Millstone Township PTO General Membership Meeting Agenda
April 19, 2016 7 pm- Primary School Library
1. 15 Minute Child Break—Drug Alliance Presentation
2. Welcome and Introductions—Juli Hilbert and Kathy Waslik signed off on the March meeting minutes.
3. PTO Meeting Call to Order at 8:25pm
4. Treasurer’s Report
Concluded Events
· Chocolate Sale- Net income: $2,032. Was a success. Did well with the online portion as well.
· LNO-changes were made and there were a few who didn’t like the changes but overall most people were happy. Made about $10,000 more this year than last year. There were some lessons learned that will be incorporated into the event next year.
Current Events
· Yearbook- Yearbook committee is no longer accepting any new photos as of Thursday 4-14-16.
· Yo Mon and Car Wash Gift Cards—doing well. Sold about 15 of each so far. Sale going til May 5th.
· 1st day of School Supplies—going out this Thursday. Online link is active. Pick up will be a day in August. Sale will be extended through June.
· Spring Clothing Drive-Saturday April 23, 9am – 2pm—make sure stuff is put in plastic bags and that the things are dropped of by 2pm.
Upcoming Events
· Teacher Appreciation Week- May 2 – 6—doing it different this year. Pauline Schmitt is going to organize the breakfast with Black Bear…Shoprite is going to provide the lunch. Anita is going to help organize…there was so much excess last year so we want to tone it down. A day to raffle off gift cards. Try not to fatigue the parents and ask for too much. Something small like a card or candy. Class moms can still celebrate the week on their own, but they need to make it clear it is optional and not a PTO-sponsored event.
· Flower Sale- Friday, May 6—right before Mother’s Day weekend—week of Teacher Appreciation Week…Cub scouts can plant in both schools if there are any left over. Last year there really weren’t any left over. Send the notice out through the coordinators in case people need it. Going to the schools the Wednesday and Thursday before to show the kids the flowers.
· Mother Son Event- Friday, May 20—rented out the Sports Zone—putting kids in teams. Photo Booth for a keepsake, prizes for kids…forms went out. So far about 110 people attending. Tickets selling out fast.
· Father Daughter Dance- Friday, June 3 –have a DJ and the theme is CandyLand—any “father figure” can go. Juli will send the flyer for approval and printing purposes
· 5th Grade Bash- Thursday, June 9—possibly do a Carnival theme and use the decorations from the Father-Daughter Dance-Lisa Pado may have candy jars to put candy in on a table. The DJ is booked. Invitations will be sent to the Administration and teachers.
· 2nd Grade Ice Cream Party- Friday, June 10—Erin is running this.
Important Dates to Remember
· Upcoming School Store dates
o PS- First Wednesday of month- May 4
o ES- First and Third Friday of month- NOT 5/6 due to Flower Sale
· Box Tops/Labels for Education- First Friday of May
· Next General PTO meeting- Tuesday, May 17, 7 pm
Meeting Adjourned: 9:20 pm
Minutes prepared by: Julie Maltese and Colleen Italiano