Patterson PTA Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2011

I.Call to order - 9:32 a.m.

A.Motion to approve April 2011 minutes as written by Debi Yamamoto, second by Michelle Bassi. Motion passes.

II.Presidents Report

A.Discussion about proposed Senate Bill 7

B.Gap between special education and regular education students. Each school will have a crisis team to work specifically on lessoning the gap.

C.Audit committee

1.The following individuals have volunteered to be on the 2010/11 audit committee. They are: Karen Amundsen, Sally Bernard, Michelle Bassi and Janet Juarez.

2.Committee will meet in July and report at September 2011 meeting.

III.Treasurer’s Report

A.Income from Boxtops, 5th Grade DVD and photo orders, Jet’s Night, School Supply Kits, Yearbook Sales and Summer Bridge Books – as per banking summary on file dated 5/9/2011.

B.Expenses from yearly filing with Secretary of State, Birthday books, Family Fun, 5th grade Celebration, Hospitality, Teacher Appreciation Breakfast and Lunch, Summer Bridge Books, Reflections, School Assemblies, Ozzie Reading Program, and Classroom Enrichment - as per banking summary on file dated 5/9/2011.

C.Motion to move $100 from surplus to Go Green for a dedication planting for Mrs. K. Motion by Karen Amundsen and second by Rita Malloy. Motion passes.

D.Motion to move $100 from surplus to Field Day by Sally Bernard and second by Michelle Bassi. Motion passes.

IV.Executive & Committee Reports


1.Teacher Appreciation Week very successful.

2.Need volunteers for Field Day.

3.5th Grade Celebration DVD complete. Final viewing today. Michelle will view and approve and it will be sent out to be burned.

4.Meet & Greet will be 8/17 – mark calendars.

5.Yearbook at the printers. Everything on schedule.

a.Sold 536

b.Will be distributed on Monday 6/6. Sold at door on Tuesday 6/7.

IV.Executive & Committee Reports (Continued)


1.Received final check from Boxtops. Great year.

a.Classroom winners to be announced soon.

2.Jet’s Pizza – Earned $350.

a.Hoping to do business with us again next year.

3.Summer Bridge Books – have been ordered and will be distributed to teachers this week.

4.Culver’s Night last night – numbers not in yet.


1.Chess Club tournament to be held on 5/20.

2.Still waiting on Six Flags tickets to arrive.

V.Principal’s Report/Ask the Principal Session

A.A family donated a SMART board to Patterson. They would like to remain anonymous.

B.Technology Refresh happening for our school – this summer.

1.Will update one computer in every classroom

2.Will update the computer labs and library

3.Will update licensing for software

4.Will be adding 12 additional laptops.

C.Technology fundraiser earned over $2200 in profits.

1.Team looking at a set of responders and/or slates. Reviewing all options.

D.District will be transferring to a new Student Management Software program.

1.Currently using an old DOS program.

a.Beth Marquardt is on the district wide committee so we are very fortunate and transitions should run smoothly.

E.Registration/Residency Information

1.All schools asked to verify from 5th to 6th grades and from 8th to 9th grade.

a.Office personnel working one evening to process and get everyone out the door fast.

2.Registration currently going on.

F.Currently reviewing applicants for music position.


1.Anonymous reporting form on District website.

2.Katy Purse talking with different grade levels.

a.Refresher done at the end of the year for all grades.

3.Program in place

a.First step – tell them to “Stop”

b.Second step – “Walk” away

c.Third step – “Talk” to an adult.

V.Principal’s Report/Ask the Principal Session Continued

G.Bullying (Continued)

4.Working on prevention program - PATHS

a.Started with Kindergarten and will follow them to 1st grade.

b.Sue Black doing an assembly next year on bullying.

c.Parent assembly held the night before the student assembly.

5.CHAMPS program – focusing on the positive behavior of children.

H.Katy Purse putting together a district wide program for the lunch room ladies and crossing guards.

1.Mandatory for them to go to training.

I.Summer Programs

1.District does not currently offer any summer programs for students other than high school age.

2.Summer Activities Fair held in April is a good source of information of program available from different vendors.

J.Rosati Pizza Night Fundraiser Monies

1.Have purchased many wonderful items such as:

a.Kindergarten and 1st Grade PATHS Anti-bullying program

b.Scholastic subscriptions for 2nd grade

c.Times magazine for 3rd-5th grades

d.Piano accompanist for before and after school music programs.

VI.New Business

A.Motion to move $4000 (if monies are available) from surplus to end of year expenditures to purchase PATHS program for 2nd through 5th grades and counselors book. Motion made by Janet Juarez and second by Cheryl Pastore. Motion passes.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:57 a.m.

Members In Attendance:

Rita MalloyPam Fitzgerald

Eileen BoffaJanet Juarez

Donna WidmannCheryl Pastore

Lisa PearceTerri Maas

Debi YamamotoKaren Amundsen

Sally BernardJuliana Hepburn