Whitehills Primary School

PE and School Sport Grant Expenditure Report

In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for physical education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision.

Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.

School Strategy

The Headteacher and Governing Body have agreed a long term school improvement plan devised by subject leaders to guide the use of funds and to ensure value for money.

Funding for 13/14

We will receive £8,000 + £5 per pupil. This will come into the school in two instalments over the year. We have 415 pupils on roll so we will receive £2,075 on top making a total of £10,075.

How will we use this finance?

The school has considered a range of ways to use the PE and School Sport Grant to meet the objectives outlined above. The funding will be used in the following ways:

Objectives for spending of PE and School Sport Grant

Staff Professional Development

  1. To purchase the new scheme of work, Real PE, for all year groups within the school. The foundations of this scheme are based on Fundamental Movement Skills, inclusive competition and broader essential holistically skills. The programme provides high quality planning, teaching and assessment strategies.
  2. All staff will complete Real PE training to enable them to teach the scheme to our children at a high standard and increase staff confidence within PE.
  3. To pay for quality assured coaches to work with individual or groups of staff on modelling exemplar lessons and providing high quality professional development in areas for development identified by the staff themselves.
  4. To provide the cost of cover for both PE coordinators and other staff as necessary to observe lessons in Real PE within our school and other schools. For PE coordinators to also support the implementation of the new scheme.
  5. Provide new resources to allow the delivery of High Quality PE lessons including new large gymnastics apparatus.

Competitive Sporting Opportunities

  1. Termly Pace Setter competition against local schools at Bridgewater Primary School.
  2. Termly Intra-School competitions planned for all year groups to compete against children in different houses.
  3. Participation in the Kings for Gold sporting competition against other local cluster schools.
  4. Participation in competitions/ festivals provided by Northamptonshire School Sports Partnership.
  5. To provide the Gifted and Talented children with a lunch time club to improve and provide high quality sporting opportunities and competitions.

Healthy and Active Lifestyles

  1. To continue to promote a healthy and active lifestyle by offering a range of extra-curricular clubs.
  2. For Year 6 children to receive sports leadership training and run a weekly ‘Sports Leaders’ lunch time club for children of different year groups.
  3. To promote fitness, participation and motivation in sport by introducing a Sports Awardmedals for each year group that are given out weekly.
  4. To improve fitness within the school, every year group participates in the whole school Golden Mile competition, which encourages them to run a mile.
  5. For lunch time supervisors to attend, Energy Club, training so they can lead regular lunch time sport activities for children of different year groups.