PBI2 Sci-Fi MOD - Version 1.324/02/2004

3:1 Points values


A player may not have more than 2 tanks in his force.

A player may not have more than 4 armoured cars in his force.

There may be no more than 2 platoons that contain guns or vehicles. For this

restrictionsingle guns or vehicles count as one unit. Trucks/Jeeps/Carriers and horses are used as transporters and are not affected by this restriction.

A player must have at least 2 platoons that contain a minimum of 8 groups.

Every platoon must have a command group.

Tanks, Guns and Dreadnought Armour pay 6 points as a command tariff per platoon if not part of an infantry platoon..

There may be up to three independent (single) infantry units such as tank hunters or

bounty hunters who need not pay command points.

No more than 8 Dreadnought Armour units per force.

No more than six ‘Android and Robot’ units per army.

Company commanders do not wear Dreadnought Armour, it is considered field


Unit Type










Fire Over

Power Sword / Axe(Assault units)











Rifle (Laser/Bolt) or SMG / 4 / 6 / 8 / 6 / N^
Assault Bolt Rifle, Auto Laser / 5 / 7 / 9 / 4 / N
Shotgun / 3 / 4 / 6 / 1 / N^
Infantry AT rifle / 2 / 3 / 5 / 1 / N
RAM grenade launcher + Rifle / 3 / 4 / 6 / 2 / 6 / N
Missile launcher (s) / 4 / 6 / 10 / 3 / Y
Missile launcher (m) / 6 / 9 / 15 / 4 / Y
LMG or Heavy weapons / 8 / 10 / 16 / 8 / N
Conversion Beam Projector / 9 / 11 / 17 / 6 / N
HMG or Support weapons* / 10 / 15 / 22 / 10 / N
Mortar(s)/Grenade Launcher (s) / 6 / 9 / 13 / 8(2min) / Y
Mortar(m)/Grenade Launcher (m) / 10 / 13 / 18 / 10(2min) / Y
F.Thrower, Plasma, Chemical / 8 / 13 / 16 / 2 / N
Platoon / Company commanders / 15 / 25 / 35 / - / -
½ Track*(3 groups) / 10 / 10 / 10 / - / -
Drop Ships(# groups) / 30 / 40 / 50 / - / -
Truck, Hovwagon(4 groups) / 6 / 6 / 6 / - / -
Carrier, Car, Buggy(1 group) / 4 / 4 / 4 / - / -
Jeep, Bike, Trike(1 group) / 3 / 3 / 3 / - / -
Horse / Live mount(1 group) / 1 / 1 / 1 / - / -
Infantry Mine Engineers group / 5 / 6 / 7 / 1 / -

Group Equipment

/ Cost
Power Armour / +5
Dreadnought Armour / +10
Infantry Jump Pack / +2
Power Jump Pack / +3
Dreadnought Jump Pack / +4
Transporter Packs / +10

Fire Over

Units types may fire over friendly units (not vehicles(Androids and Robots not inc))

Co / Po legitimate weapons

Officers may have (at no additional cost) any of the weapons marked with a ‘^’.


Fires as SMG with range of 1

Rocket Launcher(s/m)

Fires as Mortar (of relevant size) at Infantry

Fires as HMG at vehicles GE3 role to hit on Gun / Tank firing chart.

Costs 2AP’s to fire per fire

Heavy Machine Gun / Support Weapons

May provide covering fire, this gives them an opportunity fire range of 2, this includes vehicle mounted HMG / Support weapons.

Assault Rifle / Auto Laser

Fires as Rifle but with a range of 4, Fire effect 2d6.

RAM grenade launcher

Fires as AT Rifle with +1 range

Power Sword/Axe

Close combat weapons are used to strengthen assault attacks giving the attacker or defender +1 (per base).

CBP Conversion Beam Projector

Fires as an LMG, however it can cause collateral damage on a roll of 5-6 on 1D6 to groups within the same square up to a maximum of two hits.

Power Armour

Groups get +1 to their saving throws.

Groups may carry a Rifle or SMG combo weapon that allows them to fire twice per

AP(only up to 2 fires per turn).

If fired at by RPG –1 save.

Assault modifier +1d6

Dreadnought Armour

Groups get +2 to their saving throws.

Groups may carry a Rifle or SMG combo weapon that allows them to fire twice per

AP(only up to 2 fires per turn).

Groups may carry( in addition to combo weapons) a Medium Mortar or RPG.

If fired at by RPG –2 save.

Assault modifier +2d6

Combo Weapons

Used by Power and Dreadnought groups only.

Cost to fire only 1 AP.

SMG or Rifle combo (not mixed)

Jump Packs

Infantry groups may jump for 3 AP’s.

Power and Dreadnought groups may jump for 4 AP’s.

Jumping although an excellent tactical weapon has its downfalls, a group may become out of communication range, jump slightly too hard and end up embedded in the planet surface upon landing or REALLY jump too hard and leave the planet altogether(not a nice way to go !).

When jumping role on the following table(2 D6):

Armour Type / Range 1-6 / Range 7-10
Infantry groups / 1-10=ok, else dead / 1-8=ok, else dead
Power or Dreadnought / Ok / 1-7=ok, else dead

Assaulting using JumpPacks:

Units with jump packs may assault enemy squares at no additional cost to the jump

Eg: Inf assault using jump = 3AP’s, Power, Dreadnought = 4AP’s.

Transporter Packs- (Beaming)

Transporter packs may be used by Infantry only (not Power of Dreadnought).

If units have a transporter pack they may try to beam to another Open or Partial Terrain square (not Closed) at a cost of 2AP’s each:

Role 2D6 for each unit trying to beam

2-3Unit vaporized, no casualty marker left, does not count towards victory pts.

4-10Unit beamed without problem.

11Beam failed, no effect, may not try again this turn.

12Transporter pack break down – unit looses use of pack for rest of battle.

Units may perform no other actions in same turn once beamed.

Transpositional Vehicles (TV) - (Beaming)

Transpositional Vehicles cost 50pts. Once motivated (in usual manner, count as commander paid) the TV needs 4AP’s to beam any Infantry units in the same square (inc Power and Dreadnought) to another un-occupied Open or Partial Terrain square (not Closed). Units may perform no other actions in same turn once beamed.

TV’s have AE4 and no weaponry.

Drop Ships

May only be used after turn 1.

No more than 2 Drop Ships may be used per force per game.

May be placed in any open square containing no units.

May carry 1 platoon consisting of any one of the following options:

0 Vehicles.

1 Po + 2 Light Guns

1 Po + 8 Infantry.

1 Po + 5 Infantry + 2 Power Armour Infantry.

6 Power Armour Infantry.

3 Dreadnought Infantry.

Drop ships do not have their own weapons, cannot move ‘on table’ and have an armour value of 10 against guns.

A drop ships arrival must be rolled for at the end of the previous turn, roll 1D6, 1-4 no arrival, 5-6 arrives next turn, optional to player.

Groups may disembark from a Drop Ship the turn it arrives, usual rule applies for disembarking.

The Platoon inside a Drop Ship has its AP’s determined in the usual manner, as if it were onboard a truck.

If a Drop Ship is destroyed all loaded groups are also destroyed without rolling to save.

Groups may not enter/re-enter the Drop Ship.

A drop Ship gives closed terrain cover and cannot be fired over or past, except by mortars.

The platoon on board Drop Ships do not have to be declared to the opponent until its arrival, however they are paid for as part of the total force cost as normal.

Androids and Robots

Warbots, Battle Droids, Combat Droids and Androids.

Use Vehicle armour and infantry weapons unless a vehicle weapon is installed and paid for, cannot have vehicle and infantry weapon mix on one unit.

Move: ½ AP in open, partial and closed as infantry, 1AP to turn face any 360o.

Opportunity fire as Infantry, range of 2.

Eg: VBattle Droid AE:4 =(4x4) GL(s) =(16) Commander =(6) total cost = 38

Eg: ABattle Droid AE:4 =(4x2) GE:5 =(3x5) Commander =(6) total cost = 29

Company Structure

Company (1)

Platoons per Company (1 to 5)

Sections per Platoon (1 to 4)

Units / Groups per Section (1 to 15)

3.3 Tank and Armour Costs

Gun Effect:

Effect 0 – Drop Ships

Effect 3 – AT rifle, RPG, HMG or Support weapons,Warbots.

Effect 4 – Armoured Hover Wagons, Light Tanks, Light field guns, Battle Droids.

Effect 5 – Rocket Salvos, Light Tanks, Light Mechanoids, Battle Droids.

Effect 6 – Flamethrower, Chemical weapons, Plasma weapons, Medium field guns,

Medium Tanks, Combat Droids.

Effect 7 – Medium Tanks, Mechanoids, Combat Droids.

Effect 8 – Large field guns, Mechanoids, Large Tanks.

Effect 9 – Large field guns, Mechanoids, Large Tanks.

Effect 10 – Large Tanks, Titan Droids.

Armour Effect:

Effect 0 – Trucks, Hover Wagons and Softskins, Jet Bikes, Mounts, Bikes, Trikes,

Buggy, Warbots.

Effect 3 – Androids and Robots.

Effect 4 – Half Tacks, most Armoured Cars, Light Tanks, Towed/Field guns, Battle

Droids, Rocket Salvos, Scout Cars, Warbots, Androids.

Effect 5 – Light Tanks, Battle Droids, Light Mechanoids, Battle Droids, Combat


Effect 6 – Medium Tanks, Combat Droids, Mechanoids.

Effect 7 – Medium Tanks, Combat Droids, Mechanoids.

Effect 8 – Large Tanks, Mechanoids, Drop Ships.

Effect 9 – Large Tanks, Titan Droids.

Effect 10 – Titan Droids.

9.0 Victory conditions

Dreadnought armoured groups are worth +2 points to their victory conditions value.

Power armoured groups are worth +1 points to their victory conditions value.

Drop Ships are worth +1D6.

33.x National Modifiers

1 - The Empire (Imperial)

2 - The Home Worlds (Redemptionist)

3 - The Outer Rim Worlds (CAF)

4 - The Rebellion (Redemptionist)

5 - Humanoid Alien Species

6 - Insect Alien Species

Events / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6
Gifted Platoon commander / 4 / 4 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 1
Poor Platoon commander / 1 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1
Gifted Company Commander / 3 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3
Interference from Battalion / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 0
Off Planet Support / Artillery / 4 / 4 / 3 / 6 / 1 / 1
Sneak Movement / 5 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 5
Mines / 2 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 5 / 0
Snipers / 5 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 6 / 2
Superior Initiative / 4 / 2 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 5
Fox Holes / 5 / 6 / 6 / 4 / 6 / 4

1 The Empire –

Predominantly use the Ln43 Assault Bolt Rifle.

Imperial Heavy weapons are military standard giving LMG / Heavy weapons groups two extra dice rolls to their total allowance when they shoot, cost +2.

+1 to the Recce phase.

Imperial groups are never RAW.

2 The Home Worlds –

Home World groups may be Raw, Regular or Veteran.

3 The Outer Rim Worlds –

Orm World groups add +3 to their Recce phase on the first turn, all subsequent turns they add –3 per turn.

Orm World groups only need 3 to assault unless jump assaulting.

4 The Rebellion –

Rebel groups use acquired Military standard LMG’s and Heavy weapons giving LMG / Heavy weapons groups two extra dice rolls to their total allowance when they shoot.

No more than two platoons may be Veteran.

5 Humanoid Alien Species –

HAS groups may add +3 to their Recce phase on the first turn, all subsequent turns they add –1 per turn.

HAS groups only need 4 to assault unless jump assaulting.

6 Insect Alien Species –

IAS groups only need 2 to assault unless jump assaulting.

6.1 Terrain Types

Battle Field Size

The battle field is ((8 or 10) x 8) 6” Squares.

Impassable Terrain

These are squares that may not be entered or passed through by any group. They represent impassable obstacles like quick sand, sinking mud, tangle weed, carnivorous plant life, oil field, chasm, etc, etc… Only the defending player may lay impassable terrain and no more than two pieces, they may not be removed or moved by the attacking player during set-up. Impassable terrain may not be placed on the field extremity squares. The defending player MUST specify if they are open or partial cover before turn start.

By Wayne Olivant 2003/4 Hope you enjoy :o)