Communications and Public Relations Committee
Friday, October 1, 2010
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Communications and Public Relations Committee
Conference Call
October 1, 2010
PresentStaff Present
Dr. David A. Tecosky, Chair (1)Rob Pugliese
Dr. Joseph E. Ross, Vice Chair (9) Director of Communications
Dr. John L. Meci (2)Natalie Kinsinger
Dr. Randy R. Nolf (3) Web Content & Graphic Design Manager
Dr. Constance L. Wilson (6) Rachel Damrauer
Dr. William Weaver (8), Trustee-Liaison Communications Coordinator
Dr. Bruce Terry (2), Editor
Dr. John B. Nase (2), ADA Consultant
Dr. V. Lynne Cochran (10)
Dr. Joseph J. Kohler III (9), Associate Editor
Dr. Brian Mark Schwab (4), Associate Editor
Call to Order
Dr. David Tecosky, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:41 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
On a Meci/Wilson motion, the council unanimously approved the minutes from the
June 11, 2010, meeting.
Old Business
2011 National Children’s Dental Health Month (NCDHM)
Ms. Natalie Kinsinger reported on NCDHM’s new characters for the 2011 program and reported that Applebee’s and Rita’s have been contacted for incentives. Rita's participation appears likely, while multiple calls to Applebee's have yet to be returned. (Secretary’s Note: On October 6, Rita's contacted Ms. Amber Wickard, informing her they are unable to participate in NCDHM this year and to contact them next year.)
Ms. Wickard distributed the call for chair nominations memo in September.
News Releases
Ms. Rachel Damrauer reported on news releases distributed this year and the topics lined up for the next several releases. Our recent release on TMD generated a feature story in the Carlisle Sentinel.
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Communications and Public Relations Committee
Friday, October 1, 2010
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Pennsylvania Dental Journal
Mr. Robert Pugliese reported that the advertising revenue generated this year compared to last year has remained steady and noted that printing, design and mailing costs have not risen significantly. The committee agreed that display advertising rates should be increased slightly in 2011 rather than having to implement a larger increase in a couple years.
The committee directed Mr. Pugliese and Dr. Bruce Terry to review the current display advertising rates and consider a nominal increase not to exceed 3 percent (10/01CCPRDA1).
Mr. Pugliese reported on upcoming Journal articles, and for 2011, Dr. Terry would like to profile multi-generational dental families. The committee suggested names of families that could be highlighted. The committee was asked for article suggestions. Members' personal interests/hobbies, bucket lists/plans after dentistry and a feature on PDA retired-life membership were suggested.
Minutes Procedure
Ms. Kinsinger explained that the new committee meeting minutes procedure dictates that minutes be posted on the PDA Social Network and require majority approval before being posted on the PDA website. Web summaries are no longer needed. All meeting documents also will be posted on the Social Network under CPRC's group library as opposed to being e-mailed.
Website Redesign
Ms. Kinsinger reported that staff is working on the newly redesigned website, with the goal of a late-October or early November launch.
PDA Twitter and LinkedIn Accounts
Ms. Kinsinger reported that PDA's Twitter and LinkedIn accounts were created at the end of September. Committee members who have accounts with either site were urged to follow PDA's postings.
Public Relations Consultant
Dr. Tecosky and Mr. Pugliese reported on the effectiveness of biweekly ADA/CLS Public Affairs Program conference calls with Sean Connolly. The calls have helped all involved stay on top of local and national issues and proactively discuss possible upcoming issues.
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Communications and Public Relations Committee
Friday, October 1, 2010
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Patient Bill of Rights
Ms. Camille Kostelac-Cherry provided committee members with a memo stating the background of the Patient Bill of Rights and how it came about as part of the statewide marketing plan in 1998. It was used on brochures and plaques available for member purchase as well as advertisements. Very few brochures or plaques were purchased by members. After the marketing plan was discontinued in 2001, the Patient Bill of Rights no longer had a marketing vehicle, but has remained on the PDA website. Concerns have been recently raised that the document opens members up to legal trouble if a patient's "rights" are violated. Staff informed the committee that we have never had any problems or negative feedback about the Bill of Rights. The committee reviewed and discussed the document. Because they did not believe it needed major changes, nor believed it to be worthy of marketing expenses, on a Meci/Nolf motion, they unanimously voted to sunset it. The committee agreed that instead of touting patient rights, PDA should publicize the PDA core values. Committee members will use the social network to discuss what core values they'd like to highlight,and staff will write and distribute a news release, as well as post the information on the website.
New Business
Strategic Planning Focus for 2010/2011/Priorities
The committee feels that all of CPRC’s projects fit under PDA’s Strategic Plan and should be continued status quo. As additional goals for 2011, CPRC will continue to look for ways to use social media to promote PDA to dentists, non-members and the public. In an effort to reach more members with blast e-mails, staff will work with Ms. Mary Donlin, membership director, to explore ways to capture member e-mail addresses.
Upcoming Meetings
The next CPRC meeting dates are Friday, January 14, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., and Friday, June 10, 2011, at 9:30 a.m. Both meetings are conference calls. Staff informed the committee of the PDA Leadership Symposium to be held May 20-21, 2011. The committee declined the option of scheduling a meeting for May 20.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 p.m.
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