OCTOBER 21, 2011
Board Members Present:Art Pattison, President
Lynn Boyer, Secretary
Norman DeBoisbriand, Director
Board Members
Via Teleconference:Hugh Randall, Vice President
Brooks and Shorey Representation:Ron Shorey, Association Manager
Bill Treon, General Manager
Dan Lee, Maintenance Supervisor Stasia Pavlich, Executive Assistant
Emerald Coast CPA:Robert Anderson, CPA
President Art Pattison called the meeting to order at 10:35 a.m.
A quorum was established with three (3) Board members present.
President Art Pattison advised that the Notice of the meeting was posted in accordance with the By-Laws and Florida Statutes.
Lynn Boyer motioned to waive the reading and approve the Board meeting minutes of September 16, 2011. Art Pattison seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
President: No Report
Vice President: No Report
Secretary: No Report
Treasurer: Association Manager: No Report
Update painting & restoration project – washing windows: Art Pattison stated the project is moving along and the 1,2 and 3 stack are completed on the south side and they are currently working on 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 and working on the far west side. Ron Shorey stated the garbage rooms are being painted as part of the painting contract. Art Pattison stated the stairway walls will be painted, but the steps are not included in the contract. Art Pattison asked Lynn Boyer to notify Dan Smith and have the steps included in the contract. Art Pattison inquired if the windows could be washed while the painting is being done? Ron Shorey recommends insisting that the windows are washed as a stage is completed by the painting contractor. The cages for the vents and the doorstops are being included in the contract.
Elevator service meeting update: Ron Shorey stated he has not set up the meeting yet with the elevator company. Ron Shorey stated he has received several invoices for the same amount and will not pay them and will discuss them with the elevator company.
Shower/walkway discussion update: Art Pattison stated he anticipated more questions at the annual meeting in reference to moving the shower off the walkway. Art Pattison stated all that we need to do now is to stay on the county to repair the walkway and find out when they will replace it.
Flood insurance status: Ron Shorey stated he met with the President of Flood Zone Correction and initially Pelican Isle was denied but was able to get the case reopened and will send Art Pattison a draft letter to send to congressman Jeff Miller. Ron Shorey stated he asked him about the beach renourishment and he was very supportive of the beach renourishment. Ron Shorey stated Flood Zone Correction was able to reduce Azure’s flood insurance premiums by $195,000.00.
Parking space resolution report: Art Pattison stated the title insurance attorney questions the settlement and he requests that John Cottle, the Associations attorney to send the FL statute that confirmed the Boards position. This will take a few more days.
Appointment of two new Board members: Art Pattison recommends appointing Roger Long to the Board, his legal background would be very helpful. Ron Shorey stated Laun Hallstrom is the only person that submitted in writing to volunteer to be on the Board (other then Art, Lynn and Norman) even though his submittal was after the cutoff date as well as David McCombs. Art Pattison motioned to appoint Roger Long to the Board. Norman DeBoisbriand seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Norman DeBoisbriand motioned to appoint Laun Hallstrom to the Board. Lynn Boyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Art Pattison thanked David McCombs for his excellent service on the Board.
Financial update: Foreclosures were discussed. Art Pattison stated there is approximately $200,000.00 in the operating account, which includes the special assessment funds. Ron Shorey stated there are some insurance bills, $61,500.00 which is due in 11 payments of $5,200.00 and does not include the flood and the flood insurance premium of $130,000.00 will be coming in next month.
Establishment procedures for unit repairs: Art Pattison stated included in the meeting package is managements procedure for unit repairs. Ron Shorey stated this is base on FL statutes Chapter 718 and condominium documents. Bill Treon stated if the cause of damage is unit specific it is the owner’s responsibility or their management company to make the necessary repairs. If the cause of the damage is common area the repairs are the Associations expense and management will coordinate the repairs. Norman DeBoisbriand submitted a chart with his idea of repairing damages, which he explained. Ron Shorey said he would like to review the flowchart. Art Pattison stated we could review this at the next Board meeting.
Locks on fitness room/two bathrooms in common area: Art Pattison stated we had complaints about changing the locks on the fitness center and the bathrooms with the thought of keeping homeless people out of these areas. A key would be available to owners and guests at the front desk, but those that do not get a key do not have access to these areas after 5:00 pm when Brooks and Shorey closes the front desk. Bill Treon stated he would purchase three locks that will have keypad codes for entry at $120.00 plus tax, with labor it would cost approximately $600.00 to purchase and install these locks. Art Pattison motioned to approve the installation of the three code locks for the bathrooms and fitness room. Norman DeBoisbriand seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Legal rights concerning all rental agreements & HOA liabilities: Art Pattison stated this was brought to our attention from Roger Long that on VRBO there is a question about limiting liability of the renter to the rentee. Ron Shorey stated we treat VRBO just like a management company. Ron Shorey stated we have nothing from any management company indemnifying the Association from any guest’s injuries and I don’t think that legally you can. Art Pattison stated we could table this until the next Board meeting when Roger Long will be present.
Newsletter to owners with information on the painting/restoration project and various other information: Art Pattison stated he will list in his letter the schedule for when the walkways will be painted, which are subject to change due to scheduling and weather. Bill Treon would have the code for the new door locks available for Art Pattison to include in the letter that will be sent to the owners with the Annual meeting package.
Owner suggestions: No discussion
Norman DeBoisbriand stated he submitted the information that BP requested for the claim.
Art Pattison stated the palm trees are being trimmed and look great.
Art Pattison inquired about the sign lighting. Dan Lee stated he has an electrician coming out to submit a proposal to repair the sign lighting.
Art Pattison stated the balcony light replacement should be paid for out of the painting project.
Thursday, November 17, 2011 at 10:30 a.m. at Brooks and Shorey Resorts
Lynn Boyer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Art Pattison seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50 a.m.