Resolution # 1411B

Resolution to Amend the Bylaws to Establish a Standing Committee to Administer the Graduate Assembly Endowment for Graduate Student Support

Authored by Alexander Lin, Rules Officer Jonathan Morris, IVP Mary June Flores

WHEREASin December of 2008, the Graduate Assembly (the “GA”) authorized the investment of funds from savings (Student Fee Reserve, Commercial Reserve, and Carry-Forward) into the U.C. Berkeley Foundation’s fund functioning as an endowment for the GA; and

WHEREASthe GA directedthe payout of the endowment to be used to provide fellowships, grants and awards to University of California, Berkeley graduate students who demonstrate high academic distinction and/or have financial need, regardless of their gender, race, creed, national origin and sexual orientation, and regardless of the degree they seek; and

WHEREASthe GA directed that prior to awarding each year, the GA and the Dean of the Graduate Divisionshall negotiate, produce, and sign a written document establishing the criteria and specific areas of greatest need, which will be used to guide the allocation of funding to students; and

WHEREASthe GA directed that these discussions will be initiated no later than May 15 and after Feb 15 of each year, or while the Assembly is preparing its budget for the next fiscal year, whichever comes first; and

WHEREASin strict compliance with the written document, the Dean of the Graduate Division shall identify, screen, and select prospective recipients for awards of an amount that shall be flexible and dependent upon available funds; and

WHEREASif no such written document is jointly negotiated, produced, and signed by the GA and Graduate Division, then no funds shall be allocated for that year; instead the unallocated funds shall be put into the corpus of the fund; and

WHEREASthe directed actions above demonstrate a commitment on behalf of the Graduate Division and the GA to ease the financial burden undertaken by graduate students and encourage fiscal responsibility; therefore be it

RESOLVEDthat the Graduate Assembly Bylaws be amended to create an internal standing committee named “Endowment Committee,” chaired by the President, to administer the Graduate Assembly Endowment for Graduate Student Support;

RESOLVEDSection 4.15, concerning enumeration and jurisdiction of committees shall be amended to add Section 4.15.8:
“Endowment. The Endowment Committee shall administer the GA Endowment in orderto provide fellowships, grants, and awards to University of California, Berkeley graduate students who demonstrate high academic distinction and/or have financial need, regardless of their gender, race, creed, national origin and sexual orientation, and regardless of the degree they seek. The administration of the committee shall includepreparing and negotiating an annual memorandum of understanding between the GA and the Graduate Division. This memorandum of understanding shall establish the criteria and specific areas of greatest need, which will inform and guide the allocation of funding to students, who meet the criteria and terms of the endowment.”

RESOLVEDSection, concerning the specific duties of the President be amended to add:
“The President shall chair the Endowment Committee.”

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