rector’S Order n. 6/2017

paymentforexceptional and non-standard administrativeservicesaccording to Art. 11a, para. 1 CTU statuteforthe2017/2018


Prague 30. 3. 2017

Č. j.: 0198/17/51921

1. / Exceptionalservices / Price
a)issueofa duplicate copy ofa CTU student ID
card / CZK 200,-
b)issueof aduplicatecopy ofa university diploma / CZK 500,-
c)issueofduplicatecopy orretroactiveissueofa
diplomasupplement / CZK 500,-
d)facultystudy program (so-calledWhiteBook) / Price set by thefaculty, according to thesizeofthebook
e)issueofan ISIC ID card / CZK380,-
f)issueof a duplicate copy ofanISIC ID card / CZK200,-
2. / Non-standard services / membersof
AC CTU / non-membersof
a)issueofarecordofexaminationstakenor study record (foreach initiatedpage) / ------[1] / 240,- CZK
b)verification and certificationofa documentprepared by the
applicant (foreachinitiatedpage) / 60,- CZK / 120,- CZK
c)confirmationofstudies / ------1 / 120,- CZK
d)sendingrequestedmaterials to anotherinstitution / 120,- CZK / 120,- CZK
e)supplementaryenrolmentfor asemesteroutsidetheregular
time period / 500,- CZK / ------
f)issueofa diploma in anotherlanguage[2] / 400,- CZK / 400,- CZK
  1. Feesforadministrativeservices and forservices in thefieldoflife-long education are regulatedby special LLEregulations, and theprice isdetermined by theappropriatefaculty (university institute).
  2. Standardservicesand activitieslinkedwithregularstudies(enrolmentfortheacademicyearon theannounceddates, student ID card, confirmationofstudies, interruptionofstudies, enrolmentafterinterruptionof study, servicesconnectedwithsending a student to study abroad, etc.) are free of charge. In theeventthatitisunclearwhetheranadministrativeservicefallswithintheframeworkofservicesprovidedin connectionwithregularstudies in anaccreditedstudy programme,orwhetheritis a non-standard service, a decisionat a facultyis made by thedean, and at a university institute thedecisionis made byitsdirector.
  3. Feesforexceptional and non-standard services in accordancewithpoints 1 and 2 are maximum charges. Thedeanofafaculty (directorof a university institute) maywaiveorreducethechargein justifiedcases, withtheexception of items 1a), 1e) to 1 g).
  4. Feesforexceptional and non-standard servicesare payablewithintimeperiodsspecifiedby thedeanofafaculty (thedirectorofa university institute) but not laterthanthebeginningoftheact/event.
  5. Feesforexceptional and non-standard servicesare payable to thefaculty (university institute).
  6. Themannerformakingpaymentsforchargesforexceptional and non-standard servicesisdetermined by thedeanofthefaculty (thedirectorofa university institute), and atthesametimedetermineshowevidenceofpaymentwillbeprovided.
  7. Thisrector’sorderentersinto validity on thedayofsignature, and comesintoforceatthebeginningofthe 2017/2018 academicyear, i.e. on1.10.2017.

Discussed by theRector’sAdvisoryBoard on20. 3. 2017.

Discussed by AS CTU on 29. 3. 2017

prof. Ing. Petr Konvalinka, Ph.D.

Rector of CTU

[1]Thisis a standard serviceformembersoftheacademiccommunity..

[2]Anotherlanguage: thisrefers to Englishlanguage, in thecase of study programmesaccredited in Czech, and Czech

language, in thecase of study programmesaccredited in English;Czech orEnglish, in the case of study

programmesaccredited in Russian.