Rubenstein School

of Environment and Natural Resources

Payment Arrangement with External Service Provider: [Name]

This RSENR Arrangement is for external professional services and all graphic services less than $1,000.

Time period: [Start and End Dates]


[Name ] (“Services Provider” or “Provider”) agrees to provide the following Services and/or Products (“Work”) to the Rubenstein School of the University of Vermont (“UVM”):

  1. Description of Project: ______
  1. Scope of Work: ______
  1. Schedule of Deliverables (with timetable): ______

Terms of Payment: External Provider: Select one of the options below.

UVM will pay Provider an hourly rate of $______for all the services listed above. Invoices will show all hours worked and workdelivered.


UVM will pay Provider a flat fee of $______for all the services listed above. Invoices will show all hours worked and work delivered. Schedule of payments: ______


UVM will pay Provider an hourly rate of $______plus reimbursable(s) for all services listed above.This agreement allows the following expenses to be reimbursed to Provider:list expenses,

Travel and materials expense(s) require itemized sales receipts to be included with the invoice. Reimbursable travel expenses must comply with UVM polices. Invoices will show all hours worked and work delivered.


UVM will pay Provider a flat fee of $______plus reimbursable(s) for all the services listed above. This agreement allows the following expenses to be reimbursed to Provider:list expenses,

Schedule of payments:______

Travel and materials expense(s) require itemized sales receipts to be included with the invoice. Reimbursable travel expenses must comply with UVM polices. Invoices will show all hours worked and work delivered.

The total value of the arrangement, including any/all reimbursable expenses, is not to exceed $______.

Terms for payment are net 30 days.

Invoices will be submitted and addressed to:

University of Vermont-RSENR

Attn: [Name]


A final invoice will be required no later than [Date].

Invoice(s) approved by Budget Manager will be paid to [Name].

Chart String or Budget Name:______

Budget Manager’s Approval for use of chart string:______Date:______

RSENR Assistant Dean Approval:______Date:______

Service Provider Signature:______Date:______

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Rev 11/17/17

George D. Aiken Center, 81 Carrigan Drive, Burlington, VT 05405-0088  Telephone (802) 656-2911; Fax (802) 656-8683 

Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer