Chapter 17- Toward Civil War

Things to Remember

I.  Compromises

a.  Compromise of 1850- was created due to unbalance in Congress needed to admit California as a FREE state

a.  John C. Calhoun, Stephen Douglas, &Daniel Webster

ii. North Victories

1.  California admitted as a free state

2.  Slave trade banned in Washington DC

iii.  South Victories

1.  States vote (popular sovereignty) on slavery in rest of Mexican Cession

2.  Harsh Fugitive Slave Laws (caused slaves to run to Canada rather than northern states)

b.  Kansas-Nebraska Act-Stephen Douglas

i.  Made slavery in territory vote (popular sovereignty)

ii. Ended (went against) slavery line established by Missouri Compromise

iii.  Led to two governments in Kansas (pro-slavery & anti-slavery)

1.  John Brown

c.  K-N Act 1850 were a way to allow the settlers to decide slavery (popular sovereignty)

d.  K-N Act, Miss Comp, 1850 were all efforts to settle disputes over the spread of slavery in the new territories

II.  Political Parties

a.  Northern Democrats- supported popular sovereignty

b.  Southern Democrats- supported slavery

c.  Republican Party- formed because of weak stand on slavery by Whigs (1st Free Spoil Party)

d.  Constitutional Union- keep the Union together

III.  Causes of the Civil War

a.  Southerners believed banning slavery was a violation of states’ rights

b.  Works like Uncle Tom’s Cabin made northerners more opposed to slavery

c.  Issue of whether states or national gov’t had final say interpreting the Constitution

IV.  Supreme Court Case

a.  Dred Scott Case (Dred Scott v Sandford)

1.  Chief Justice-Roger B. Taney

2.  Scott sued for freedom because he lived in free territory

ii. Makes slavery constitutional by making slaves PROPERTY (5th Amendment)

iii.  Increased sectional conflict by opening slavery to the new territories

iv.  Case is an extension of Judicial Review established in Marbury v. Madison

v. Bill of Rights application

1.  Efforts to ban slavery violated natural property rights

2.  Efforts to ban by Congress violated 5th amendment

3.  Civil freedoms and liberties didn’t apply to slaves

V.  Differences Between the North and South

a.  Similar to women’s movement

i.  Women’s were supporters of both

ii. Both helped people denied of their rights

iii.  Both started because of Second Great Awakening

b.  Truth and Douglass were effective because both had been slaves

c.  Douglass and Garrison were both abolitionists

d.  Truth also believed in women’s rights

e.  Underground Railroad helped slaves flee to freedom

i.  Harriet Tubman

f.  Whites feared that slaves reading would lead to rebellion

i.  John Brown led a revolt at Harpers Ferry, VA

g.  Abolitionists were against new western states as slave states

h.  On the Duty of Civil Disobedience was a book promoting breaking unjust laws to fight slavery

i.  By Henry David Thoreau

VI.  Other Movements

a.  Transcendentalism- spirit is more important than the physical

b.  Hudson River School- enjoyed portraits of famous Americans

c.  Second Great Awakening- encouraged many Americans to end slavery etc.

d.  Americans could practice freedom of religion under the First Amendment