PDG Spend Plan - 2014/2015

Plasmarl Primary School

2014 - 15

Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) Annual Spend Plan


Please return to: Helen Jones: (01792) 637166

Departmental Management Support, Education Dept., Room 2.3.11, Civic Centre Swansea

Leyton Jones: (01792) 265696

NB: Please refer to the Welsh Government, Pupil Deprivation Grant, Short Guidance for Practitioners, Guidance Document No: 125/2013


Continuum Key: C – Collaborative D- Developmental E – Evaluative ST – Strategic SU - Sustainable

Total PDG / £46,818

NB: For 2014-15, we expect consortia to be clearly utilising assessment data to target inputs to activity and to be able to track resulting outputs against outcomes. All consortia will be required to measure impact against outcomes in their reports for the 2014-15 year of SEG and PDG funding.

Activity – action required, for instance, recruitment of outstanding teachers (WA) / Outputs – evidence that activities have occurred, for instance the number of teachers that have received catch up training (WA) / Outcomes – the difference / impact made, for instance improvement in numeracy levels. (WA) / Inputs – resources, in this case the PDG funding and human resource required (WA)
Activity supported
i.e. collaborative, evaluative and
( This will form the basis of the Cluster Financial Spend Plan ) / Key / Intended Outputs
(evidence based) / Intended Outcomes
i.e. Provision / Cost
PLCs / Professional Networks / C
Su / To support joint training for teachers and TAs
To allow time for joint planning, monitoring and evaluating interventions.
To review teachers’ planning to develop Rich Tasks, appropriately differentiated to engage pupils in their learning.
To use Assessment for Learning strategies with a focus on effective feedback on learning.
To use data to track FSM pupil progress.
To teach pupils strategies to motivate themselves and plan, monitor and evaluate their own learning ( Learning to Learn)
To use peer tutoring approaches whereby pupils work in pairs or small groups to provide each other with explicit teaching support. / Improved CPD of staff
Greater consistency in teaching across the school and shared understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning.
Engaged and motivated pupils.
Supply costs: 5 teachers x 6 days @ £115 = £3540
Improved literacy and numeracy skills of FSM and vulnerable pupils as evidenced by tracking system.
INCERTS online tracking: £384
Pupils focus on what is right about their work and understand the next step in their learning.
Improved pupil self-esteem and efficacy / £37,124- salary of seconded teacher. We are using a qualified teacher to support our FSM pupils so they access high quality teaching to narrow the gap. Also supporting other staff to ensure highest quality day to day teaching for all pupils. This will support identified pupils in keeping up before any such gap develops.
T will use school data systems to track quantifiable individual progress. T’s extensive knowledge and experience will be used to train TAS to effectively support FSM pupils who would benefit from small group interventions.
T will work within the classroom team teaching, so that all pupils benefit from whole class teaching and teachers are supported via modelling and coaching .
Total: £41,048
Intervention Programmes / St
C / To continue to embed ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics
To use Rapid Reading Intervention programme to raise standards of reading for identified pupils with NFER SS 85-95
To use Catch –up maths intervention programme to improve targeted pupils basic computational and remembered facts. (NFER SS 85-95)
To use high quality teaching to provide intervention for e-FSM pupils who are above average ability
Early identification of Speech difficulties via SpeechLink screening and implementing Speech and Language programme to support identified pupils.
To provide 2 x weekly sessions to support pupils’ basic reading skills (Reading Eggs)
To provide a termly tracking day for each teacher to monitor e-FSM pupil progress in core subjects/to monitor well being using Boxhall programme.
To provide a programme to improve pupils’ Developmental Coordination Disorder skills / ·  Improved phonic skills of targeted pupils as evidenced by RWI data
·  Improved reading skills of targeted pupils as evidenced by Rapid Reading data.
Rapid Reading Resources - £1600 Plus Training- £750
·  Improved pupils basic computational numeracy skills and remembered facts as evidenced by Catch-up data
Raising the number of pupils achieving L5 writing
Improved pupil progress against initial Speech and Language difficulties identified.
Improved reading skills
Supply for TA to shadow SENCO: £595
Raised pupil self-esteem and improved social skills as evidenced by Boxhall Profile.
·  5 teachers x 3 days supply@£115= £1725
·  Improved targeted pupils’ balance and fine and gross motor skills.
·  Targeted pupils able to concentrate for longer periods of time. / £2,350
Total: £4,670
School and other collaboration / / St
C / To appoint a Pupil Wellbeing and Attendance officer to monitor absence and punctuality and to work with social and emotional learning.
To engage parents according to identified need ( Family Learning, Communities First sessions)
To increase involvement of parents in order to improve quality of learning. / Improved attendance and punctuality
0.5 day a week over 35 weeks= £595
Reduced persistent absenteeism
Parents more confident in how best to support their child at home.
Improved basic skills of parents / £595
Central support / To release lead staff to attend LA training and regional learning for Literacy and Numeracy / Trained and skilled lead staff members
6 days of supply cover @£115= £690 / £690
Other – Leadership / St
D / To provide weekly non-contact time for DHT to work on assessment strategies and tracking
To oversee co-ordination of provision for FSM pupils / Consistent assessment and tracking systems in place
35 x 0.5 sessions@£85 = £2,975 / £2,975
Other – After School Activities (extended School Time) / C
D / To provide weekly After Schools Programmes in art, sports, photography and drama / Benefits to attitudes and well being, particularly in younger learners
Cost for photography(£70) and art (£70) 24 weeks for 0.5 day = £ 3,360
Re-engagement of older learners / £ 3,360
Total Cost / £53,338
Training CPD / No. / £
Number of teachers to be trained in deprivation based activities e.g. Sutton trust or intervention programmes / 5
Number of support staff to be trained in deprivation based activities e.g. Sutton trust or intervention programmes / 8
Number of Family Learning programmes / 3
Impact of activities (complete as appropriate)
2013-4 / TARGED / TARGET
Attendance % of pupils in receipt of FSM
Foundation Phase
% of pupils in receipt of FSM attaining FPOI
Key Stage 2
% of pupils in receipt of FSM attaining CSI


Actuals may not currently be available, please use internal data where it is available and update later.

In addition to these indicators, you may wish to use others which reflect your school’s aims for addressing the impact of deprivation. Examples may include the number of learners accessing after school clubs, taking music lessons etc.

Please note: “Schools are required to publish online their PDG allocation, together with details of

how they have utilised the grant, the grant spend and its impact, to ensure that they

are accountable for their performance to parents/carers and the wider community

and that they have addressed the specific focus of the funding.”

PDG Short Guidance for Practitioners, Guidance Document No.: 125/2013

Please return to: Helen Jones: (01792) 637166

Departmental Management Support, Education Dept., Room 2.3.11, Civic Centre Swansea

City & County of Swansea Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG) 2014-2015: School Annual Spend Plan

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