PC/CP120 Digital Design Lab Project – Marking Specifications

Excellent – Exceeds project expectation i.e. exceptional work

Average – Meets expectation i.e. does all required work

Poor – Below expectation i.e. missing parts/incomplete

Circuit Layout / Interpret results with innovative presentation. Easily understandable and usable design. Wires extremely neat, well colour coded, pleasing to the eye. / User friendly design enables little or no guidance from team. Wires generally neat and somewhat colour coded. / Distracting layout. Messy wires. Little, to no, colour coding. Difficult to view output and/or utilize input.
Choice of Lab Equipment / Innovative selection of resources; exceeds expectation. (i.e. use of LEDs in innovative way, use of parts not presented in lab) / Appropriate lab resources used (such as demonstrated in labs). / Inadequate use of suggested lab resources.
Test Results / Produced expected results. / One or two wrong outputs, but generally produced correct results. / Generated few results.
Concise Explanation / Professional, easy to follow explanation of background, results and any problems encountered. / Long winded explanation of circuit. Explanation jumps around from point to point. / Struggled with explanation. Unsure of background, design process, results and/or problems encountered.
Circuit Demonstration / Demonstration has an innovative and interesting approach. / Demonstration adequately shows the circuit with explanation to support the design. / Demonstration is unorganized with little meaningful explanation or circuit.
Team Work / All team members contribute equally to presentation and are all fully knowledgeable of background, process and circuit. / All team members contribute to presentation but are not all fully knowledgeable of background, process and/or circuit. / Internal conflicts results in team failing to achieve a good presentation.
Poster Organization / Points are clearly presented in a logical order. Easily followed. Layout is effective and professional looking. Easy to read; improves comprehension. / Most points are ordered well. No major problems with layout. Layout is satisfactory; meets standard requirements. / Confusing, disorganized. Layout is distracting or unprofessional. Visuals inappropriate or distracting.
Poster Language / Wording is concise, clear, and easy to follow. Style is consistent and appropriate in formality. Professional tone; consistently proper grammar, spelling and punctuation. / Poster has most of the “excellent” traits but not all. (i.e. minor problems with grammar, spelling, punctuation.) / Distracting word choice; style is not appropriate in formality. Unprofessional. Problems with grammar, spelling and punctuation inhibit reader understanding.
Design Process Illustrated (Background, K-maps, circuit, simulation, etc.) / Introduction provides background and forecast of the design. Project requirement and specification is defined clearly with orienting material for audience (i.e. Figures, pictures, etc.) / Adequate identification of design; any lack of specifics does not impair understanding of the design. Introduction and background is adequate. / Insufficient identification of problem. Introduction is missing or confusing.