PCM/SurgiNet/IPOC Downtime Unit Checklist
What is needed for charting patient assessment and information during downtime?
How do I get information about my patient during downtime?
How do I communicate with other departments during downtime?
PowerChart Maternity Downtime Documentation
See your downtime survival kit for information located in OB Computer room.
Type of downtime: Planned vs unplanned
1. Which computer applications are affected, or if it is the entire Network, some example are:
o STAR (registration)
o PowerChart Maternity (patient chart)
o CareMobile/CareAdmin (barcoding)
o Command center #______
o Transport #______
o Status Line # 5-7031
· Check your email (if outlook in available)
o IS department sends out notifications of downtime and information including:
§ Type of downtime and area affected
§ Specific instructions for various departments and positions
1. Gather or print forms prior to downtime if planned ((Downtime Kit, or Intranet/Application Resources/Forms) 4607, 6267, 11060, 1130.
· To print forms once PowerChart is down go to a Read Only computer, click the MHC Downtime icon.
2. ~1 hour prior to Downtime use paper (written) orders for admissions or immediately if unplanned.
3. At downtime log into 724 access and/or Read Only
4. Begin paper chart (>2h paper charting stays on paper; <2h back chart paper charting.
· At the end of Downtime chart Downtime Note (Ad Hoc form)to indicate timeframe in the electronic record that there is paper charting
5. Back chart Medications/IV’s when system back up (on paper MAR, prints to printer 7.)
6. Once system is back up chart:
· Allergies, Med history for admissions
· Enter orders that have not yet been completed
· Address tasks
· Chart all procedures such as CCHD screening, hearing test, newborn screening completed during the downtime in PowerChart
· Chart the required delivery band information for deliveries occurring during the downtime in PowerChart
· For undelivered patients Add Pregnancy, Result Copy, Close Pregnancy when needed
7. Emergency phone numbers
· Communication specifics
8. Keep paper admission log for STAR and Network downtimes
9. See back of this sheet for specific information regarding admissions and discharges during downtime.
Log into 724 Access at the beginning of Downtime:
*724 Access computers should be plugged in “Red Plugs” and kept turned on at all times (re-boot daily).
Admission and Discharge Instructions:
Patient admitted during downtime:
1. Use new form#11060 (PowerChart Downtime: Admission Allergy History and Medication Reconciliation Instructions) to document Allergy information and to get downtime instructions.
2. Use new form #6267 (Admission Medication History and Reconciliation) to document Medication by History, this form is also used by the admitting physician to do the Admission Medication Reconciliation
3. When downtime is over the nurse in the care of the patient enters the Medications by History into the computer.
4. The forms can be found in the Downtime Kit or printed from Forms off the intranet.
Patient discharged during downtime
1. Use new form #1130 (PowerChart Downtime: Patient Discharge Instructions) for patient instructions, discharge notes, and Discharge Medication Reconciliation.
2. Assist provider in finding/using form #1130.
3. Make a copy of the completed form to give to the patient. Place the original in the patient chart.
4. Result Copy and Close Pregnancy.
5. Access Krames to print patient education during the downtime by
a. Use the internet to open this website: www.kramesondemand.com
b. Enter the following to log in:
· account name: cerner
· User Name: cernerclinical
· Password: review
All Patients during downtime
(Does not apply to ED-where all paper charting including medication stays on paper)
1. Back chart medications given during down time on the open MAR when PowerChart becomes available.
2. When the downtime is greater than 2 hours long, paper charting stays on the paper forms used during downtime and placed into the patient chart.
SurgiNet Downtime Documentation
1. Use QS paper documentation for the surgical case. The paper charting becomes a part of the legal record.
2. Back chart the following required components in IView in the mother’s chart:
· Date/time of birth
· Sex
· All attendees
IPOC Downtime
Once PowerChart Maternity is available, enter the necessary IPOC’s and then begin charting from that point.
Find 724 Access and Viewing instruction on the Clinical EHR Education website:
G:\CISEDUC-SYSED\Maternity\Education\User Manual\PCM Downtime Procedures_FORMATED.docx