Accredited by the Western Association of Schools & Colleges

“Home of the SHARKS”

Simon A. Sanchez High School

Weekly School Bulletin

395 Juan Jacinto Road, Yigo, GU 96929

Telephone: (671) 653-2313 Fax: (671) 653-3301

Beth N. Perez


Tuesday, November 15, 2011


- Please make sure you are informing an administrator AND the timekeeper when you leave campus for the day. Also, you MUST sign out in the logbook next to Ms. Jo if you leave campus during the day. Failure to do so may result in you receiving a letter of concern for unauthorized absence.

- Teachers, please submit your PRAXIS survey to me NO later than Wednesday, November 23, 2011 by 12 pm. I will send it to personnel office on that day.- Ms. Jo Leon Guerrero

- Shibasaki Sensei's first article, entitled "Contemporary Recollections, Maintenance, and Retention of the Japanese Language in Palau," has been published in the UOG Journal, "Micronesian Educator." Her research study focuses on documenting elderly Palauans' recollections of their unique experiences in learning the Japanese language. Photocopies are available at Rm 108.

- Christmas Party:

- People, the last day to purchase your ticket for our festive celebration of Christmas is Dec. 2. Tickets are $23. We need to get a head count. Food sales are still on going to help fund the celebration. Food donations will also be accepted to add to our food items for sale.

- We are wanting to make this year's Christmas celebration a fun and memorable activity. We need your help in bringing things together for this festive event. Prizes are needed for things like a raffle, a dance contest, a singing competition, and possibly a pageant. Game ideas and prizes will be greatly appreciated. How great this party will be will depend on all of us pulling together. We also could use the skills of a great DJ. Any possibilities? See any Social Committee member to pass on your response.


●  There will be a PATSO meeting on Wednesday, 11/16/11, at 6:00 pm in the SSHS library.

●  On November 17, Thursday, 205 Sekine H.S. students (from Japan) will be visiting our campus. Please greet our visitors warmly!

●  Cameras have been installed throughout the campus to ensure the safety of students and the security of school resources!

●  Thank you to all the students, staff, faculty, parents, and guardians who made Sharkfest 2011 a BIG success!- SBA Officers & Advisors

●  The SSHS Showcase is February 11, 2012 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Micronesia Mall. In the past, we’ve operated on the talents of 8-10 teachers. Let’s all try to get involved this year. It’s for the students and our school! Students who are interested in performing (singing, dancing, band performances, etc.), sign up with Mr. McCarthy in room 112.

●  The SSHS Math Department is online! Visit:

Their site may also be accessed through Biba Math Department!

●  11TH & 12TH GRADERS: SAT Fee Waivers are now available. Please see Mrs. Galvez @ the Counseling Office.

●  The next SAT Test registration deadline is fast approaching!

Test / Register by / Late Registration (mail, phone, online) / Changes by
Dec. 3 / Nov. 8 / Nov. 20 / Nov. 16

See Ms. Taitano in Counseling or for more information.

●  ATTENTION SENIORS: If you would like information regarding college scholarships, please see Ms. Taitano or Mrs. Galvez in the Counseling Office.

●  Nursing Class will have blood pressure (BP) and body mass index (BMI) screenings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Rm.401 during lunch. Everyone is welcome.

●  The SSHS Student Store & Internet Cafe is open every lunch from 11:50am - 12:15pm in Rm. 302.

●  Sanctuaries, Incorporated AmeriCorps Members are providing Mentoring and Assisting With Homework on Tuesdays from 4:30-5:30 and Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Astumbo Senior center in Astumbo, Dededo.

●  Tutoring is available for all GCC College Access Grant students on Monday and Thursday from 11:30 - 1:00 pm in Room 117B in the library.

●  The CACGP (Guam Community College College Access Challenge Grant Program) tutor schedule is posted on the school website ( A few minor changes were made. Please feel free to contact their office @ 735-5565 or email for any questions or additional information.

●  UOG Americorp is offering tutoring sessions in room 117B from 10:00am-4:00pm.

●  SENIOR CLASS Fundraisers:

Nov. 18:
- Planet Hollywood Lunch Plates (Chicken Teriyaki, Japanese salad, Red Rice, Finadene, Double-chocolate brownie). $7. See any officer or senator. Orders due by Nov. 15
- Cold Stone Night @ GPO, 6pm to 10pm. Pre-sold tickets are available for $5. See any Senior Class officer or senator.
Nov. 19:
Movie Day at the Mall, 10am to 12pm. Movie: Breaking Dawn. $10. Includes food discount. See any officer or senator for tickets.

●  Sophomore Class is hosting “Delmonico Days” all day, every day from November 1, 2011 - November 21, 2011. Twenty percent (20%) of each payment will go to Sophomore Class when a customer presents the “Delmonico Days” flier. You can get fliers from any of the officers (Cheyanne Jesus, Charina Valencia, Camille Zapata, Chelsea Guiang and Veronica Bada) or advisors (Mrs. Shiroma, Room 203 and Mrs. Arriola-Matsumiya, Room 105). Please come and support!

Delmonico is located at the Bayview Hotel - Lobby Level
Phone #: 646-4411
Hours of operation: 6:30 AM - 10: 00 AM (Breakfast)
11:30 AM - 2:00 PM (Lunch)
5:30 PM - 10:00 PM (Dinner)

●  Jostens will be in room 415 during lunch on Nov. 17 & 18 and Dec. 15 & 16.

●  Table Tennis is available daily in room 306 during lunch, except on the first Wednesday of every month.

●  LYM Action Movies during lunch in room 232 every Friday, $1 admittance fee

●  Girls’ Softball meetings, weightroom, Thursdays, 1st half of lunch

●  Mock Trial meetings, after school on Tuesdays, room 304, 3- 5 p.m.

●  Rugby meetings, 1st half of lunch, girls’ locker room, Thursdays

●  Sophomore Class meetings, Mondays, first half of lunch, room 203

●  Nursing Club, Rm. 401, Wednesdays, 1st half of lunch. Students who are not part of the Nursing Program must be sponsored into the club by a member.

●  Principal's Leadership Society meetings, Thursdays, 2nd half of lunch (12:30), Rm. 105. Must be at least a Sophomore to apply.

●  Future Educators of America meetings, Tuesdays, 2nd half of lunch, Rm. 210

●  Junior Class meetings, Thursdays, 1st Half of Lunch, Barn

●  Calling for SHARK PRIDE! Please submit notes of accomplishment for publication on the bulletin and school website.

●  Department Chairs and Club Advisors: Please sign up for a bulletin board/showcase area for your department or club/organization. The map and sign-up sheet is located near the GFT Bulletin Board in the lounge. Thank you and we look forward to seeing new displays on those boards.

●  Website:Visit Ms. Terbio is accepting posts for the school website. Please allow up to 48 hours to see your posting online. Also let her know if you would like your organization’s page updated.

●  As mentioned in the October Newsletter, the school bulletin will now be released on Tuesdays and on Thursdays when needed. Please submit announcements for Tuesday by noon on Monday. For the Thursday bulletin, please submit announcements by noon on Wednesday. E-mail Ms. Terbio () or place announcements in her box in the lounge.

The mission of Simon A. Sanchez High School is to bring our community together in a respectful environment where every participant strives to meet the highest outcome and promotes excellence for all.

Rebecca A.R. Duenas Jolene M.P. Cabrera Melvin Finona Dennis Malilay

Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal