The Stratford School Summer Program offers courses for make-up in subjects a student may need toearn credit or desires to achieve a greater degree of proficiency. Also, SAT PREP and DriverEducation classesare offered. Most courses included here have been shown, by past experience, to be elected by a sufficientnumber of students to warrant offering them. Early registration is recommended, since priority will be givenaccording to the date of registration, should a particular course be oversubscribed.Please note that theadministrationreserves theright to cancel a class/section that is not sufficiently enrolled.
Payment in full should be in cash or money order made out to Stratford Continuing Education.
No personal checks accepted!
Transportation is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Vacations must not be planned during the summer school session.
If your child has any medical conditions or allergies that need to be brought to the Summer School staff’s attention, please bring the information with you at registration.
Classes for grades 7 – 12 will be held at: Classes for grades 5 – 6 will be held at:
Wooster Middle School Stratford Academy: Victoria Soto School
150 Lincoln Street 699 Birdseye Street
June26 – July 26 July 10 – August 4
(No school on July 4)Language Arts: 8:30 – 11:00 am
Math: 11:15 am – 12:45 pm
Four Registration Days:
June 20, 21, 22, 23 7:30 am – 12:30 pm
Stratford Continuing Education
Tel: 203-385-4270 Fax: 203-386-3163
Summer School will begin on Monday, June26and end on Wednesday, July 26.Tuition must be paid bycash, certified check or money orderspayable to Stratford Continuing Education. No personal checks will be accepted!
COURSE / TIME / Res. Fee / Non res. Fee / Location / COURSE / TIME / Res. Fee / Non res. Fee / Room#
Language Arts (Grade 7) / 8:00–9:12 / $240 / $260 / Wooster Middle School / Grade 7/8
Math / 10:30–11:42 / $240 / $260 / Wooster Middle School
Language Arts (Grade 8) / 8:00–9:12 / $240 / $260 / Wooster MiddleSchool / Grade 8
Pre Algebra / 10:30–11:42 / $240 / $260 / Wooster MiddleSchool
(Grade 7/8)
/ 8:00–9:12 / $240 / $260 / Wooster Middle School / Algebra I / 8:00–10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle SchoolEnglish 9
(Grade 9) / 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster MiddleSchool / Geometry / 8:00 – 10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster MiddleSchool
English 10
(Grade 10)
/ 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle School / Algebra 2 / 8:00–10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle SchoolEnglish 11
(Grade 11)
/ 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster MiddleSchool / Middle School Science (7) / 9:15–10:27 / $240 / $260 / Wooster MiddleSchoolEnglish 12
(Grade 12)
/ 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle School / Middle School Science (8) / 9:15–10:27 / $240 / $260 / Wooster Middle SchoolWorld Geography (Grade 7) / 11:45–12:57 / $240 / $260 / Wooster MiddleSchool / Studies in Science / 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster MiddleSchool
US History
(Grade 8)
/ 11:45–12:57 / $240 / $260 / Wooster Middle School / Biology / 10:25–12:50 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle SchoolUS History Survey / 8:00–10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle School / Elementary Language Arts
July 10-Aug 4 / 8:30–11:00 / $300 / $320 / Victoria Soto School
Civics / 8:00–10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle School / Elementary Mathematics
July 10-Aug 4 / 11:15–12:45 / $240 / $260 / Victoria Soto School
World Studies / 8:00–10:25 / $300 / $320 / Wooster Middle School /
SAT Prep Critical Reading/Writing
July 14 – 25 / 10:15–12:45 / $135 / $135 / Wooster MiddleSchoolDriver Education
(July 3 – 26)
/ 8:00–10:00 / $130 / $130 / Wooster Middle School / SAT PREP MATHJuly 3 – 13 / 10:15–12:45 / $135 / $135 / Wooster Middle School
Language Arts (grade 5/6)
This class will focus on providing support to your child in becoming a stronger reader and writer. Emphasis will be placed on basic reading skills, reading comprehension, non-fiction reading and writing, writing essays, and other genres of writing based on student needs.PLEASE NOTE: Classes held at Stratford Academy: Victoria Soto School.
Language Arts–(Grade 7 and 8) 1hr. 12 min/day
An emphasis on persuasive and expository writing, including a review of grammar, is interwoven with the study of literary forms. Students are challenged according to their level. Students do extensive writing and reading. Persuasive and expository writing, fluency, writer’s purpose and audience, details, and revising and editing are skills that are emphasized. Students will be expected to independently develop an initial understanding and an interpretation, take a critical stance, and make connections.
Reading – (Grade 7 and 8) 1hr.12min/day
The emphasis for this course will be on reading, writing, and analyzing strategies. Nonfiction reading material will be used to teach, model, and develop reading skills and strategies so that students will internalize them and use them in all of their courses.
English910- 1 Unit 2hrs.25 min/day
This non-leveled course is integrated with the study of literary forms and an emphasis on persuasive and expository writing.
Students are expected to independently develop an interpretation and an initial understanding, take a critical stance, and make connections. Assessments are given based on the concepts and elements taught and reviewed in class. Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of 8th grade language arts.
In grade 10 students do extensive writing and reading. Students are encouraged to evaluate literature and non-fiction text. There is an emphasis on students’ ability to develop initial understanding, develop an interpretation, take a critical stance, and make connections.
English 1112- 1Unit 2hrs. 25 min/day
Students in Grade 11 continue to develop their writing and reading abilities all year long. Composition work, with an emphasis on academic writing, includes: fluency, awareness of audience, selection and arrangement of details, point of view, avoiding clichés, using figurative language, building sentences and paragraphs, using effective grammatical constructions, and improving punctuation, spelling, and usage skills. A review prior to the SAT is a functional part of the course of study.
The 12th grade curriculum was developed with four overarching concepts. Vocabulary instruction is year-long and incorporates SAT vocabulary in the initial part of the year as well as text-specific vocabulary.
World Geography (Grade 7) 1hr. 12min/day
This course, a regional and thematic approach to the world around us, focuses on the study of physical and cultural geography, and emphasizes geographic tools and skills.
U.S. History (Grade 8) 1 hr. 12 min/day
This course focuses on United States history from 1750 to the present. Skills such as persuasive writing, primary source analysis, document-based discovery, note-taking, and research are emphasized.
World Studies 1 Unit 2 hrs. 25 min/day
Civilization's growth from earliest history to modern times is surveyed. Students will use expository and persuasive writing skills, emphasized in both English and social studies classes, in writing about topics relevant to the content of World Studies.
U.S. History Survey 1 Unit 2hrs.25min/day
This survey course topically addresses the building of the American identity, sectionalism and states' rights, the growth of Industrial America, the United States on the world stage (World Wars I and II), the United States as a post-World War II leader, and the United States into the 21st Century.
Civics 1 Unit 2hrs.25min/day
This non-leveled course involves the study of the rights and responsibilities of citizens to participate in and shape public policy, that political systems and the establishment of authority for an orderly society, how the various levels of government are structured and function, the impact of liberty and equality on the individual, and how major world events impact U.S. security and the individual lives of all citizens.
Mathematics (grade 5/6)
This class will focus on helping your child improve in his/her understanding of mathematical concepts. Emphasis will be placed on basic mathematical skills and application of them according to student needs.PLEASE NOTE: Classes held at Stratford Academy: Victoria Soto School.
Grade 7 Math 1hr. 12 min/day
The mathematics program in the seventh grade helps students continue their mathematical skills in preparation for high school. They develop an understanding of important concepts, skills, procedures, and ways of thinking and reasoning in number theory, geometry, measurement, algebra, probability and statistics. Students investigate math concepts utilizing interactive problems in everyday situations and develop mathematical skills through investigations and projects.
Grade 8 Pre Algebra1hr.12min/day
Students develop an understanding of important concepts, skills, procedures and ways of thinking and reasoning in algebra as it relates to geometry and numbers. Students investigate math concepts, utilizing interactive problems and motivating everyday situations. Students develop mathematical skills in order to prepare for algebra.
Algebra 1 1 Unit 2hrs.25min/day
This traditional course introduces the student to the language and fundamentals of algebra and the real number system. Students develop an understanding of important concepts, skills, procedures and ways of thinking and reasoning in algebra. Students investigate math concepts, utilizing interactive problems in motivating everyday situations and developing mathematical skills through investigations and projects in preparation for the Connecticut Academic Performance Test.
Geometry 1 Unit 2 hrs. 25 min/day
This traditional course includes plane geometry and components of solid, coordinate, and transformational geometry. It involves measurements of angles, lines, area and perimeter. It helps the student to develop spatial, inductive, and deductive reasoning skills.
Algebra 2 1 Unit 2 hrs. 25 min/day
This traditional course builds upon concepts learned in Algebra I and Geometry and expands to include work in functions and relations, linear functions, quadratic/complex functions, exponentials and logarithms, rational algebraic expressions, irrational algebraic expressions, and sequences and series. A heavy emphasis is placed upon non-routine problem solving and math applications.
Middle School Science(Grade 7) 1hr.12min/day
This course of study includes core science concepts in life science which can be described through Essential Understandings. These concepts include: The Nature of Science, Ecology, Human Biology, and Heredity, Characteristics of living things and cells, and Food Preservation.
Middle School Science(Grade 8)1hr.12min/day
This course of study includes core science concepts in physical science which can be described through Essential Understandings. These concepts include: Matter and Energy, classification, properties, and structure; Mechanics: motion, forces, and work; Applied science of bridges.
Studies in Science(SIS)1 Unit 2hrs.25min/day
This course of study includes conservation of energy, electromagnetism, alternate energy sources, atoms and molecules, and current environmental concerns.
Biology 1 Unit 2hrs.25min /day
The course addresses various topics including basic biochemistry, energy and the cell, DNA, genetics, ecology, and microbiology with some learning techniques in biotechnology.
in conjunction with Cambridge Educational Services
To help maximize your child’s SAT scores, Stratford Continuing Education is offering SAT preparation courses in conjunction with Cambridge Educational Services. These courses are designed to help students maximize their exam scores by mastering the basic skills and content knowledge tested on the current SAT. Students will learn test-taking strategies, the format, and pacing techniques that will then be reinforced through realistic practice tests in addition to pre and post-tests scored by Cambridge.
SAT PREP – MATH:July 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 Time: 10:15am – 12:45pm Tuition: $135.00/8 classes
SAT PREP – CRITICAL READ/WRITE:July 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25 Time: 10:15am – 12:45 pm Tuition: $135.00/8 classes
Students must be 16 years old by the first day of class
Register by credit card online at or with cash or money order in the Continuing Education office.
Dates: July 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25
Time: 8:00am - 10:00am
Cost: $130.00 (Non-Refundable)
No class on July 10
Make-Up Class July 26
Mandatory Parent Meeting July 12th at Wooster Middle School
Student Contract 2017
I, the undersigned, agree to attend Stratford Summer School. I understand in making this commitment that I must cooperate with the staff and my fellow students in all aspects of the program. Class attendance, completion of assignments and assuming the responsibility for successful completion of this program are of primary importance for my success. I must attend all classes punctually and regularly.
If I must be unavoidably absent or late, I will notify by telephone the Stratford Continuing Education office at 203-385-4270.
In any event, an accumulation of two (2) absences in any one course will prevent me from obtaining credit for that course.
Two tardies count as one absence. No School: July 4th.
Summer School Rules and Regulations 2017
While you are enrolled in Summer School classes it is important to realize and recognize that your actions reflect upon the total student body as well as the program and its faculty. Any conduct reflecting discredit to the students, faculty, school or the community carries immediate expulsion. The following will be considered grounds for dismissal of students:
- Smoking in the school building or on school grounds;
- Use of profane and indecent language and behavior;
- Defacing or destruction of public property;
- Being on the school premises under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or other mood modifiers; Possession of, or selling of, drugs or alcoholic
beverageson school premises;
- Dress and grooming must conform to standards of modesty and good taste. Shoes or sandals must be worn for health and safety reasons.
Hats cannot be worn in school;
- Improper conduct causing a disturbance in the classroom, hallway or anywhere on school premises;
- Tampering with safety signs, evacuation signs, or the equipment and alarms;
- Stealing of personal or school property – which will result in police action;
- Hazing (this will also result in police referral);
- Fighting;
- Wandering in areas off-limits to students;
- Possession of anything that might be considered a weapon (including fireworks);
- Consuming food or beverages in the classroom; water in a plastic bottle is allowed;
- Use of an electronic device (cell phone or pager) during class instruction time.
I have read and understand the operating rules and attendance policy and fully agree to comply with those rules and the attendance policy.
I understand that if I do not fulfill my responsibility and meet these provisions, I will be withdrawn from the program.
Stratford Public Schools Summer School Registration
Cash, certified check or Money Order Only - Make money orders payable to: Stratford Continuing Education
Last Name: / First Name:Date of Birth: / Home Phone:
Parent Cell Phone:
Address (City/State/Zip):
Parent/Guardian Name(print):
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Parent E mail Address:
School Attended This Year: / Grade: / Medical Issues , IEP, or 504 plans we should be aware of: ______NO ______YES (list below)
Course Title / Time / Location / Fee – STFD. res. / Fee – Non res. / Start Date
Language Arts: 7 8
Reading 7 8 / 8:00-9:12 / Wooster / $240.00 / $260.00 / 6/26/17
English: 9 10 11 12 / 10:25-12:50 / Wooster / $300.00 / $320.00 / 6/26/17
World Geography 7 US History 8 / 11:45-12:57 / Wooster / $240.00 / $260.00 / 6/26/17
US History Survey Civics
World Studies / 8:00-10:25 / Wooster / $300.00 / $320.00 / 6/26/17
Pre Algebra* 8 Math 7 8 / 10:30-11:42 / Wooster / $240.00 / $260.00 / 6/26/17
Algebra* 1 2 Geometry / 8:00-10:25 / Wooster / $300.00 / $320.00 / 6/26/17
Middle School Science 7 8 / 9:15-10:27 / Wooster / $240.00 / $260.00 / 6/26/17
Studies in Science Biology / 10:25-12:50 / Wooster / $300.00 / $320.00 / 6/26/17
Elementary LA / 8:30 – 11:00 / Soto / $300.00 / $320.00 / 7/10/17
Elementary Math / 11:15 – 12:45 / Soto / $240.00 / $260.00 / 7/10/17
Please put a check next to the course needed / All classes held at Wooster Middle School, 150Lincoln St. or Soto School
Beginning Balance: / Payment date: / Balance Due:
Money Order #:
Money Order Amount:$ / Date Paid in Full:
Cash Amount:$
Stratford Continuing Education 203-385-4270.Please call us if your child is going to be out or late, or to find out how your child is doing.
Grade 7 – 12 summer school will be atWooster Middle School.Elementary summer school will be at Victoria Soto School.
Registration for Summer School will take place at Wooster Middle School, 150 Lincoln Street
* Calculator needed for course