
iPad VoiceOver series with Sharon Nichols

Apps: Intro to iBooks, continued: part 2

[Continues from last video.]

Video time: 8:07

VoiceOver: New book, Alice’s

Adventure in Wonderland, iPad

Starter Guide, MacWorld Editors,


Sharon Nichols: And I told you that

was the book I was looking for,

so once I find that book I’m gonna

go ahead and double-click

to open the book.

[Tap, tap.]

VO: Library, button. Sharon: It will

always open on the Library button

at the top left of the screen, because if

you chose the wrong book it’s gonna

let you go back to the Library. Now if

I flick one finger to the right I hear the

choices in this book, and it’s the same

choices you get in every book.

VO: Table of contents, button.

Sharon: So I can go to the table of

contents if the book has a table of

contents, flick once more with one

finger to the right.

VO: iPad Starter Guide

Sharon: That’s the title of my book.

Flick once to the right again.

VO: Brightness button.

Sharon: And I –

VO: Change display brightness.

Sharon: I can change the display

brightness, but since I’m a VoiceOver

user I don’t care much.

VO: Fonts, button. Change font

attributes. Sharon: You can change

the fonts, you can make

them larger, you can choose what

font type you want to use.

VO: Search button.

Sharon: This is really nice, because you

can double-tap and search in your book for anything you’re looking for

and if you think about it if it’s a

literature book that the student is

reading for a class they can search

for a where they know that

vocabulary word is that

is going to be on a test

and then read from there.

The last choice on the top, I’m gonna

flick with one finger to the right—

VO: Add bookmark, button.

Sharon: Is to add a bookmark, and you

can add a bookmark to any page.

Remember it said “button,” so all I would

have to do is double-tap to add a

bookmark here. [Tap, tap.]

VO: Remove bookmark, button.

Sharon: And it says “remove bookmark

button” now because it has added one.

So I’m going to remove that bookmark. [Tap, tap.]

VO: Remove bookmark, add

bookmark. Button.

Sharon: And now it’s back on add

bookmark, so I know there’s not one.

Now I’m gonna go ahead and do

the two finger flick up because

I might not know where I am

on the screen and where

I am on the book. The nice thing

is at leastit opens to the page

you were reading on last. So I’m

going to take two fingers, flick up—

VO: Library button, table of contents button, iPad Starter Guide,

brightness, button, fonts, button, search,

button, add bookmark, button,

date and time the screen lets you

choose between 12 and 24 hour clock.

You can also set your date and time

manually from here. And choose the

time zone you are in. Keyboard and the

keyboard screen you can turn four

different typing features on and off.

Auto correction prompt. From a list of

languages. If you opt for more than

one language. Sharon: You can stop

the reading by simply touching the screen with one finger,

but if you touch it on the words

it actually is going to move to that

place on the page. Now say I want to

read from that page on—remember I

take the two fingers and I flick it to the bottom. VO: From the list of languages,

if you opt for more than one language

a small gold key will appear to the left

of ?????????????? allowing you to

toggle between all the international

keyboard passages you have turned on. There is also an [click] international

menu. Choose the language you--.

Sharon: And I touched it once more.

I don’t know if you noticed the voice change from the buttons up at the top to

when it started reading, but it will have a

subtle change of voice. It will also have

the typical screen reader problem of

saying “spuhs bar” instead of “space

bar.” And you will run across many

words like that. Now since I’m a user

who cannot see the screen, and I’m using the screen reader,

obviously I’m not going to know

when to turn the page. So, I’m going

to take my two fingers, flick down and

have it read to the bottom of that screen

and see what it does.

VO: International from this menu

Choose the language you prefer your iPad to--. In addition, you can set

your keyboard options.

See about and you choose the format

the iPad chooses to display times, dates, and phone numbers by default.

Accessibility—this screen allows you

to turn VoiceOver spoken items on or off.

With an additional option to use phonetic

and pitch change. You can

also turn systemwide zooming

on and off. Battery Percentage—

This screen allows you to set whether—

Sharon: Now I don’t know if you heard

the small beep, but that means it changed pages. And it will just continue

to read through the book, because

it assumes you just want to turn

the page as you read. And that some

of the things, but say you want to turn

to a specific page just like the pages

of your App screens.

Once again saying, you take three

fingers and you swipe to the left,

VO: Next chapter, Mail,

Contacts, Calendars,

Sharon: Once again. VO:

Fetch new data in the

fetch new data section.

You will choose how often you are—

[3 finger swipe left]—Next chapter.

Safari. In the Safari screen,

you, iPad. There is also a

developer tab you can

tap on that will ???end ????.

Sharon: So everytime I take my 3

fingers and I swipe to the left it

goes through the book. If I wanna

go backwards remember I just

take the 3 fingers and swipe back.

Now, that’s all I really want

to show you. This time in the iBooks,

but it’s a really nice feature. It doesn’t

have the best voice for reading,

but all of the books I have in here--

Let me slowly touch the screen

and move back up to Library.

[VO reads text from the book as

she moves her finger up the screen.]

VO: Safari heading level 3, iPad

Starter Guide. Sharon: OK, I heard

iPad Starter Guide; I’m going to take

one finger and flick to the right.

VO: Brightness, button.

Sharon: Wrong direction.

VO: Change display brightness.

Sharon: So, I’m gonna take

one finger, flick it to the left.

VO: iPad Starter Guide.

Table of Contents, button.

Library, button.

Sharon: And each time

I flick it gives me a different choice,

I’m gonna go back

to my Library. [Tap, tap.]

VO: New book. Over the Bridge.

Randy Noble.

Mysteries and Thrillers.

Sharon: And that is where I would

get to another book if I wanted to.

Maybe I want to show you one

more book, because it has pictures

and I want you to see what happens

when you use the pictures. Now.

I don’t want to move my fingers

slowly through them, so remember

if I move with it’s at the first book

so if I take two fingers and flick down.

VO: New book, Over the Bridge,

Randy Noble, Mysteries and Thrillers.

New book, The Reluctant Miracle,

Part One: The Escape. David C. Ashley,

Mysteries and Thrillers. Soul Identity,

(beep) Soul Identity, Dennis Batchelder,

Mysteries and Thrillers.

Sharon: I tapped the screen

to make it stop reading,

but it will repeat the line

you’re on. Now here’s a feature

I want to tell you about. From

From that book, if I take

my finger and I

touch the screen

and slowly move up—

VO: Soul Identity, new book,

The Reluctant, new book,

Over the Bridge. [Bonk...] Search.

Text field. Double-tap to edit.

Sharon: It's a search and it

said, "Double-tap to edit."

Now that’s for if I want to find

any book that I know is in my Library.

If you look at the titles of the books,

you will notice there’s quite a few.

I did not pay for any of these books.

They were all free and available

on the iBook bookstore. So I

encourage you to go to the store

to find the ones that are free,

and it will be a lot of them that are

Jack London, Dracula, Alice’s

Adventuresin Wonderland, but they

also have some fun ones. Like, uh,

Winnie the Pooh.

And Winnie the Pooh’s written very

nicely because it does is it also

describes the pictures.

Not all of them are that well written.

That’s kind of where I’d like to stop

right now in the iBooks. Thank you.