1.1 This report summarises information received since the Agenda was compiled including, as appropriate, suggested amendments to recommendations in the light of that information. It also lists those people wishing to address the Committee.
1.2 Where the Council has received a request to address the Committee, the applications concerned will be considered first in the order indicated in the table below. The remaining applications will then be considered in the order shown on the original agenda unless indicated by the Chairman.
Part 1 Applications for Planning PermissionApplication / Site Address/Location of Development / Ward / Page / Speakers
Against / For
69959 / Partington Farm/Barnfold Cottage, Wicker Lane, Hale Barns, WA15 OHQ / Hale Barns / 1 / ü
69960 / Partington Farm/Barnfold Cottage, Wicker Lane, Hale Barns, WA15 OHQ / Hale Barns / 15 / ü
70146 / 185 Urmston Lane, Stretford, M32 9FH / Stretford / 20
70193 / 75 Hope Road, Sale, M33 3DU / Priory / 27
70233 / 177 Henrietta Street, Old Trafford M16 9GA / Clifford / 34
70328 / Argos Distribution Warehouse, Barton Dock Road, Trafford Park, M41 7TB / Davyhulme East / 40
70345 / Old Cock Garage, 1299 Chester Road, Stretford M32 8NG / Stretford / 46
70400 / Woodheys Primary School, Meadway, Sale M33 4PG / St. Mary’s / 56
Application / Site Address/Location of Development / Ward / Page / Speakers
Against / For
70460 / 14/16 Holmefield, Sale, M33 7AN / Priory / 61
70473 / Money Save Service Centre, 48 Ashfield Road, Money Ash Road, Hale, WA15 9QN / Hale Central / 68
70480 / 9 Pinewood, Bowdon, WA14 3JQ / Bowdon / 77 / ü / ü
70481 / 9 Pinewood, Bowdon, WA14 3JQ / Bowdon / 90 / ü / ü
70524 / 66A Barrington Road and 39 Ellesmere Road, Altrincham WA14 1HY / Altrincham / 97 / ü / ü
70543 / Site of 10/11 Seabrook Crescent, Davyhulme, M41 OSL / Davyhulme East / 109
70567 / 39 Dargle Road, Sale, M33 7FN / Priory / 117
70489 / Oak Croft, Hasty Lane and 411 Hale Road, Hale Barns, WA15 8UU / Hale Barns / 121
Page 1 H/69959, Partington Farm/Barnfold Cottage, Wicker Lane, Hale Barns
FOR: Mr R Gascoigne
Pollution and Licensing – Comment as follows on the applicants Noise Assessment Report:-
The acoustic report submitted by the applicant has been assessed and the findings and recommendations are accepted. The following conditions are recommended should planning permission be granted:-
· Noise mitigation measures recommended in the report should be implemented
· A noise limiting device shall be installed at the premises to ensure inaudibility at the nearest residential property
· Announcements that are made should be routed through a ‘voice priority amplifier’ and the level of announcements should be limited by electronic means
· No external speakers are allowed at the premises
· All external doors and windows of the hall shall be kept closed between the hours of 21.00 and 08.00 (unless in an emergency). At other times, if access doors are open, no music or amplifier sounds of any sort must be played in the Hall
· The use of the garden shall not be used for, or in association with, any events, functions or other purposes between the hours of 21.00 and 08.00 (unless in an emergency)
· No amplified music shall be played between the times of 23.00 and 08.00
· No external clearing up work to be undertaken between 21.00 and 08.00.
· External waste area shall be effectively screened from neighbouring residential premises and its use restricted to 08.00 to 21.00 hours
· The car park and garden area be bounded by an acoustic screen as detailed in the applicants acoustic report
· Noise from any external equipment is 5 dB below the lowest background noise level when rated in accordance with BS 4142 1990
· No vehicles fitted with reversing alarms should be allowed into the car park after 21.00 hours
· Signs asking visitors to leave the premises quietly should be mounted at suitable locations
· No events should be allowed after 00.00 hours
· The number of events at which amplified music is played is limited to a maximum of 18 per year
· The hall and any other function rooms shall be let out only for pre-booked/pre-arranged private functions and only to members of the Shaare Hayim Synagogue and not to other organisations. They shall not be used for functions or events by the general public.
A verification report shall be submitted for written approval to the Local Planning Authority confirming that all measures recommended by the noise report have been implemented in full prior to the final occupation of the site.
Neighbours – 1 additional letter has been received raising concern that the number of seats has increased without an increase in car parking which would be inadequate. The Council will be aware from the other two synagogues in Trafford that car parking on the Jewish Sabbath is an important local issue and residents’ needs must be taken care of.
In relation to the number of seats provided, further amended plans have been submitted that indicate a total of 200 seats in the main synagogue space (i.e. the number of seats on which the LHA comments and the assessment of traffic and car parking in the main report are based) comprising 124 on the ground floor and 76 on the first floor. The 10 seats shown adjacent to the bimah are not additional to the main body as congregants will come from the main body of seating to the bimah for a short time only and then return to their seats.
As outlined in the main report at paragraph 18, it was anticipated that conditions would be added to the recommendation based on Pollution and Licensing’s comments further to an assessment of the applicants Noise Assessment. The additional comments from Pollution and Licensing now reported recommend that numerous matters are covered by condition should planning permission be granted. One of the recommendations relates to the provision of an acoustic screen fence of some 2.5 metres high. There may be concerns about the visual impact of such a fence and a condition is recommended to ensure that if such a fence is to be erected the details have to be agreed, this would allow for consideration of design, materials and how it relates to landscaping.
Further conditions to restrict the use of the building to a synagogue (as per paragraph 22 of the main report) and to require a contaminated land assessment as per Pollution and Licensing comments in the main report are also recommended.
Condition 2 to be amended to include the date received of the latest amended plans i.e. 30 December 2008.
Condition 4 to be amended to include after the words “…with details to be submitted...” the following words “ and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any such works of demolition or repair…”
The following additional conditions are recommended:-
16. Noise mitigation measures recommended in the report – Noise Assessment at Proposed Shaare Hayim Synagogue, Wicker Lane, Hale Barns, prepared by AB Acoustics and dated 28 October 2008 - should be implemented in full. A noise limiting device shall be installed at the premises to ensure inaudibility at the nearest residential property and announcements that are made should be routed through a ‘voice priority amplifier’ and the level of announcements should be limited by electronic means. No external speakers are to be installed at the premises.
A verification report shall be submitted for written approval to the Local Planning Authority confirming that all measures recommended by the noise report have been implemented in full prior to the first use of the synagogue.
Reason: In the interests of the amenities of local residents having regard to Proposal D1 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.
17. The hall and any other function rooms shall not be let out other than for pre-booked/pre-arranged private functions and only to members of the Shaare Hayim Synagogue and not to other organisations. They shall not be used for functions or events by the general public. The number of such functions at which amplified music is played shall not exceed 18 in any one year.
Reason: In the interests of the amenities of local residents having regard to Proposal D1 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.
18. The following hours restrictions shall apply to the use of the synagogue and its gardens:-
- All external doors and windows of the hall shall be kept closed between the hours of 21.00 and 08.00 (unless in an emergency). At other times, if access doors are open, no music or amplifier sounds of any sort must be played in the Hall
- The garden shall not be used for, or in association with, any events, functions or other purposes between the hours of 21.00 and 08.00 (unless in an emergency)
- No amplified music shall be played between the times of 23.00 and 08.00
- No external clearing up work to be undertaken between 21.00 and 08.00
- External waste area shall be effectively screened from neighbouring residential premises and its use restricted to 08.00 to 21.00 hours
- No events should be allowed after 00.00 hours
Reason: In the interests of the amenities of local residents having regard to Proposal D1 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.
19. Notwithstanding the submitted Noise Assessment no acoustic screen fencing shall be erected other than in accordance with details that have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: In the interests of residential amenity and the character and appearance of the conservation area having regard to proposals ENV21, ENV23 and D1 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.
20. Contaminated land condition
21. The premises to which this permission relates shall be used as a synagogue or for purposes ancillary thereto and for no other purpose (including any other purpose within Class D1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987, or in any provision equivalent to that Class in any statutory instrument revoking and re-enacting that Order with or without modification.
Reason: Other uses within the same Use Class may have a detrimental effect on the neighbourhood and the restriction to the use proposed use will enable the Local Planning Authority to consider any further change of use on its merits and in accordance with Proposal D1 of the Revised Trafford Unitary Development Plan.
Page 15 H/69960, Partington Farm/Barnfold Cottage, Wicker Lane, Hale Barns
FOR: Mr R Gascoigne
Condition 4 to be amended to read:- Landscaping to be required in the event that an approved redevelopment proposal is not implemented within 12 months of the demolition of Barnfold Cottage.
Page 77 H/70480, 9 Pinewood, Bowdon
On behalf of petitioners
R & P Stoll & Dr Sabberwal
8 Pinewood, Bowdon
FOR: Mr J Riddle
Page 86. Addition to paragraph 24.
After the sentence ending “…made to protect that tree.”, the following sentence is to be inserted:
“Following discussions with the applicant’s agent on 8th January 2009, it was agreed that both Willow trees at the front entrance to the site could and would remain in situ during and after completion of the development. The retention of both Willow trees should be achieved through a condition. It is proposed that condition no. 5 should be worded to ensure the retention of both Willow trees.”
Page 87
Condition 5 to be amended to include the retention of both Willow trees at the front entrance to the site).
Page 90 H/70481, 9 Pinewood, Bowdon
On behalf of petitioners
R & P Stoll & Dr Sabberwal
8 Pinewood, Bowdon
FOR: Mr J Riddle
Page 97 H/70524, 66A Barrington Road and 39 Ellesmere Road, Altrincham
15 Gaskell Road, Altrincham
Neighbour against
FOR: Mr R Gascoigne
Amended plans have been submitted which omit the first and second floor windows in the gable elevation facing no. 37 Ellesmere Road (as described at paragraph 19 of the report).
1 further letter of objection has been received, recognized as follows:
§ Replacing 2 bungalows with 3-storey town houses will have a deleterious effect on the character and appearance of the area, especially in overlooking one of the few green spaces in the area.
§ Proposed townhouses will directly overlook no.68A Ellesmere Road, reducing privacy, over dominating the skyline and severely restricting light.
§ Proposals will generate a significant increase in traffic in this residential area.