017
Applications should be emailed to .
Section 1
Personal DetailsLast Name:First Name(s):
Contact Telephone number(s)
Preferred email address
Do you have any special assessment requirements that need to be considered during the assessment process? (e.g. reading or writing difficulties etc). If so please give brief details.
Section 2
The following questions will give you the opportunity to outline your knowledge and experience in relation to key elements of role.
Please provide details of your personal contribution in relation to each question, including the outcome of your actions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Whilst there are no specific questions in relation to Equality and Diversity, you should include the equality aspects and your considerations throughout your application.
In addition, your application will also be assessed against the Personal Qualities and attributes for the role, including your ability to communicate effectively in a clear and concise way.
This information will be used during the shortlisting process to identify candidates for progression to the next stage.
In particular, when providing your responses, you should consider:
What was the situation?
What was the task?
What did you do?
What was the outcome?
Skills Knowledge and ExperiencePlease tell us about your cleaning experience including how long you have worked; where you have worked; the type of premises worked in; your understanding of COSHH and Health and Safety matters and the cleaning duties you were responsible for.
(Max up to 1000 words)
Commitment to Development
Please give examples of any courses you have attended to show your commitment to your development, explain the process of how you decided on the courses you attended and include any qualifications you have been awarded.
(Max of 500 words)
Adaptability and Openness to Change
Please give an example that demonstrates your flexibility in the working environment and/or how you assist colleagues within the organisation.
(Max of 500 words)
Working with Others
Co-operation and working with others is an important factor to be considered, please give details of how you can demonstrate this.
(Max of 500 words)
Please ensure that you complete the monitoring form below
Equal Opportunities Monitoring Questionnaire
This information WILL NOT be used in any way when shortlisting or deciding on whether an applicant is successful or unsuccessful in obtaining employment. The information is for monitoring purposes and will be removed from your application before it is processed. This information willallow us to collect equality data to help us to ensure that our recruitment and selection procedures are fair. This information may be used to update internal personal records.
NAME Marital Status
GENDER (Double Click on the appropriate box and choose checked)
Male FemaleTransgender
Age: _____Years ______Months Date of Birth: ____/______/______
ETHNIC GROUP(Double Click on the appropriate box and choose checked)
Asian/Asian British Mixed
IndianWhite and Black Caribbean
PakistaniWhite and Black African
BangladeshiWhite and Asian
*Please specify______*Please specify______
Black/Black British White
*Please specify______*Please specify______
Chinese or Other
*Please specify______
Religion or similar belief:
Prefer not to state
Other religion/similar belief (please state) ______
Disability: Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No
Sexual Orientation
Prefer not tostate