HSS Meeting Notes Valentine’s Day 2016
- National Gallery Proposal
- $1300 for trip to DC
- Passed unanimously
- Busch Gardens Trip Proposal
- Suggested for April 2nd
- Suggested doing zipcars instead of a bus for this trip, so that we’d save the money on the bus
- Admin is concerned with student safety about student drivers
- On the other hand, admin doesn’t have to know...
- The question is whether social committee is ready to deal with the logistical problems of arranging zipcars and student drivers
- Could the date be moved?
- Yes, but it’s been planned for so early because of schoolwork at end of semester
- On the other hand, April 2nd is the UVA dance marathon date
- Food?
- Hereford could provide bagged lunches
- Or, people can pay for their own food
- Avoids logistical problems of Hereford paying for people’s meals
- Heather’s Dance Marathon Proposal
- Plan is to send Herefordians to the dance marathon to raise money for charity
- Send 5 ambassadors, with money raised through bake sale fundraiser
- Event planning has the bake selling approved
- Wants $35 for cookie supplies for 2 bake sales in the coming few weeks
- Tentatively 5 people, because it takes 100 dollars to send someone to the dance marathon, so really the number of ambassadors depends on how much money we raise.
- Currently scheduled for the same date as the Busch Gardens trip, but we’ll see how the cards fall
- Jackson and Maryam’s Dye Proposal
- Brett: What the hell is this
- Marissa: Are the paints made by berries?
- Nick: Are they gonna do it in here? Can we move anything that will stain?
- Dalton’s Announcement
- UVA Sustainability asked Hereford to participate in water challenge between us and Brown and the IRC
- Three stages of challenge
- 1) Reusable water bottles
- 2) Friday water system cleanup trip
- 3) As yet undetermined
- Starts the week after spring break
- Joe’s Pre-Proposal Shpiel
- Hereford relay for life team?
- Social awareness interested in planning something like this?
- John: Yea we got this
- Chinese New Year Recap
- Edwin: Guys the banquet went fine...it went great. Yeah. Except drinks.
- Superbowl Recap
- Order more wings
- Make it so people only get wings who are planning to stay for the event
- Crepe Night Recap
- Ruth: Everyone that went said they liked it a lot
- Movie Night Dialogue
- Leila: It was freaking awesome!
- Had about 40 people came, most of whom stayed for the movie and the dialogue
- Next time maybe get a tiny bit more food, and plan discussion more
- Proposal for another movie dialogue night
- 320 dollars for more food
- Probably Friday night again
- Runk
- Oscar with Heather Check-in
- Wendy’s Reusable Dish Plan
- Election Nominations
- Consul
- Dalton is nominated and accepts
- Evan is nominated and accepts
- Momo is nominated and accepts
- John Dunn is nominated and accecpts
- Parliamentarian
- Alex is nominated and accepts
- Katherine is nominated and accepts
- Charles is nominated and accepts
- Maurice is nominated and accepts
- Secretary
- Perrin is nominated and accepts
- Elise is nominated and declines
- Michael is nominated and accepts
- Treasurer
- Marissa is nominated and accepts
- Joe Leonard is nominated and accepts
- Publicity Manager
- Peter Marr is nominated and declines