ABC & Dictionary Centers for the Library
Upper grades 3rd – 5th
Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards
- Print and laminate the dictionary task list that has the directions for the students.
- Make a set of cards (vary depending on grade level)
Center 2 – Dictionary Markers
- Print and laminate the Dictionary Marker with directions for the students
- Cut strips of construction paper (different colors)
- Write words from the dictionary on each paper (vary depending on grade level)
- Print off the Definition page for Dictionary Markers for each group
Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
- Print and laminate the Dictionary Scavenger Hunt directions page
- Print off the Scavenger Hunt and laminate for continued use
Center 4 – Dictionary Dig
Center 5 – Dictionary in Pictures
Center 6 – Dictionary Games
Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards
Materials Needed: Pre-made task cards, pencil, paper
Dictionary Task Cards
Work together to solve each task
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards
Dictionary Task Card #1Look up: ferret
What word does “ferret” come from?
What language?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #2
Look up: influenza
What is the definition?
What part of speech is influenza?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #3
Look up: menu
Where did the word come from?
How is it pronounced?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #4
Look up: pajamas
What is the definition?
What are the guide words at the top of the page?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #5
Look up: rare
List synonyms for rare
Use the word rare in a sentence
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #6
Look up: sculpture
What are other forms of sculpture (tenses)
How many definitions are there for sculpture?
Illustrate the word
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Center 1 – Dictionary Task Cards
Dictionary Task Card #7Look up: eggplant
What part of speech is eggplant?
Draw a picture of an eggplant?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #8
Look up: incognito
What is the definition?
Use the word in a sentence?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #9
Look up: neckerchief
What is the plural form (how do you write more than one of these)?
Draw a picture of a neckerchief?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #10
Look up: toboggan
What are the guide words at the top of the page?
Draw a picture of a toboggan
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Task Card #11
Look up: watercress
How is it pronounced?
Use the word in a sentence
Record your answers on a sheet of paper / Dictionary Task Card #12
Look up: mahogany
What is the plural form of this word?
How would you use mahogany?
Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Dictionary Markers
- Put the words in ABC order
- Find each word in the dictionary and use the marker to hold its place.
- Go back to the first word and fill out the definitionsheet. Write what the word means and use it in a sentence.
Center 2 - Dictionary Markers
Center 2 – Dictionary Markers
Suggestions of words:
3rd grade – anteroom, bedlam, caraway, doily, epidemic, footnote, gouge, hanker, lament, mirage, nomad, pliable, quince, salve, soothsayer, throttle
4th grade –animosity, bassoon, candid, dictator, enamel, forage, haddock, inundate, maxilla, oppress, patent, ration, scruple, tedious, uproot, wane, yearling
Center 2 – Dictionary Markers
Word / Definition / SentenceCenter 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Materials needed: Dictionary, pencil, paper
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
- Look up each question on the scavenger hunt
- Record your answers on a sheet of paper
Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
Write the name of the dictionary. ______
2. In what year was the dictionary published? ______
3. What is the first word listed in the dictionary? ______
4. What is the last word listed in the dictionary? ______
5. How many pages does the dictionary have? ______
6. How many pages of words starting with x are in the dictionary? ______
7. Look up the word one. In addition to being a noun it is also an ______and ______
8. Look up the word narcissus. It is a type of ______
9. Look up the word fire. How many syllables does it have? ______
10. Find the first noun in your dictionary that has four syllables. ______
11. What is the first word in the r section of the dictionary? ______
Center 3 – Dictionary Scavenger Hunt
12. What is the last word in the u section of the dictionary? ______
13. How many pages of words starting with q are in the dictionary? ______
14. Look up the word azure. It is a shade of ______
15. Look up the word larynx. Where is the larynx located? ______
16. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with m. ______
17. Look up the word pocket. In addition to being a noun it is also an ______and a______
18. Look up the word burro. It is a small ______
19. Look up the word calico. How many syllables does it have? ______
20. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with s that has three syllables. ______
Center 4 - Dictionary Dig
Materials Needed: Dictionary dig worksheet, pencil, paper
- Read each question on the dictionary dig worksheet
- Answer each question on a separate sheet of paper
Center 4 – Dictionary Dig
1. Find a five-syllable word2. What page was it located on?
3. What are the guide words on this page?
4. Find a noun
5. What page was it located on?
6. Find a two-syllable word.
7. What page was it located on?
8. What are the guide words on this page?
9. Find an adjective
10. Use that word in a well formed sentence.
11. Find a word that begins with a C that is a noun.
12. What are the guide words on this page?
13. Find a verb.
14. What are the guide words on this page?
15. Find a word that can be made plural.
16. Find a word that has an illustration beside it.
17. Write the definition of this word.
18. Use this word in a sentence
19. Write a set of guide words that begin with X.
20. Find a word that has more than one meaning
Center 5 – Dictionary in Pictures
Materials Needed: Construction paper, markers, crayons, pencils, stapler, old magazines
- Create a 10 page mini booklet (use the sample included as your example)
- Draw or cut out pictures of everyday items
- Glue to a page in your mini booklet
- Look up the definition and write it under the picture
Center 6 – Dictionary Games
Dictionary Game
Materials Needed: One dictionary, Small note sized pieces of paper (like Post It Notes), Pencils
To play:
- On player (The Reader) chooses a REALLY hard word from the dictionary and writes it down on a card.
- The player then makes up TWOnew definitions for the word.
- Then, the player reads the word and the three definitions.
- The other players have to guess which is the real definition of the word.
- Each person in the group should get to be the Reader 2 times.
If you finish the game, you may go to the computers
Go to the library website
Click on the word games link on the left