- Consider for a moment that there might be sixteen “building Blocks” you need to have a complete and whole soul.
- These hypothetical “building blocks” are not hereditary or genetic traits, rather they are the character or personality traits that your parents (or the authority figures in your life) teach to you, express to you, or model for you.
- You probably did not receive all these blocks when you were born, just as none of us did.
- Discuss the importance of each one of the blocks (list how each is developed):
- Love:_told they are loved, held and loved, kissed, hugs, quality time, __
- Hope:__teach that hope gives us trust in our tomorrows, model hope in your life so the child learns how hope helps us in our troubled times. Talk about Joy Camp.
- Purpose:__that they were created for a purpose in life, they can do things and be something
- Security:_sense of safety, protection, demonstrate through setting boundaries,
- Nurturing:_provide for needs, hugged, spoken to with affection, present in their lives
- Worth:__they are gifts from God, how important they are in your life, that they mean something in your life
- Acceptance:__speak positive about the child, watch your words over the child, tell child they are accepted and wanted
- Trust:__follow through, be accountable to child, be consistent,
- Affirmation:let the child know that they are important to you, affirm them as sons and daughters by letting them know who they are TO YOU.
- Gender Identity:__let the child know who they are as girls or boys – THEY ARE DIFFERENT
- Encouragement: __by believing in the child, demonstrate you support in what the child does – not matter what age, look out for the child’s interest NOT yours.
- Goals:___help the child to see their dreams and desires
- Creativity:__encourage their talents and abilities, even what they seem not very good at – encourage them in the fact they are trying, help the child to express their feelings and emotions – especially boys.
- Spiritual Identity:_God created them, their prayers are heard, we all have angels about us doing God’s will in our lives.
- Godly Understanding:__Jeremiah 1:5 let the child know that God knew them before they were even born, teach right and wrong
- Sense of Destiny:_help the child to know they are God creation and they will go places and do things because God created them with a purpose and destiny.