Peaks Island Application Review Checklist For Non Profits

Types of Peaks Island Grants

Project grants – new or expanding projects

Capacity building - for community based organizations, actively engaged in strengthening the community. For activities that will make an organization stronger, more successful, or more efficient.

Operating support grants- for organization’s whosecore missionis clearly and directly related to the fund’s priority areas. Operating support grants will provide up to two years of support for an organization.

Equipment or renovation grants- needed to meet an organizations mission. Both items must be unrelated to a capital campaign.

Rapid response grants- The goal is to provide funding for new or unexpected needs that may not fit the timeline for regular grant program.

Peaks Island Fund Criteria

The proposed project or organizations must meet all four of the following criteria:

Serve Peaks Island community members

Have potential for lasting impact on the community

Will directly impact Peaks Island residents within the next year

Has clear financial documentation (for purchases of equipment or services provide estimates by external contractors)

Other Characteristics

The proposed activity or project…

Could improve the quality of life in some way on Peaks Island

Has goals or outcomes that are clear and reasonable

Has described activities that could result in the desired goal or outcome

The organization has….

Identified key personnel (staff or volunteers) who have the ability and/or expertise to implement the project or activities as planned

Supporters, stake holders, or community “buy in” to support it or its proposed activities

A balanced operating budget or what appears to be a manageable deficit

The Project budget ….

Is clear and understandable

Includes the same expenses as those described in the narrative

Lists items or activities that will be important for the success of the project

Includes costs for each item that appear reasonable or realistic

Documentation of cost for proposed work or items for purchase