Tool: Preliminary School Inventory
The Preliminary School Inventory will help school design teams take stock of their current practices, educational philosophy, and the resources available. This preliminary inventory should inform the selection and adaptation of school model(s) and ensure that all members of the school design team are on the same page about the opportunities and challenges ahead for building an Opportunity Culture within their school.
School name:
Grades served:
Student enrollment:
School hours:
Schedules: / Teachers change subjects or classes according to the following schedule (describe):
Instructional modes: / Instruction in our schools is delivered:
☐All in person
☐In person and online/digital combined
☐All online/digital
☐Online/digital combined with remotelylocated teachers
Roles: / Teacher roles are organized by:
☐Subject /sub-subject
☐Differentiated roles(describe):
☐Other (describe):
Paraprofessionals: / Current roles include the following:
Collaboration: / Teachers work with other teachers in the following ways (describe how and how often):
Compensation structures: / Teachers are paid according to the following rules(e.g., state salary schedule plus local supplement for years on the job; additional pay for advanced degrees; additional pay for administrator track):
Career paths available:
Other notes:
What percentage of students in your school are reached by an excellent teacher? (Note: This is thecrucial question and calculation in an Opportunity Culture.)How many classroom teachers work in your school now? / Attach a list to the end of this document showing names, content areas, and grade levels
How many teachers would be considered excellent or highly effective (according to the district-approved definition)?
How many or what percentage of novice teachers do you have?
How many instructional coaches, specialists, or deans of studentswork in your school, not including ELL and special education?
What are responsibilities of the instructional coaches, specialists, or deans of students?
How many paraprofessionals work in your school?
How are teachers assigned to students?
How are teaching teams assembled?
Who leads teams of teachers?
Teacher Professional Learning
How are new or struggling teachers supported?How are average or excellent teachers supported?
How is professional learning selected for teachers?
Teacher Time
What is the current ratio of teacher time for instructional versus non-instructional duties?How many minutes of collaborative planning time do teaching teams have per week?
How is collaborative planning time used?
How many working student devices does your school have, and what are their conditions and location?
(Condition: new = less than 1 year old; moderate = 1–3 years old; old = more than 3 years old)
(Location: such as in classrooms, digital labs, on carts)
Number / Condition / Location
Other (e.g., XO devices)
Does your school have wireless coverage?
Where? How reliable is it in each location?
What firewalls or other restrictions limit technology use for students and/or staff?
How many technology support staff members do you have at the school?
Please describe the technology staff responsibilities.
Are there any other technology assets or concerns worth noting in your building?
What is the overall comfort level of your classroom teachers with technology?
What is the overall comfort level of your paraprofessionals with technology?
What additional technology does the staff have and use (e.g., projectors, smart boards)?
What educational software does your school currently have?
How many licenses are currently available to students to use this software? For how long?
What budget flexibility does your school have?
What budget flexibilities would be ideal?
Is the school involved in any other initiatives or implementing any other new programs?
Is the school planning on making any changes that affect:
-Schedule, or
-Teacher/student time?
Other items needed to support Opportunity Culture implementation
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