School Name: / Bath Community AcademySubject or type of risk assessment: / Physical Education
Additional information:
Name of person (s) carrying out risk assessment: / Position:
Alison Trippick / Teacher of Physical Education
*Headteachers have overall responsibility for Health & Safety and must ensure that the control measures identified in Table 2 are followed.
For each hazard state who is at risk, (teaching staff, pupils, site staff, public, contractors’, others), what the risks are and how the risks are / will be controlled. Consider the following – eliminate, substitute, isolate, supervise, competent staff, specialists, protective clothing / equipment (include any specialist protective equipment), first aid / emergency facilities. The person(s) responsible for implementing the controls should also be clearly identified and receive a copy of this completed form.
Headteachers have overall responsibility for Health & Safety and must ensure that the control measures identified in Table 2 are followed.
(Consider including who is responsible for implementation and ensure they receive a copy of this completed form).
Full details of experts / contractors and emergency arrangements should be detailed on page 1.
Hazard Details / Who is at risk? /
Main Risks identified
/ Control Measures for the risks identified /Post-control Risk Level
High / Medium / Low45
P.E. Equipment & Sports Activities / Pupils
All Staff
Other schools pupils (inter-school activities)
Contractors / · Unsuitability/ unqualified sports staff
· Lack of supervision
· Equipment is set up incorrectly
· Incorrect manual handing techniques
· Slips, trips and falls
· Surfaces and walls are poorly maintained
· Contact with other people
· Contact with sporting equipment
· Inappropriate use of equipment
· Unacceptable forms of play
· Contact with other users
· Inadequate space / location for activity
· Damaged / unstable equipment / inadequate maintenance
· Lack of first aid facilities
· Insufficient / lack of information about medical condition / dietary requirements
· Dehydration / · Staff are competent and have nationally recognised qualifications for the activities they are coaching or supervising.
· Volunteers working with young persons have had DBS clearance. A ‘best practice’ procedure for DBS will update the clearance every 3 years or when there has been a gap in employment history.
· Adults other than Teachers (AOTT’s) must be supervised and do not have any responsibility or duty to conduct sporting activities
· Only trained staff to set up specialist equipment. Students inducted on how to set up equipment correctly. Students do not set up gym/trampoline equipment without appropriate adult supervision.
· Staff are aware of the procedures for reporting any defects, damage, maintenance requirements for the equipment
· Ensure correct handing techniques are being practiced when erecting or moving sports equipment (benches, goal posts, gym equipment); if in doubt seek assistance to carry out team handling. Students taught correct handling techniques. Students do not set up gym/trampoline equipment without appropriate adult supervision.
· Pupils wear suitable clothing etc. according to time of year and weather forecast. Teacher makes appropriate decision on whether outside activity should continue depending on the weather/conditions of the surface.
· Pupils should wear appropriate footwear to prevent slipping and ensure they have good stability and grip when carrying activities.
· Any issues reported straight to Steve Stone using maintenance form.
· If it rains the sports hall floor is checked and any damp areas cordoned off with cones, students reminded not to go inside coned area.
· The gate leading down to the sports field is kept locked during the school day to prevent access from the public. Staff responsible to ensuring gate is locked after going through it for their lesson.
· There are adequate pupil/staff ratios for the activity.
· Instruction to pupils regarding use of equipment, rules of the games, skill, techniques and disciplinary actions is provided and adhered too. Staff use the C-System, if session is being led by another adult they are made aware of the C-System or the teacher in the lesson will use it.
· Students undertake a Fitness Suite Induction before being allowed to use equipment, students and parents sign an agreement to confirm induction has taken place.
· Some activities / games are non-contact sports.
· Warm up activities at the start of each session, including muscle specific stretches in relation to activity are undertaken.
· Strict refereeing is undertaken.
· Individual and group abilities are considered for the activity. Teacher/coach to change any pairings/groups to make it balance competition.
· There will always be sufficient space for group size/activity
· The P.E. equipment is securely stored in a safe storeroom. Teachers responsible for locking the outside store cupboard and ensuring that all equipment it put away neatly to prevent slips/fall/injuries.
· Games posts to be kept in good condition, and all posts checked regularly.
· Ensure the school has enough first aiders for planned activities, sickness and off-site visits. ATr and SSc are first aid trained.
· Detailed information of any serious medical requirements, allergies or disabilities of students or staff is recorded on SIMS and made aware to staff via email.
· Procedures to address the needs of injured pupils and the remainder of the group should be anticipated, in particular on visits away from school premises.
· The school is 20 minutes from nearest hospital
· Water / refreshments are available during activities. Staff aware of students who need regular snack breaks.
· Regular cleaning of equipment is undertaken to keep clean and to ensure there is a build up of ‘body fat’ / sweating.
· Ensure sports halls have protected windows, protected light fittings and do not have any low level mirrors
· Teachers have a good up to date working knowledge of the game(s) they are teaching.
· Advise parents and carer’s in a formal statement of the procedures and arrangements of before and after school activities.
· All pupils, staff, visitors and volunteers advised of emergency procedures
· Pupils from other schools will be supervised by their schools staff
· Pupils must have hair tied back and jewellery must not be worn, unless specific and agreed medical or religious reasons.
· Specific risk assessments are undertaken for particular activities, throwing activities, etc
· Activities will be arranged and undertaken following the guidance laid out in the AFPE www.afpe.org.uk (old BALPPE guidance) / Low
Assessment completed by: / Alison Trippick / Job Title / Teacher of Physical Education
Date / 2nd November 2013 / Next Review Date / 2nd November 2014
Signature / Alison Elizabeth Trippick
Review completed by: / Job Title
Date / Next Review Date
/ ACTION REQUIREDVERY HIGH (VH) Strong likelihood of fatality / serious injury occurring / The activity must not take place at all.
You must identify further controls to reduce the risk rating.
HIGH (H) Possibility of fatality/serious injury occurring / You must identify further controls to reduce the risk rating.
Seek further advice, e.g. from your H&S Team
MEDIUM (M) Possibility of significant injury or over 3 day absence occurring / If it is not possible to lower risk further, you will need to consider the risk against the benefit. Monitor risk assessments at this rating more regularly and closely.
LOW (L) Possibility of minor injury only / No further action required.
Priory Community School Enterprises Ltd.