Curriculum Vitae Paul R. Duffy - 2 -
Paul R. Duffy
University of Toronto
Department of Anthropology
19 Russell St.
Toronto, ON Canada
M5S 2S2
Cell phone: (647) 920-2896
Personal website:
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Ph. D Anthropology, University of Michigan, 2010.
Title: Complexity and Autonomy in Bronze Age Europe: assessing cultural developments in Eastern Hungary. Dr. John M. O’Shea, Chair.
M.A. Anthropology, University of Michigan, 2004.
B.A. Honours Anthropology, McGill University, 2000.
Positions Held
2012-Present Sessional Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.
2012-Present Research Associate, Department of Anthropology, Field Museum, Chicago.
2011-2013 SSHRC Fellow, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto.
2010-2011 Visiting Scholar, Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh.
Research Experience
2010-Present Field Director and Spatial Analyst for the Körös Regional Archaeological Project (KRAP), southeastern Hungary.
2006-Present Director, Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeology (BAKOTA) project, southeastern Hungary.
2008 Research Assistant, African Range. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
2006 Research Assistant, Great Lakes Range. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
2005 Research Assistant, Great Lakes Range. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
2005 Trench Supervisor. University of Michigan excavations at Pecica, western Romania.
2004 Ceramic Analyst. Körös Regional Archaeological Project, southeastern Hungary.
2002-2003 Trench Supervisor. Körös Regional Archaeological Project, southeastern Hungary.
2002-2003 Great Lakes Survey Field Crew. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
2002 Research Assistant, Great Lakes Range. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
2001 Archaeologist. Museum of London Archaeology Service (MoLAS), England.
Teaching Appointments at the University of Toronto
2014 Instructor for Landscape Archaeology (Scheduled).
2013 Instructor for The Archaeology of Funerary Practices.
Teaching Appointments at the University of Pittsburgh
2010-11 Co-instructor (with Olivier de Montmollin) of Controlled Comparisons of Social Trajectories in Ancient Hungary and Beyond, Advanced Seminar at the Center for Comparative Archaeology.
Teaching Appointments at the University of Michigan
2007 Instructor for Warfare and Politics without States.
2005 Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for Global Change 2: Human Impacts. Co-taught by Dr. David Allan, Dr. Vincent Abreu, Dr. Tom Gladwin and Dr. Ben van der Pluijm.
2004 GSI for Human Evolution. Dr. Milford Wolpoff.
2004 GSI for Early Civilizations. Dr. Robert Brubaker.
2003 GSI for Human Evolution. Dr. Milford Wolpoff.
2003 GSI for Early Civilizations. Dr. Jeff Parsons.
2002 GSI for Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. Dr. Stuart Kirch.
2001 GSI for Introduction to Prehistoric Archaeology. Dr. John O’Shea.
External Research Grants
2013 REU Site: The Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeological Project (BAKOTA), Hungary: Undergraduate Training in Field Methods, Lab Techniques, and Research Reporting in European Archaeology (2014-2016). Pending. BCS-1359151; USD 383,049.
2012 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Insight Development Grant. Complexity Without Inequality: Social Heterogeneity in Bronze Age Europe. Not awarded. ID 555803. CAD 74,880.
2012 National Science Foundation, Senior Archaeology Award. Heterogeneity and Complexity in Bronze Age Europe: divergence of social trajectories on the Great Hungarian Plain. Awarded. BCS-1226439. USD 91,614.
2011 European Facility for Airborne Research (EUFAR). PAPRIKA: Prehistoric
Agricultural Production and Regional Intensification in the Körös Area. (M. Stibranyi, lead scientist). Not awarded. EUR 61,500.
2011-2013 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 24 month Postdoctoral Fellowship. Awarded. 756-2011-0060. CAD 81,000.
2010 European Facility for Airborne Research (EUFAR). COLLAGE: Landscape dynamics of the Körös Valley (Hungary): Cultural and environmental evolution during the Neolithic & Copper Age. (A. Sarris, lead scientist). Not awarded. EUR 61,500.
2010 Archaeological Institute of America - Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Fellowship for Study in Berlin. Awarded and declined. EUR 2,000.
2010 Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada. 24 month Postdoctoral Fellowship. Award 756-2010-0744. Awarded and declined. CAD 81,000.
2006 National Science Foundation, Dissertation Improvement Grant. Craft production and political potential: Middle Bronze Age village societies on the Great Hungarian Plain (2300-1600 BC). Awarded. BCS-0620151. USD 12,000.
Internal Research Grants Received
2012 University of Toronto, International Conference Travel Grant. CAD 664.
2008-2009 University of Michigan, Mischa Titiev Library Fellowship. USD 10,000.
2008 University of Michigan, Rackham School Block Grant. USD 5,000.
2007 University of Michigan, James B. Griffin Research Award. USD 2,000.
2007 University of Michigan, Rackham International Research Award, Rackham School of Graduate Studies. USD 5,000.
2007 University of Michigan, Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies, Conference Travel Grant. USD 750.
2006 University of Michigan, Center for Russian and Eastern European Studies Research, Internship and Fellowship Award. USD 1,500.
2006 University of Michigan, Dissertation Research Funding, Department of Anthropology. USD 1,100.
2006 University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Discretionary Funds. USD 2,000.
2004 University of Michigan, Predissertation Award, International Institute, USD 2,000.
2003 University of Michigan, Rackham School of Graduate Studies, Discretionary Funds. USD 2,000.
2002 University of Michigan, Predissertation Research Funding, Department of Anthropology. USD 2,000.
Other Awards and Prizes Received
2005 University of Michigan, Roy Rappaport Award for Best Graduate Student Instructor in Anthropology.
2013 Duffy, Paul R.
Complexity and Autonomy in Bronze Age Europe: assessing cultural developments in Eastern Hungary. Prehistoric Research in the Körös Region, Volume 1. Archaeolingua, Budapest. In Press.
Peer Reviewed Publications
nd Gyucha, Attila, Paul R. Duffy and William A. Parkinson
Prehistoric human-environmental interactions on the Great Hungarian Plain. Anthropologie In Press.
2013 Sarris, Apostolos, Nikos Papadopoulos, Athos Agapiou, Maria Cristina Salvi, Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, William A. Parkinson, Richard W. Yerkes, Attila Gyucha and Paul R. Duffy
Fusion of geophysical surveys, ground hyperspectral measurements, aerial and satellite imagery for archaeological prospection of Neolithic sites: the case study of Vésztő-Mágor Tell, Hungary. Journal of Archaeological Science. 40:1454-1470.
2011 Gyucha, Attila, Paul. R. Duffy and Tod Frolking
The Körös Basin from the Neolithic to the Hapsburgs: Linking Settlement Distributions with Pre-Regulation Hydrology Through Multiple Data Set Overlay Geoarchaeology 26(3):293-419.
2007 Parkinson, William and Paul. R. Duffy
Fortifications and Enclosures in European Prehistory: A Cross-Cultural Perspective Journal of Archaeological Research. 15(2):97-141.
Publications in Edited Volumes
2013 Duffy, Paul R., William A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha and Richard W. Yerkes
Coming Together, Falling Apart: A Multi-Scalar Approach to Prehistoric Aggregation and Interaction on the Great Hungarian Plain, p. 44-62. In From Prehistoric Villages to Cities: Settlement Aggregation and Community Transformation. Edited by J. Birch. Routledge, New York.
2008 Duffy, Paul R.
A Körös vidék bronzkori tell-társadalmai [Bronze Age tell societies of the Körös region], p. 107-149. In Körös-menti évezredek. Régészeti ökológiai és településtörténeti kutatások a Körös-vidéken. Edited by Emília Martyin and Gergely Bóka. Gyulai katalógusok, no. 13. Erkel Ferec Múzeum, Gyula.
2008 Gyucha, Attila and Paul R. Duffy
A Körös-vidék holocén kori vízrajza [Holocene hydrology of the Körös area], p. 11-40. In Körös-menti évezredek. Régészeti ökológiai és településtörténeti kutatások a Körös-vidéken. [Research on the Settlement Ecology and History of the Körös Region over the Millennia] Edited by Emília Martyin and Gergely Bóka. Gyulai katalógusok, no. 13. Erkel Ferec Múzeum, Gyula.
Publications Under Review
Papadopoulos, Nicos G., Apostolos. Sarris, William. A. Parkinson, Attila Gyucha, Richard W. Yerkes, Paul R. Duffy and P. Tsourlos
Modeling Cultural Deposits and Geomorphological Landscapes at Neolithic Sites using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Submitted to Archaeological Prospection. ARP-13-0040.
Articles In preparation
1. “A Micro-regional Perspective on Metallurgy and Social Change during the Bronze Age of Eastern Hungary.” For submission to Antiquity.
2. “Studying Mortuary Landscapes with Remote Sensing, Geoarchaeology, and Surface Collection.” For submission to Journal for Advances in Archaeological Method and Theory.
3. “High Resolution Approaches to Studying Biological and Cultural Variation in Cremation Burials.” American Journal of Physical Anthropology. (László Paja, lead author)
4. “Networks in the Carpathian Basin: Three Social Trajectories in the Tisza River Drainage.” For submission to Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.
Papers Presented at Professional Meetings
2013 Morrow, Giles Spencer, Paul R. Duffy and Lauren Tosti
Virtually There: Offsite georectified photogrammetric processing as onsite strategic excavation resource. Poster presented at the Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, November 12, 2013, Vienna, Austria. Submitted.
2013 Duffy, P. R. and G. Parditka
The Talking Dead: Introducing Middle Bronze Age mortuary customs to the settlement pattern of the Lower Körös Basin. Paper presented at the European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Plzen, Czech Republic, September 8.
2013 Duffy, P. R. and A. Choyke
Enchained generations at Polgár-Csőszhalom: bead use life through experimental conditions. Paper presented at the 78th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Honolulu, HI, USA, April 6.
2012 Gyucha, A., P. R. Duffy and W.A. Parkinson
Rain or Shine: Dynamics of Prehistoric Village Organization on the Great Hungarian Plain. Paper presented at the Theory and Method in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Central Europe, Mikulov, Czech Republic, October 25.
2012 Duffy, P. R. and V. Szeverényi
Dress Sharply for European Travel: a surface cost model for movement between Hajdúsámson sword find spots. Paper presented at the Cultural Mobility in Bronze Age Europe conference at Aarhus University, Moesgård, Denmark, June 6.
2012 Duffy, P. R., W. A. Parkinson and A. Gyucha
From Societal Types to Comparative Regional Trajectories: The Long-Term Dynamics of Prehistoric Villages on The Great Hungarian Plain. Paper presented at the 77th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, TN, USA, April 20.
2012 Parkinson, W. A., A. Gyucha, P. R. Duffy and R. W. Yerkes
On the shoulders of giants: regional and micro-regional studies in the prehistoric Carpathian Basin. Paper presented at the 77th Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, TN, USA, April 20.
2012 Gyucha, A., W. A. Parkinson, R. W. Yerkes and P. R. Duffy
Neolithic nucleation on the Great Hungarian Plain: the Szeghalom-Kovácshalom microregion. Paper presented at the Chronologies, Lithics and Metals: Late Neolithic and Copper Age in the Eastern Part of the Carpathian Basin and in the Balkans conference in Budapest, Hungary, April 1.
2011 Duffy, P. R., W. Parkinson and A. Gyucha
Prehistoric tell communities on the Great Hungarian Plain. Paper presented at the European Archaeological Association meeting in Oslo, Norway, Sept. 16.
2011 Gyucha A., W. Parkinson, P. R. Duffy and R. W. Yerkes
A szeghalom-kovácshalmi neolitikus tell és környezetének kutatása [Research at the Neolithic tell and environs of Szeghalom-Kovácshalom]. Paper presented at the National Hungarian Archaeology and Art History meeting in Budapest, Hungary, May 18.
2011 Duffy, P. R.
Mortuary practice and diverging social trajectories in Bronze Age Hungary. Presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Sacramento, CA, USA, April 2.
2011 Gyucha A. W. A. Parkinson, P.R. Duffy and R. W. Yerkes
A háztartások szerveződésének változásai az őskori Alföldön [Changing household organizations on the Plain in prehistory]. Paper presented at the Őskoros Kutatók (VII) conference in Százhalombatta, Hungary, March 18.
2011 Choyke, A., P. R. Duffy, E. Stone, and A. Vecsey
Time and Enhanced Value: the use life of bone beads. Paper presented at the 5th Experimental Archaeology conference. University of Reading, UK, January 8.
2010 Duffy, P. R.
Trends and locations for Bronze Age crafting in the Lower Körös Basin. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in St. Louis, April 16.
2009 Duffy, P. R.
Kis and Tell: regional centers in the Bronze Age Körös Basin. Paper presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Atlanta, April 24.
2008 Choyke, A., P. R. Duffy and A. Vecsey
Linking Generations: beads as funeral offerings in the Final Neolithic. Presented at the European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Malta, October 16.
2008 Duffy, P. R.
Transition to what? Tell societies of Neolithic and Bronze Age Hungary: a spatial comparison. Presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Vancouver, Canada, March 27.
2007 Duffy, P. R.
Tells and the Bronze Age Körös: testing the staple finance model. Presented at the European Association of Archaeologists in Zadar, Croatia, September 22.
2004 Duffy, P. R.
Neolithic and Copper Age settlement enclosure on the Great Hungarian Plain: variability and interpretation. Presented at the Society for American Archaeology meeting in Montreal, Canada, April 1.
Invited Lectures and Workshops
2013 Santa Fe Institute Interdisciplinary Working Group: “Similarity and Divergence in post-Neolithic Europe: Mediterranean and Carpathian Comparisons.” October 13-16, in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Organized byEric Rupley (SFI) and Jerry Sabloff (President, SFI).The purpose was to compare social change and political and economic development across the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age of Europe, with focus on the Northern Europe, the Iberian Peninsula, the Aegean and the Carpathian Basin.
2013 Beszámoló a Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeology Kutatási program eredménneiről [Findings from the Bronze Age Körös Off-Tell Archaeology project]. Archaeology and Art History Society Annual Meeting. Hungarian National Museum, Budapest. May 29. (With Györgyi Pardika, László Paja, and Attila Gyucha.)
2012 Symbolism and Mobility in Middle Bronze Age Europe. Archaeological Institute of America, Toronto. November 28.
2012 Social complexity and heterogeneity on the Great Hungarian Plain during the Early-Middle Bronze Age: A view from the Körös Region. School of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. March 6.
2012 Diverging Social Trajectories in Bronze Age Hungary: network models and mortuary practice. Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh. February 24.
2012 Social Complexity and Heterogeneity in Bronze Age Hungary: a comparative approach. Urbanism and Civilizations Interest Group Series at the Archaeology Center, University of Toronto. February 13.
2012 Social Complexity and Inequality in Bronze Age Europe. Archaeology Day, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto. February 10.
2010 Autonomy and complexity in the Körös Basin of eastern Hungary: prelude to a Bronze Age comparison. Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago. October.
2010 Major Transitions in Europe and the Near East (7000-200 BC). World History Initiative. University of Michigan School of Education. July.
English Spoken, Read, Written
French Spoken, Read, Written
Hungarian Spoken, Read, Written
Spanish Spoken, Read
Romanian Read
German Read
Professional Memberships