PCRG Membership Mtg MinutesDRAFT

August 26, 2010

Welcome and Introductions:

A quorum was reached and the meeting was called to order byBoard Chair ABrose at 5:36pm

(Announcement by member, JRichter, thanking member TDoloughty for his help with their urban garden)


Members Present: ABrose, BGC; DMiller, ELCCC; MMyers, ELDI; DSwartworth, FCC; JRichter, HI; JDeming, HA; LByrne, LU; DD’Anna, MWCDC; WWilson, OPDC; RCanning & SCulver, PHCC; RBellolli, SSLDC; RAmbrose, UPP;

Members Excused: MPasula, EACC; DSimeone, WPP

Members Absent:

Guests: CLUB (Beechview)

Staff Members Present: EHogan, BDavidson, CSandvig, EAnderson

Staff Members Excused: MHolloway, RLowe

Financial Report:

Treasurer, JRichter provided the financial report based on Year to Date financials, including current cash position, anticipated receivables and the status of our 2009 audit.

Motion to approve the Financial Report as given by Treasurer JRichter – Motioned by: WWilson, Seconded by MMyers; Passed Unanimously


Distribution of 2010 Membership Book

The Membership guide describes the roles and responsibilities of Members, Committees, and Board Members. Members were asked to review, consider, complete, and sign the Conflict of Interest Policy. Also, please note that PCRG is in the process of updating our bylaws and other governance documents (which have not been updated since 1997), including (but not limited to) definition of and responsibilities of PCRG membership.

Corrections:Contact information was incorrect for ELCCC – The correct spelling and info is:1st delegate: Ora Lee Carroll, Zip code: 15206

Distribution of Book ‘Networks That Work’

Paul Vandeventer, author, will be in town October 18th in the evening for a presentation and discussion around Networks and his book. 1 Book per member group was purchased and handed out. Please Read.

Policy Engagement:

Staff handed out and gavethe overview on the Advocacy Engagement checklist. All members are to fill out the checklist and return to PCRG staff within the next two weeks.Also, please write in anything that you don’t see reflected in the spreadsheet, so we make sure to have it on our radar.

RCanning/JDeming: Can staff please provide ‘policy positions’ or policy tenants that correspond to the ‘PCRG Position’ noted in the spreadsheet? Staff noted that PCRG has adopted several policies and is happy to supply copies of such to whoever wants it.

Current Policy Issues:

LiquorControlActState Hearing

Staff EAnderson and member groups SSLDC and BGC provided an overview of the current pieces of the liquor control act that are up for discussion at the up and coming hearing, HB 115 and in general around the Act.Saturation point versus inter and intra municipal transfers.Hearing: 9/16 atSouthside Sokol club with theSenate Law and Justice Committee.


Issues related liquor licenses in neighborhoods:

No definition of or distinction between bar vs restaurant in the Act, but Zoning and the Smoking Ban all differentiate.

No local say in what is a saturation point (no local zoning permitted that can determine this) (section 493.1 does say that there is a right to zone and the State Act cannot supersede local zoning, but the local lawmakers won’t rule this way (saturation points exist at the county level)

In 15203, there are 123 licenses, [86 bars and restaurants (57bars/36resto), the rest are social clubs, etc], but 9000 people.

2958 licenses in AlleghenyCounty, 1015 in City of Pittsburgh, and 123 in 15203

What about turnover of owners? Licenses in residential districts, nuisance bars, market rate and balance of bars versus other shops

‘Its someone else’s problem’ (judge, mayor’s office, city council, police, etc..

Hospitality Districts and Day vs Night Balance. Do we have specific solutions? (SSLDC – advocating for saturation level in local zoning code and def’n of bar vs restaurant; BGC advocating for updating all of the plumbing fixtures – not to grandfather). MOU with the neighborhood group and the bar and put it on record with the nuisance bar task force.

The issue was deferred to the Safe Neighborhoods Network for recommendation to the board

Privatization of Parking Assets

Member thoughts and positions:

The Pensions are hard to calculate because some are spiked based on overtime pay rather than base pay.

It’s not really solving the problem; it’s causing other problems as we are mortgaging our future for the current obligations.

We will run into issues as we convert auto-oriented uses to transit uses; we will have to buy out a private entity in order to take out parking spaces for streetscape improvements, etc (e.g. Schenley Plaza); it will be the same problem we already have with billboards

The pension problem is not going to be solved by the contribution of the City anyway; it’s a quick-fix to keep the state from taking over (but the state has its own pension funding gaps)

To have a pension that’s fully solvent, you at least have to be at 65% and we’re nowhere near that

Only adding another layer to an area that already has too many different players/components

It will have a impact on both business districts and residential areas (as people try to park there because they don’t want to pay the high prices in garages and meters)

There’s poor enforcement of residential parking permits and now it will be even worse

It will create more parking traffic in non-metered areas

Parking authority not doing any more residential parking districts; they only do one a year

Deferred to GoBurgh (“ParkBurgh”)


Introduction of potential member Beechview CLUB. JDeming asks for the ratification of Operation Better Block, Hill House EDC, and Wilkinsburg CDC.

Discussion of OBB—what they do, how they’re funded. Jerome Jackson new ED; primarily a community organizing initiative; Homewood Children’s Village; development, planning.

Discussion of HHEDC—they were created to implement economic and workforce development initiatives; conflict: they are our landlord; taking leadership on new YMCA, grocery store; they are working in partnership with Hill CDC on non-profit projects. They are primarily an economic development entity working on public-private partnerships.

Discussion of Wilkinsburg—first CDC we’ve had outside of Pgh; working with our regional initiatives; Tracey Evans is ED; NPP with TriState; primary focus is business district and housing flats; elected board from neighborhood with Mayor on the board

JDeming has vetted that they meet criteria for bylaws, recommends them for membership. Motioned by DD’Anna; Second byJRichter; approval of all 3 groups as members Passed Unanimously

Member Documents

EHogan sent around sign-up sheets for CDWG, Membership, Consumer Protection groups

EHogan passed out and discussed member survey

EHogan went over Citizens Bank grant application; can be used for any event (limit of $4,000 per event); would like to be able to go to other bank partners and ask for the same types of grants—make sure you’re acknowledging your sponsor

Working group reports are attached; next meeting announced.

There was no more business and the meeting was adjourned.