Supplemental Checklist


Speech/Language Pathologist

Speech/Language Pathologist______



  1. Evaluator may or may not rate all items below.
  2. The rating scale for each standard is as follows:


NI=Needs Improvement

NA=Not Applicable

NO=Not Observed

Professional Skills:

____1. The speech/language pathologist screens kindergarten students, new students (as needed), and referred students to identify those who need further diagnostic testing.

____2. The speech/language pathologist performs individual speech/language evaluations to diagnose speech/language/hearing disorders.

____3. The speech/language pathologist interprets test findings and makes appropriate recommendations.

____4. The speech/language pathologist performs speech/language evaluations on students referred for related services.

____5. The speech/language pathologist rechecks and monitors the status of those students whose apparent communication disorders may change as a result of other variables.

____6. The speech/language pathologist provides and schedules therapeutic intervention as appropriate.

____7. The speech/language pathologist conducts conferences with parents as outlined in PL 94-142.

____8. The speech/language pathologist consults with professional staff and other school personnel to obtain or provide information regarding an individual’s communicative skills, associated behaviors, and/or management of case.

____ 9. The speech/language pathologist participates in multi-disciplinary staffings for students with speech/language/hearing disorders.

____10. The speech/language pathologist refers students as needed for appropriate services (i.e., otorhino-laryngologist, velopharyngeal consultation, audio-logical evaluation, hearing impaired consultation, etc.) and follow-up on said referrals.

____11. The speech/language pathologist attends out-of-the-building conferences and evaluations and appropriate meetings.

____12. The speech/language pathologist makes classroom observations as appropriate.

____13. The speech/language pathologist consults with colleagues in situations, which may require additional opinions or ideas pertaining to the handling of a particular case.

____14. The speech/language pathologist develops and Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for each student placed in speech/language therapy.

____15. The speech/language pathologist maintains accurate files and records on students exhibiting communicative disorders.

____16. The speech/language pathologist handles correspondence relating to PL 94-142 management procedures, i.e., arranging for parent conferences, parental permission, child count updates cards, etc.

____17. The speech/language pathologist coordinates district speech/language therapy programs.

____18. The speech/language pathologist corresponds directly with the appropriate administrator regarding job responsibilities.

____19. The speech/language pathologist uses group or individual therapy when appropriate.

____20. The speech/language pathologist uses available student data in ascertaining needs, planning work, and guiding the learning process.

____21. The speech/language pathologist identifies students with specific learning problems and takes appropriate action.

____22. The speech/language pathologist arranges for differentiated experiences to meet needs and abilities of individual students.

____23. The speech/language pathologist sets clear student objectives at appropriate levels of difficulty.

____24. The speech/language pathologist monitors learning through a variety of evaluation methods.

____25. The speech/language pathologist begins instruction promptly.

____26. The speech/language pathologist provides materials essential to the lesson.

____27. The speech/language pathologist sets the stage for learning by focusing the students’ attention on class work.

____28. The speech/language pathologist provides clear and concise directions.

____29. The speech/language pathologist varies teaching techniques.

____30. The speech/language pathologist allows appropriate time when seeking student responses.

____31. The speech/language pathologist provides opportunities for group and individual practice.

____32. The speech/language pathologist provides specific praise and other forms of positive reinforcement.

____33. The speech/language pathologist assigns and checks comprehension of homework and seatwork.

____34. The speech/language pathologist provides timely and constructive feedback.

____35. The speech/language pathologist is punctual and consistent in reporting to work and to other specific duty assignments.

____36. The speech/language pathologist exhibits a professional attitude towards other educators, parents, and community members.

____37. The speech/language pathologist adheres to published policies and practices.

____38. The speech/language pathologist makes reasonable decisions and takes appropriate action.

____39. The speech/language pathologist uses and cares for materials, equipment, and facilities.

____40. The speech/language pathologist exercises care for health and safety of students and other school personnel.

____41. The speech/language pathologist assists in the maintenance of discipline in the schools including grounds.

Summary/Areas of Concern: