Paul Revere Digital Story Lesson Plan

Date: April 26 / Grade level: 3 / Subject: Social Studies / Week
SS3H2a Paul Revere (independence)
SS3G2 describe cultural and geographic systems associated with P. Revere
SS3CG2 describe how Paul Revere displayed the character traits of diligence and valuing liberty
SS3E1b productive resource: human (labor)
SS3E1d productive resource: entrepreneurship (used to create goods and services)
SS3E2 governments provide goods and services and pay for them through taxes
SS3E3a interdependence of consumers in Britain and the colonies and Paul Revere as a producer of goods and services / Vocabulary:
Nouns in the standard (SNTK):
Rights, freedoms, obstacles, cultural identification, character traits, goods, services, interdependence, consumers, colonies / Verbs in the standard (SNTD):
Discuss, explain, identify, describe, trace
The students will understand: Paul Revere diligent and valued liberty and used his resources to work for independence for our colonies from the interdependence of consumers in Britain.
The student will understand: Paul Revere’s work as a patriot and colonists’ belief that taxation without representation was unfair led to the American Revolution and Paul Revere’s location in Boston was helpful to the cause.
Essential Questions:
Who was Paul Revere and how did he expand the rights and freedoms of people in our country?
What influenced him?
Why did Paul Revere become a busy man?
How was Paul Revere’s ride influential for gaining American Independence?
List the logical order for this to be taught, how it will be taught and the activities used for teaching it.
Following the reading and discussion of Paul Revere’s Biography, students will complete their 5 W’s chart for his life. Students will decide how Revere played a major role on the road to independence for the American colonies and how the famous ride was a major component. Students will be divided into groups that will create a digital story to show the significance of this ride. Groups will be made up of 4 to 5 people; each having their own job in the group. Students will use the resource kit provided by the teacher to locate images, video, and audio to their digital story. Their goal is to show how important Revere’s ride was for American colonists through these resources.
Students will view tutorials on creating a digital story using movie maker. Once they have gathered their resources, students will plot out their story using a storyboard. They will include what images, text, audio, or video will be on each screen. Students will then use Windows MovieMaker to create their digital story to share with the class.
Plans for Differentiation:
Reading and vocabulary support
Hands-on acitivities
Peer-support/small groups
ELL/Support for Language development
Interactive lesson summaries / What will the students do and/or how will they communicate their understanding of what they learned?
Creating and sharing their digital story of Revere’s Famous Ride.
Apply understanding of location by using map to show route of Paul Revere
Other Teaching Points/ Notes:

SS3H2a. TSW discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy. (Paul Revere-independence)

SS3H2b.TSW explain social barriers, restrictions, and obstacles that these historical figures had to overcome and describe how they overcame them.


a. Identify on a political map specific locations significant to the life and times of the historical figure.

b. Describe how place (physical and human characteristics) had an impact on the lives of these historical figures.

c. Describe how each of these historic figures adapted to and was influenced by his/her environment.

d. Trace examples of travel and movement of these historical figures and their ideas across time.

e. Describe how the region in which these historic figures lived affected their lives and had and impact on their cultural identification.

SSCG1 The student will describe how the historical figures in SS3H2a display positive character traits of cooperation, diligence, liberty, justice, tolerance, freedom of conscience and expression, and respect for and acceptance of authority.