ABC & Dictionary Centers for the Library

Upper grades 3rd – 5th

Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards

  1. Print and laminate the dictionary task list that has the directions for the students.
  2. Make a set of cards (vary depending on grade level)

Center 2 – Dictionary Markers

  1. Print and laminate the Dictionary Marker with directions for the students
  2. Cut strips of construction paper (different colors)
  3. Write words from the dictionary on each paper (vary depending on grade level)
  4. Print off the Definition page for Dictionary Markers for each group

Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt

  1. Print and laminate the Dictionary Scavenger Hunt directions page
  2. Print off the Scavenger Hunt and laminate for continued use

Center 4 – Dictionary Dig

Center 5 – Dictionary in Pictures

Center 6 – Dictionary Games

Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards

Materials Needed: Pre-made task cards, pencil, paper

Dictionary Task Cards
Work together to solve each task
Record your answers on a sheet of paper

Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards

Dictionary Task Card #1
Look up: ferret
What word does “ferret” come from?
What language?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #2
Look up: influenza
What is the definition?
What part of speech is influenza?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #3
Look up: menu
Where did the word come from?
How is it pronounced?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #4
Look up: pajamas
What is the definition?
What are the guide words at the top of the page?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #5
Look up: rare
List synonyms for rare
Use the word rare in a sentence
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #6
Look up: sculpture
What are other forms of sculpture (tenses)
How many definitions are there for sculpture?
Illustrate the word
Record your answers on a sheet of paper

Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards

Dictionary Task Card #7
Look up: eggplant
What part of speech is eggplant?
Draw a picture of an eggplant?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #8
Look up: incognito
What is the definition?
Use the word in a sentence?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #9
Look up: neckerchief
What is the plural form (how do you write more than one of these)?
Draw a picture of a neckerchief?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #10
Look up: toboggan
What are the guide words at the top of the page?
Draw a picture of a toboggan
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #11
Look up: watercress
How is it pronounced?
Use the word in a sentence
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #12
Look up: mahogany
What is the plural form of this word?
How would you use mahogany?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Markers
  1. Put the words in ABC order
  1. Find each word in the dictionary and use the marker to hold its place.
  1. Go back to the first word and fill out the definitionsheet. Write what the word means and use it in a sentence.

Center 2 - Dictionary Markers

Center 2 – Dictionary Markers

Suggestions of words:

3rd grade – anteroom, bedlam, caraway, doily, epidemic, footnote, gouge, hanker, lament, mirage, nomad, pliable, quince, salve, soothsayer, throttle

4th grade –animosity, bassoon, candid, dictator, enamel, forage, haddock, inundate, maxilla, oppress, patent, ration, scruple, tedious, uproot, wane, yearling

Center 2 – Dictionary Markers


Word / Definition / Sentence

Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt

Materials needed: Dictionary, pencil, paper

Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
  1. Look up each question on the scavenger hunt
  2. Record your answers on a sheet of paper

Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt

Write the name of the dictionary. ______

2. In what year was the dictionary published? ______

3. What is the first word listed in the dictionary? ______

4. What is the last word listed in the dictionary? ______

5. How many pages does the dictionary have? ______

6. How many pages of words starting with x are in the dictionary? ______

7. Look up the word one. In addition to being a noun it is also an ______and ______

8. Look up the word narcissus. It is a type of ______

9. Look up the word fire. How many syllables does it have? ______

10. Find the first noun in your dictionary that has four syllables. ______

11. What is the first word in the r section of the dictionary? ______

Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt

12. What is the last word in the u section of the dictionary? ______

13. How many pages of words starting with q are in the dictionary? ______

14. Look up the word azure. It is a shade of ______

15. Look up the word larynx. Where is the larynx located? ______

16. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with m. ______

17. Look up the word pocket. In addition to being a noun it is also an ______and a______

18. Look up the word burro. It is a small ______

19. Look up the word calico. How many syllables does it have? ______

20. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with s that has three syllables. ______

Center 4 - Dictionary Dig

Materials Needed: Dictionary dig worksheet, pencil, paper

  1. Read each question on the dictionary dig worksheet
  2. Answer each question on a separate sheet of paper

Center 4 – Dictionary Dig

1. Find a five-syllable word
2. What page was it located on?
3. What are the guide words on this page?
4. Find a noun
5. What page was it located on?
6. Find a two-syllable word.
7. What page was it located on?
8. What are the guide words on this page?
9. Find an adjective
10. Use that word in a well formed sentence.
11. Find a word that begins with a C that is a noun.
12. What are the guide words on this page?
13. Find a verb.
14. What are the guide words on this page?
15. Find a word that can be made plural.
16. Find a word that has an illustration beside it.
17. Write the definition of this word.
18. Use this word in a sentence
19. Write a set of guide words that begin with X.
20. Find a word that has more than one meaning

Center 5 – Dictionary in Pictures

Materials Needed: Construction paper, markers, crayons, pencils, stapler, old magazines

  1. Create a 10 page mini booklet (use the sample included as your example)
  1. Draw or cut out pictures of everyday items
  1. Glue to a page in your mini booklet
  1. Look up the definition and write it under the picture

Center 6 – Dictionary Games

Dictionary Game

Materials Needed: One dictionary, Small note sized pieces of paper (like Post It Notes), Pencils

To play:

  1. On player (The Reader) chooses a REALLY hard word from the dictionary and writes it down on a card.
  1. The player then makes up TWOnew definitions for the word.
  1. Then, the player reads the word and the three definitions.
  1. The other players have to guess which is the real definition of the word.
  1. Each person in the group should get to be the Reader 2 times.

If you finish the game, you may go to the computers

Go to the library website

Click on the word games link on the left