Details of Assistance/Subsidy for seeds production and seeds distribution available/provided under various existing Crop Development Schemes/Programmes implemented by States

Sl. No. / Scheme/Component / Crop / Scale of Assistance
1. / National Food Security Mission(NFSM) / Rice / Rs.5000/- per quintal or 50% of seeds cost whichever is less for certified hybrid rice seed distribution.
Rs.10/- per kg. or 50% of the cost, whichever is less for certified high yielding varieties certified seed distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Wheat / Rs.10/- per kg. or 50% of the cost whichever is less for certified high yielding varieties seed distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Pulses / Rs.2500/- per quintal or 50% of cost whichever is less for certified seeds distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Coarse cereals- HYVs seed
Hybrid seed / HYVs Rs.1500/- per quintal or 50% of cost whichever is less for HYVs certified seeds distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Rs. 5000/- per quintal or 50% of cost of seeds whichever is less for Hybrid coarse cereal certified seeds distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Commercial Crops-Jute based cropping system
Seed Village Programme and Production of seed in Govt. Farms / Seed production
Production of breeder seed @Rs.20000/qtl.
Production of certified Seeds 50% of the cost limited to Rs.120/- per kg for foundation seed production.
Rs.50/- per kg for certified seed production.
Rs.5500/qtl. for certified seed produced by State Department of Agriculture, State Agricultural Universities, KVKs, SSCs, NSC and SSCA.
Commercial Crop – Sugarcane / Assistance for breeder seed production @Rs.40000/ha.(Rs.34000 for inputs and Rs.6000 for contingency) to SAUs, ICAR and Sugarcane Research “Institute (SRI)
Production of tissue culture raised plantlets/ seedlings @Rs.3.5 per seedling.
2 / Bringing Green Revolution in Eastern India (BGREI) / Rice and Wheat / Distribution of seeds
Rs.5000/- per quintal or 50% of seeds cost whichever is less for certified hybrid rice seed distribution.
Rs.10/- per kg. or 50% of the cost, whichever is less for certified high yielding varieties certified seed distribution for less than 10 years old varieties.
Rice and Wheat / Production of seeds
The assistance for production of seeds @ Rs. 1,000 per qtl. for HYVs of paddy and wheat and Rs. 5,000 per qtl.for paddy hybrid for less than 10 years old varieties from the year 2015-16. Out of this, 75% amount of subsidy is meant for farmers and 25 % to seed producing agencies for meeting expenditure including certification cost.
3. / National Mission on Oil Seeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) / All oilseeds,
Hybrid seeds
Oil Palm Sprouts
Cultivation cost as assistance for gestation period for oil palm. / Full cost for purchase of Breeder Seed of oilseeds from ICAR/SAUs etc.
50% of the cost with a ceiling of Rs. 25 per Kg. of certified seeds except sesame which are not older than 10 years for distribution and Rs. 5000/- per quintal for hybrids and variety of sesame not older than 15 years.
Full cost of Seed Minikits of high yielding varieties/hybrids which are less than 10 years. (Implementing agency NSC /NAFED/KRIBHCO etc).
85% of cost of planting material with a ceiling of Rs. 8000/ha. for entire land holding of farmers for oil palm.
50% cost during gestation period for 4 years with ceiling of Rs. 16000/ per ha. for oil palm.
Assistance for production of Foundation Seeds / Rs. 1000 per quintal for all verities / hybrids released during last 10 years and additional assistance of Rs. 100/quintal on the varieties /Hybrids released in last 5 years. 75% of subsidy amount is meant for farmers and 25% for seed producing agencies for meeting expenditure towards certification and production etc. (SDAs/NSC/ NAFED/ KRIBHCO/ IFFCO/HIL/IFFDC/Central Multi State Cooperatives such as NCCF)
Assistance for production of Certified Seeds / Rs. 1000 per quintal for all varieties / hybrids released during last 10 years and additional assistance of Rs. 100/- quintal on the varieties. Hybrids released in last 5 years, 75% of subsidy amount is meant for farmers and 25% for seed producing agencies for meeting expenditure towards certification and production etc. (SDAs/NSC/NAFED /KRIBHCO /IFFCO/HIL/IFFDC/Central Multi State Cooperatives such as NCCF)
4. / RashtriyaKrishiVikasYojna (RKVY) / All Crops / All activities including Seed Infrastructure
5. / National Mission on Agricultural Extension and Technology (NMAET)-Sub- Mission on Seeds & Planting Material (SMSP) / Seed Village Programme -All Agricultural Crops
(60% GOI and 40% State Share) / Distribution of Seeds
To upgrade the quality of farmer saved seed financial assistance for distribution of foundation / certified seeds @ 50% cost of the seeds for Cereals crops and 60% for oilseeds, pulses, green manure and fodder crops is provided for 1 acre of area per farmer for production of quality seeds.
b. Farmers Training- Assistance to train the farmers on seed production and seed technology @ Rs.15000/- for a group of 50-150 farmers.
c. Seed treating/dressing drums - Financial assistance for treating seeds @ Rs.3500 per seed treating drum of 20Kg capacity and Rs. 5000 per drum of 40Kg capacity.
d. Storage bins
To encourage farmers to develop storage capacity of appropriate quality, financial assistance is provided to farmers for purchasing Seed Storage bins. The rate of assistance is as under.
@33% for SC/ST farmers for 10 qtls. capacity Rs.1500
@33% for SC/ST farmers for 20 qtls. capacity Rs.3000
@25% for General farmers for 10 qtls. capacity Rs.1000
@25% for General farmers for 20 qtls. capacity Rs.2000
Certified Seed Production of oilseeds, pulses, green manure and fodder crops through Seed Village
(60% GOI and 40% State Share) / A Distribution of Seeds- financial assistance for distribution of foundation seeds @ 75% cost of the seeds of oilseeds, pulses, green manure and fodder crops is provided to the farmers.
Farmers Training - Assistance to train the farmers on seed production and seed technology @ Rs.15000/- for a group of 50-150 farmers.
Certification Charges- 50% Seed Certification charges maximum of Rs.600/ha or actual whichever is less for certification of seeds produced under the programme.
Seed processing and seed storage godowns-Assistance is provided to establish seed processing and prefabricated or other type of seed storage godowns 150 sqm. @ Rs.10000 per sqm. to process and store 200 MT capacity for each seed village.
Financial assistance of Rs.7.56 lakh is available for seed processing machinery and supporting equipments etc.
6. / Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH)
Seed production for vegetables and Spices / Open pollinated crops
Hybrid seeds
Seed infrastructure / @ Rs. 35,000/ha - For public sector 100%,
for private sector 35% in general areas and 50% in NE & Himalayan States, Tribal Sub Plans (TSP) areas, Andaman & Nicobar & Lakshadweep Islands, limited to 5 ha. Output target of seed for each crop will be fixed by the individual state.
@ Rs. 1.50 lakh/ha- For public sector 100%.
For private sector 35% in general areas and 50% in NE & Himalayan States, TSP areas, Andaman & Nicobar & Lakshadweep Islands, limited to 5 ha. Output target of seed for each crop will be fixed by the individual state for each beneficiary, before releasing funds.
vii) Import of planting material Rs. 100.00 lakh -100% of cost for State Govt. / PSUs, as project based activity.
Seed infrastructure (for handling, processing, packing, storage etc. of seeds meant for use as seed material for cultivation of horticulture crops)
@Rs. 200.00 lakh- 100% of cost to public sector
For private sector, credit linked back end subsidy @ 50% of cost of project.

Pattern of Assistance on Certified Seed Production of Pulses, Oilseeds, Fodders & Green Manure Crops through Seed Village, Seed Village Programme, Creation of Seed Infrastructure Facilities and Transport Subsidy under SMSP

No. / Components / Pattern of funding / Rate of Assistance
1 / Certified Seed Production of Pulses, Oilseeds, Fodders and Green Manure Crops through Seed Village Programme / 60:40 / i. Distribution of seeds-75% financial assistance will be provided for foundation/certified seeds required for farmers for pulses, oilseeds, fodder and green manure crops.
Seed certification charges-Financial assistance @50% of seed certification charges actual or maximum of Rs.600/ha whichever is less. (Rs.0.60 lakh for 100ha. area)
Farmers Trainings
Financial assistance @ Rs.15000 per groups (of 50-150 farmers each groups) will be provided for farmers training on seed production and post harvest seed technology.
Seed processing and seed storage godowns
Assistance maximum of Rs.15.00 lakh or actual whichever is less to establish seed processing and prefabricated or other type of seed storage godowns 150 sqm. @ Rs.10000 per sqm. to process and store 200 Mt capacity will be available for each seed village
V. Seed processing machinery and supporting equipments
Assistance of Rs.7.56 lakh maximum or actual whichever is less will be provided for seed processing machinery and supporting equipments etc.
Implementing Agencies / State Deptt. of Agriculture, State Seed Corporation including NSC,SSCAs, SAU, ICAR Institutes, Central Agricultural Universities/Institutes KVKs, SHGs, FPOs etc.
2. / Seed Village Programme / (60:40)
GOI share) / Distribution of Seeds
Cereal crops-50% assistance for distribution of foundation / certified seeds required for 1 acre area per farmer for cereal crops.
Pulses, Oilseeds, Fodders and Green Manure Crops-Financial assistance @ 60% cost of foundation/ certified seeds of pulses, oilseeds, green manure & fodder crops etc. required for 1 acre area per farmer
Farmers Trainings-Financial assistance of Rs.15000 per groups (50-150 farmers each groups) will be provided for farmers training on seed production and post harvest seed technology
Seed treating/dressing drums-Financial assistance for treating seeds produced in the Seed Village will be available maximum of Rs.3500 per seed treating drum of 20Kg capacity and Rs. 5000 per drum of 40Kg capacity whichever is less.
Seed Storage bins-To encourage farmers to develop storage capacity of appropriate quality, assistance will be given to farmers for purchasing Seed Storage bins as under.
@33% for SC/ST farmers for 10 qtls. capacity Rs.1500
@33% for SC/ST farmers for 20 qtls. capacity Rs.3000
@25% for General farmers for 10 qtls. capacity Rs.1000
@25% for General farmers for 20 qtls. capacity Rs.2000
Assistance for purchase of only one seed bin for each identified farmer will be available in the seed village. The implementing agency may also distribute smaller size of seed bins as per demand of farmers and financial assistance will be reduced accordingly.
Implementing Agencies / State Deptt. of Agriculture, State Seed Corporation including NSC,SSCAs, SAU, ICAR Institutes, KVKs, Central Agricultural Universities/Institutes etc.

Pattern of Assistance for Seed Processing and Seed Storage Facilitiesunder SMSP

No. / Components / Pattern of funding / Rate of Assistance
3 / Seed Storage Facilities / 100%
  1. Seed Storage-The financial assistance towards cost of construction for various type of seed storage godowns including pallet/ racks, cover, sprays, dusters etc. required for safe storage of seeds will be provided as under.
Particulars / Capacity (MT) / Size
sqm / Rate (Rs/Sqm) / Total cost
(Rs. in lakh)
Store with AC/ GI sheets / 1000 / 700 / 7000 / 49.00
Ventilated Flat roof stores / 1000 / 700 / 7500 / 52.50
Dehumidified store / 100 / 100 / 14000 / 14.00
Air conditioned and dehumidified store / 100 / 100 / 18000 / 18.00
  1. Modernization/ Strengthening existing Seed Storage
Financial assistance for modernization of existing Asbestos Sheet stores / ventilated flat roof stores dehumidified or air conditioned and dehumidified stores will be provided at a differential cost @ Rs. 6500 per sqm. and Rs. 10500 per sqm. respectively.
The grants-in-aid @ Rs. 4000/- sqm. will also be provided for modernization of dehumidified storage to the level of air conditioned and dehumidified stores. The implementing agency will have the flexibility to establish / strength modernize seed stores of desired capacities / capacity as assessed by them as per given modular pattern and financial assistance will be provided on prorate basis.
4. / Seed Processing Facilities / 100% GOI /
  1. Establishment of Seed Processing Plants
Grants-in-aid will be provided according to modular design of 1000 MT, 2000 MT, 3000 MT, 4000MT and 5000MT annual capacity seed processing capacity plants (wheat basis). The grant shall be available at the following rates:
Items / Annual Capacity (MT) / 1000 / 2000 / 3000 / 4000 / 5000
Main equipments etc. / Lakhs / 27.90 / 32.90 / 47.10 / 56.20 / 62.80
Supporting equipments etc. / Lakhs / 9.90 / 10.10 / 13.90 / 20.70 / 21.30
Total cost / Lakhs / 37.80 / 43.00 / 61.00 / 76.90 / 84.10
  1. Construction of building, receiving shed, drying platform, etc:-
Financial assistance for construction of building required for Seed processing plant and other supporting structure will be provided as under:
Annual Capacity of plant (Ton) / Plant building and receiving shed / Drying Platform / Grand total
Size (sqm) / Rate (Rs/Sqm) / Total cost
(Rs) / Size (sqm) / Rate (Rs/Sqm) / Total cost
(Rs in lakh)
1000 / 450 / 7000 / 31.50 / 100 / 1200 / 1.20 / 32.70
2000 / 525 / 7000 / 36.75 / 200 / 1200 / 2.40 / 39.15
3000 / 700 / 7000 / 49.00 / 300 / 1200 / 3.60 / 52.60
4000 / 800 / 7000 / 56.00 / 400 / 1200 / 4.80 / 60.80
5000 / 1000 / 7000 / 70.00 / 500 / 1200 / 6.00 / 76.00
The implementing agency will have the flexibility to establish / seed processing unit of desired capacity as assessed by them and financial assistance will be provided on prorate basis.
Implementing Agencies / State Deptt. of Agriculture, State Seeds Corporations including NSC,SSCAs, SAUs, ICAR Institutes, KVKs, Central Agricultural Universities/Institutes , SHGs, FPOs etc.
5. / Transport Subsidy on movement of Seeds to North Eastern States including Sikkim and J&K, Himachal Pradesh Uttarakhand and Hill areas of West Bengal / (100% GOI share) / The topographic and the climatic conditions in North Eastern States including Sikkim, J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and hilly areas of West Bengal are not conducive for seed production. Therefore, to make timely availability of certified/quality seeds to the farmers of identified States at affordable price this component has initiated.
Only certified/ quality seeds of cereals, oilseeds, pulses, fibres, vegetable seeds and fodder crops shall be eligible for subsidy under the scheme. Potato seed tuber and spices are excluded from the purview of scheme.
  1. Movement of Seeds from outside the States
100% difference between road and Rail transportation charges will be reimbursed to the implementing States/ Agencies for Movement of Seeds produced outside the States and moved to these identified States Capital / district head quarter.
  1. Movement of Seeds with in the States
Actual cost restricted to maximum limit of Rs.120 per qtls. whichever is less for movement of seeds transported within the State from States Capitals / District Head Quarters to sales outlets /sale counters will be reimbursed to the identified States.
Implementing Agencies / State Deptt. of Agriculture of all North Eastern States including Sikkim and J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and West Bengal, State Seeds Corporations including NSC State Marketing Federation, Agro Industries Corporation, and other agencies designated by State Govt.

Details of Crop and Scheme wise maximum subsidy available/allowed under Sub-Mission on Seeds & Planting Material (SMSP)

Name of Component / Maximum subsidy available/allowed
Seed Village Programme (GOI share 60%+State share 40%)
Cereals / Maximum 50% of the seed cost or actual whichever is less for 1 acre/farmer
Paddy / Rs.1750/qtls.
Wheat and Barley / Rs.1600/qtls.
Maize sorghum and bajra / Rs.4000/qtls.
Ragi / Rs.2000/qtls.
Pulses / Maximum 60% of the seed cost or actual whichever is less for 1 acre/farmer
Arhar / Rs.5400/qtls.
Black gram, green gram, cowpea, gram, lentil, peas, rajmah, moth, horsegram and lathyrus / Rs.4800/qtls.
Guar / Rs.8500/qtls.
Oilseeds / Maximum 60% of the seed cost or actual whichever is less for 1 acre/farmer
Groundnut Kernal / Rs.7200/qtls.
Groundnut Pod / Rs.3600/qtls.
Soyabean / Rs.3600/qtls.
Til / Rs.7800/qtls.
Rapeseeds & mustards / Rs.4200/qtls.
Sunflower / Rs.18000/qtls.
Safflower / Rs.3600/qtls.
Castor / Rs.3600/qtls.
Dhaincha / Rs.3600/qtls.
Sunhemp / Rs.4200/qtls.
Pillipesara / Rs.4800/qtls.
Fodder maize / Rs.3000/qtls.
Fodder jowar / Rs.4800/qtls.
Fodder hybrid jowar / Rs.12000/qtls.
Barseem / Rs.9600/qtls.
Lucerne / Rs.20,000/qtls.
Oat / Rs.2000/qtls.
2. Certified seed production of pulses, oilseeds, fodder and green manure crops through seed village (GOI share 60% + State share 40%) / Maximum 75% of the seed cost or actual whichever is less for 1 acre/farmer
Arhar / Rs.6750/qtls.
Black gram, green gram, cow pea, gram, lentil, peas, rajmah, moth, horsegram and lathyrus / Rs.6000/qtls.
Groundnut Kernal / Rs.9000/qtls.
Groundnut Pod / Rs.4500/qtls.
Soybean / Rs.4500/qtls.
Til / Rs.9750/qtls.
Rapeseeds & mustards / Rs.5250/qtls.
Sunflower / Rs.2250/qtls.
Safflower / Rs.4500/qtls.
Castor / Rs.4500/qtls.
Dhaincha / Rs.4500/qtls.
Sunhemp / Rs.5250/qtls.
Pillipesara / Rs.6000/qtls.
Fodder maize / Rs.3750/qtls.
Fodder jowar / Rs.6000/qtls.
Fodder hybrid jowar / Rs.15000/qtls.
Barseem / Rs.12500/qtls.
Lucerne / Rs.25, 000/qtls.
Oat / Rs.2500/qtls.