William R. Veal
Pedagogical Content Knowledge Taxonomies
The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
CB #3500
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500
James G. MaKinster
Indiana University
School of Education
201 N. Rose Ave.
Bloomington, IN 47405
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) has been embraced by many of the recent
educational reform documents as a way of describing the knowledge possessed by
expert teachers. These reform documents have also served as guides for educators
to develop models of science teacher development. However, few of the current
models accurately address the role of PCK in science teacher professional
development. This paper presents two taxonomies that offer a relatively
comprehensive categorization scheme for future studies of PCK development in
teacher education. The General Taxonomy of PCK addresses the distinctions within
and between the knowledge bases of various disciplines, science subjects and
science topics. The Taxonomy of PCK Attributes identifies the various components
of PCK and characterizes their relative importance based on previously published
studies. These organizational frameworks will serve to organize and integrate
future research efforts.
Science teachers have been recently introduced to documents that represent the
collective thinking of many national leaders in science education. These
documents detail what and how science should be taught in schools. The two most
notable documents are the Benchmarks for Scientific Literacy developed by the
American Association for the Advancement for Science (AAS, 1993) and the
National Science Education Standards (NSES) developed by the National Research
Council (NRC, 1996). These publications were developed to guide the reform
effort in science curriculum development and teacher practice. The NSES states,
"The current reform effort requires a substantive change in how science is
taught; an equally substantive change is needed in professional practices" (p.
56). In order to implement such a change in professional practice, the NRC
recommends the creation of national professional development standards. Since
their publication, these professional development standards have been used as
criteria for science education reform (National Science Teachers Association
[NSTA], 1999).
One important aspect of these education reform documents is the "call" to change
science teacher education. The NSES states, "Implicit in this reform is an
equally substantive change in professional development practices at all levels.
Much current professional development involves traditional lectures to convey
science content and emphasis on technical training about teaching" (p. 56).
Similarly, Cochran, King, and DeRuiter (1991) stated that the professional
preparation of science teachers was often separated or disjointed. Hewson and
Hewson (1988) emphasized that this separation occurred when prospective teachers
learned pedagogy apart from subject matter. Some science education reform
efforts have recently begun to bridge the gap between the pedagogical and
content aspects of science teacher preparation by advocating the development of
a cohesive knowledge base (Doster, Jackson, & Smith, 1994). Pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) has been suggested as one knowledge base for science teacher
preparation (Anderson & Mitchener, 1994). Anderson and Mitchener (1994) have
suggested that PCK could be an alternative perspective from which science
educators could view secondary science teacher preparation. The epistemological
concept of PCK offers the potential for linking the traditionally separated
knowledge bases of content and pedagogy.
Historically, knowledge bases of teacher education have focused on the content
knowledge of the teacher (Shulman, 1986). More recently, teacher education has
shifted its focus primarily to pedagogy, often at the expense of content
knowledge (Ball & McDiarmid, 1990). Research on pedagogy has focused on the
application of general pedagogical practices in the classroom, isolated from any
relevant subject matter. However, several researchers (e.g., Ball & McDiarmid,
1990; Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, in press) have rekindled the discussion about
the importance of teachers’ content knowledge in learning to teach.
Shulman (1986) developed a new framework for teacher education by introducing
the concept of pedagogical content knowledge. Rather than viewing teacher
education from the perspective of content or pedagogy, Shulman believed that
teacher education programs should combine these two knowledge bases to more
effectively prepare teachers. The use of PCK as a topic for research and
discussion about the nature of an appropriate knowledge base for developing
future science teachers has steadily increased since its inception (NRC, 1996;
NSTA, 1999; Tobias, 1999).
The topic of developing future teachers also extends beyond science teachers and
"traditional" teachers. Darling-Hammond (1991) cited several studies
demonstrating that teachers admitted to the teaching profession through
alternative programs (e.g., emergency licensure, private schools, and out of
content assignments) had difficulty with pedagogical content knowledge and
curriculum development. The current reform initiatives in science provide a
guide for some teacher educators to develop models of science teacher
development (Bell & Gilbert, 1996; Cochran, DeRuiter, & King, 1993; Cochran,
King, & DeRuiter, 1993; Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, in press; Sakofs et al.,
1995). Some of these models have been specific to PCK development of pre-service
science teachers (Cochran, DeRuiter, & King, 1993; Cochran, King, & DeRuiter,
1991; Magnusson, Krajcik, & Borko, in press). Recently, the National Science
Teachers Association (NSTA, 1999) developed science teacher preparation
standards that highlight the need for teachers to develop PCK. These standards
are intended for use in accreditation reviews of science teacher preparation
programs for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE,
1994). Accordingly, teacher educators continue to recognize the need for an
adequate model for teacher preparation.
Currently, there are few models for secondary teacher development (Bell &
Gilbert, 1996; Cheung, 1990; Sakofs, et al., 1995; Saunders, et al., 1994). As
part of the standards for accreditation, the National Council for Accreditation
of Teacher Education (NCATE, 1994) demands that professional education programs
adopt a model that explicates the purposes, processes, outcomes, and evaluation
of the program. The taxonomies in this paper warrant construction and analysis
for two reasons. First, there exists a "traditional" polarization of content and
pedagogy in science preparation programs. Second, current models fail to
accurately address and outline the role of PCK in science teacher professional
development. Professional development in this paper will refer to secondary
science teacher preparation. The current NSTA, NCATE, and NSES documents support
the idea of models for teacher development. In particular, science reform
initiatives on the national and state level are beginning to require more
rigorous standards for certification. As part of the certification process,
developmental models are needed to guide science educators through the labyrinth
of knowledge bases. This paper presents two taxonomies that can serve as models
for secondary science teacher preparation.
Theoretical Framework
Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Pedagogical content knowledge was first proposed by Shulman (1986) and developed
with colleagues in the Knowledge Growth in Teaching project as a broader
perspective model for understanding teaching and learning (e.g., Shulman &
Grossman, 1988). This project studied how novice teachers acquired new
understandings of their content, and how these new understandings influenced
their teaching. These researchers described pedagogical content knowledge as the
knowledge formed by the synthesis of three knowledge bases: subject matter
knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of context. Pedagogical content
knowledge was unique to teachers and separated, for example, a science teacher
from a scientist. Along the same lines, Cochran, King, and DeRuiter (1991)
differentiated between a teacher and a content specialist in the following
Teachers differ from biologists, historians, writers, or educational
researchers, not necessarily in the quality or quantity of their subject matter
knowledge, but in how that knowledge is organized and used. For example,
experienced science teachers’ knowledge of science is structured from a teaching
perspective and is used as a basis for helping students to understand specific
concepts. A scientist’s knowledge, on the other hand, is structured from a
research perspective and is used as a basis for the construction of new
knowledge in the field (p. 5).
Pedagogical content knowledge has also been viewed as a set of special
attributes that helped someone transfer the knowledge of content to others
(Geddis, 1993). It included the "most useful forms of representation of these
ideas, the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and
demonstrations-in a word, the ways of representing and formulating the subject
that make it comprehensible to others" (Shulman, 1987, p. 9).
Furthermore, Shulman (1987) stated that PCK included those special attributes a
teacher possessed that helped him/her guide a student to understand content in a
manner that was personally meaningful. Shulman wrote that PCK included "an
understanding of how particular topics, problems, or issues are organized,
presented, and adapted to the diverse interests and abilities of learners, and
presented for instruction" (1987, p. 8). Shulman also suggested that pedagogical
content knowledge was the best knowledge base of teaching:
The key to distinguishing the knowledge base of teaching lies at the
intersection of content and pedagogy, in the capacity of a teacher to transform
the content knowledge he or she possesses into forms that are pedagogically
powerful and yet adaptive to the variations in ability and background presented
by the students (p. 15).
Some research that has stemmed from the introduction of PCK has attempted to
address the question of how pre-service teachers learn to teach subjects that
they already know or are in the process of acquiring (Grossman, 1990; Grossman,
Wilson, & Shulman, 1989; Gudmundsdottir, 1987; Magnusson, Borko, & Krajcik,
1994; Marks, 1991).
Classification is the taxonomic science in which a system of categories or
attributes is established in a logical structure (Travers, 1980). Taxonomies
have been used to define such diverse entities as plants, animals, fungi,
algorithmic processes, and educational objectives. For example, taxonomies in
science have included those developed by Aristotle, Linnaeus, and Lavoisier.
These and others have been used to classify animals and plant species based upon
observable characteristics (Cronquist, 1979; Honey & Paxman, 1986; Raven, et
al., 1971). Taxonomies have also been developed in other science domains to aid
people in learning about processes and models. For example, in chemistry
taxonomies have been used to distinguish between the difficulty levels of Lewis
Structures (Fujita, 1990), and to organize organic reactions (Brady, et al.,
1990). Taxonomies have been developed and implemented in a variety of areas
within science education (e. g., Chin & Brewer, 1998). They have served to
assist in the evaluation of educational objectives (Scott, 1972; Stigliano,
1984; Travers, 1980); critical thinking skills (Gilbert, 1992; Pavelich, 1982);
course goals (Allen & Wolmut, 1972); state, district, and school curricula
(Brown, et al., 1989; Eaves & McLaughlin, 1981; North Carolina Department of
Education, 1985); conceptual change (Dykstra, 1992); and biology misconceptions
(Fisher & Lipson, 1982).
Taxonomies in education
In the broadest sense, a taxonomy defined in the field of education is a
‘classification system’ (Woolfolk, 1993). Taxonomies in education have focused
mainly on evaluation and objectives (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl,
1956). Krathwohl et al. (1964) described a taxonomy in the context of
educational objectives as:
A true taxonomy is a set of classifications which is ordered and arranged on the
basis of a single principle or on the basis of a consistent set of principles.
Such a true taxonomy may be tested by determining whether it is in agreement
with empirical evidence and whether the way in which the classifications are
ordered corresponds to a real order among the relevant phenomena. The taxonomy
must also be consistent with sound theoretical views available in the
field...finally, a true taxonomy should be of value in pointing to phenomena yet
to be discovered. (Krathwohl, et al., 1964, p. 11).
The single most pervasive taxonomy in education is Bloom’s taxonomy (Bloom, et
al., 1956). It was intended to help ‘teachers, administrators, professional
specialists, and research workers’ discuss and deal with ‘curricular and
evaluation problems’ (p. 1). Early reviewers of this taxonomy identified five
principle uses for its hierarchical structure (Moore, 1982). In addition, Hill
(1984) noted four salient features of Bloom’s taxonomy that could be applied to
other taxonomies: 1) existence of classes; 2) hierarchical classes ordered in
terms of complexity; 3) cumulative nature; and 4) generality in the processes of
the various classes. The objectivity of the parts, the ability to organize
behavior into categories and the pyramiding structure of the hierarchy made
Bloom’s cognitive domain taxonomy relevant to many different fields of
education. Therefore, it has greatly facilitated the development of educational
curricula and evaluation devices. Bloom, et al. (1956) wanted to create "a
theoretical framework which could be used to facilitate communication among
examiners." The committee members felt that a taxonomy was an economical way to
facilitate meaningful dialogue in their professional field of education. Over a
period of time, the education community accepted Bloom’s taxonomy because the
taxonomy had appropriate symbols, precise and usable definitions, and consensus
from the group that used it.
Taxonomies in science education
Only two explicit taxonomies are present in the science education literature
(McCormick & Yager, 1989; Neale & Smith, 1989). Neale and Smith (1989)
constructed a configurations checklist, or taxonomy, for evaluating teaching
performance. The features of this checklist included: lesson segments, content,
teacher role, student role, activities/materials, and management. The checklist
pertained to conceptual change teaching in science. A teaching performance was
rated for each feature of the checklist in terms of high vs. low implementation.
McCormick and Yager’s (1989) taxonomy of teaching and learning science
incorporated five categories or domains of science education. The taxonomy was
designed to help students become scientifically and technologically literate.
The five hierarchical domains were organized by importance: (a) Knowing and
understanding (scientific information), (b) exploring and discovering
(scientific processes), (c) imagining and creating (creative), (d) feeling and
valuing (attitudinal), and (e) using and applying (application and connections).
The taxonomy listed what students could do or learn in each domain. McCormick