All Saints C of E Primary School

PE and Sports Premium Review2016-17

NOR –270

PE and Sports Premium received: £8.800

The school identifies the following priorities to impact on pupil standards:

ContinuetoincreasethequalityofteachinginPhysicalEducationbyemployinga sports apprentice

Continuetoraiseparticipationinextra-curricularclubs,especiallyforboys,by increasingtherangeofactivities.

Increaseparticipationininter-schoolcompetitionsbyfundingtransportand increasinginterestthroughextra-curricularclubs/coaching.

Increase opportunities for reluctant participants

PE and Sports Premium Spending Review

Area of
development / Cost / Action / Impact
Employ a Sports Apprentice to develop and lead inter and intra sports competition
(contribution) / £1,800 / Sports Apprentice employed and now taken on full time.
Basket Ball
SEND Inclusive Games / All Saints won the Y5/6 Oadby Wigston Football League.
The Football squad were invited to the Gifted and Talented football celebration at Wigston Academy.
30 Yr4/5 pupils attended Saffron Lane Schools’ Athletics Competition
Y3/4 presented 3 teams at the S. Leics Tag Rugby Festival
2 Basket Ball Tournaments attended at Wigston Academy
6 SEND pupils attended the competition and won the local competition and went on the represent Oadby/Wigston in the County Championship.
Quality First Teaching / £4,800 / Employ qualified dance and gymnastics coach to lead sessions for street dance and gymnastics lessons throughout the year. / High enthusiasm from all pupils towards dance lessons and gymnastics, leading to high quality end results seen in performances at the Dance festival
Increasing opportunities for all pupils / £500 / Join South Leicestershire Schools Partnership to provide Inter school competition
Mini GALs
Change for life Programme
Inclusive Sports for SEND pupils / All Saints won the Y5/6 Oadby Wigston Football League.
The Football squad were invited to the Gifted and Talented football celebration at Wigston Academy.
30 Yr4/5 pupils attended Saffron Lane Schools’ Athletics Competition
Y3/4 presented 3 teams at the S. Leics Tag Rugby Festival
2 Basket Ball Tournaments attended at Wigston Academy
6 SEND pupils attended the competition and won the local competition and went on the represent Oadby/Wigston in the County Championship.
Hockey training for PE lead
PE and Sport Conference led by LSLSSP attended by PE lead and Sports Apprentice.
PE Update training to whole school and bespoke session for apparatus training.
Increase opportunities for reluctant participators / £630 / Introduce Big Moves and Change 4 Life for targeted children
Train TA in Big Moves activities
Attend Mini GALs afterschool school club and festival / Big Moves programme run 3 times over the year improving motor skills of those involved, not just in PE lessons but also in other curriculum areas such as writing. Change 4 life programme run once involving parents involved with children’s physical activity anddiet.
8 Y3/4 girls attend the series of after school sessions and the celebration event.
Increase participation in
extra-curricular sport and physical activity / £1,000 / Employ qualified dance and cheerleading coach to lead lunchtime dance and cheerleading club after school.
Sports Apprentice led Club:
Football Coaching
Basket Ball
Mini Olympics and mini games for KS1
Dodge Ball
Short tennis / Over the year, participation in lunchtime sports clubs has increased from 15% across the school to over 90%.
Afterschool clubs over subscribed
All Saints reliably attends events because both pupils AND parents are actively engaged and supporting event .
Increase Football stock and goals due to increased uptake of football playing across the school
Football Strip for competitions secured / £70 / Work with school council to ensure the right type of balls are procured.
Ensure that pupils are well turned and presented to reflect the professional quality and respect for the game of football and its laws. / Children safely playing football independently.
Pupils very proud to be wearing All Saints Strip, and this adds to teamwork, resilience and responsibility


Using the premium to pay for the Sports Apprentice has been very effective as this in combination with joining LSlSSP has ensured a high level of participation and engagement from both pupils and parents. It has continued to embed the quality of teaching in the areas of Dance and Gymnastics, which has led to increased pupil performance in these areas. Participation in and enthusiasm for extra-curricular clubs has increased. This in turn, has led to increased participation at inter-school sports competitions. This in turn has had a very positive impact on pupils’ mindset and confidence in all areas of school life, especially for Y6 pupils who have stayed with us this year. The next steps to embed this work and maintain such high level of participation and engagement is to ensure sports and PE development is led at all levels across the school, including class teachers, pupils, specialists and where appropriate parents.

Priorities for 2015-16

Strengthen Class teacher delivery of curriculum PE.

Continuetoraiseparticipationinextra-curricularclubs,especiallyforSEND pupils, with emphasis on SEMH needs,by increasingtherangeofactivities.

Increaseparticipationina wider range of inter-schoolcompetitions

Embed sports leadership at all levels across the school (pupils/staff/parents)