Patrick W. Nelson

Assistant Professor (tenure-track)

Burroughs Wellcome Fellow

University of Michigan W: (734) 763-3408

Department of Mathematics F: (734) 763-0937

530 Church Street E:

Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Education and Employment History

  • Assistant Professor (tenure-track), Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan (Sept. 2002-present)
  • Assistant Professor (non tenure-track), Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan (Sept. 2000-Aug 2002)
  • Post-doc, Center for Mathematics and Computation in the Life Sciences and Medicine, Department of Mathematics, Duke University (Sept. 1999-Aug 2000)
  • Post-doc, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota (Sept 1998-Aug 1999)
  • Ph.D. in Applied MathematicsUniversity of Washington, Seattle. Advisor: Professor James D. Murray, FRS. (June 1998)
  • M.Sc. in Applied Mathematics, University of Washington, Seattle. (Aug 1995)
  • B.S. in Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe. (May 1994)
Current NSF/AMS Grants and Career Awards (Total Amount: $1,756,735.00)

[1] NSF Nelson (PI), Jackson (co-PI, Math) and J. Schiefelbein (co-PI, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology), UBM 905,000 2006-2011

[2] NSF Ulsoy (PI, Mech. Engineering) and Nelson (co-PI) Analysis of Time-Delayed Systems via Lambert Functions, DMS-CMS 258,7352006-2009

[3]Burroughs Wellcome Career Award at the Scientific Interface: $538,000, 2002-2008

[4] CCMB, Nelson (PI), Jackson (co-PI), and Pietropola (co-PI), Modeling and Experiment with Diabetes, 50,000 2007-2008

[4]AMS, Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program, 5000.00, 2006

Fellowships and Past Funding

*Howard Hughes Bioinformatics Pilot Grant, Michigan: (2003-2004) $55,000

*Rackham Fellowship, Michigan: (2001) $7,000

*NSF Fellowship, University of Washington, Department of Zoology (1997)


[1] Perelson, A.S and Nelson, P.W. Mathematical Models of HIV-Dynamics in vivo. SIAM Review V41:1 1999, pgs3-44.

[2] Nelson, P.W., Murray, J.D., and Perelson, A.S. A model of HIV pathogenesis that includes an intracellular delay. Mathematical Biosciences V163:2 2000, pgs 201-215.

[3] Perelson, A.S. and Nelson, P.W. Modeling Viral Infections. In An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling in Physiology, Cell Biology and Immunology, J. Sneyd, ed., AMS , Providence, RI 2001

[4] Nelson, P.W., Mittler, J. and Perelson, A.S. Effect of drug efficacy and the eclipse phase of the viral life cycle on the estimates of HIV viral dynamic parameters. Journal of Aids V26:5 2001

[5] Nelson, P. and Hernandez, J. Modeling the immune response to parasitic infections: Leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. Comments on Theoretical Biology V6:2 2002

[6] Nelson, P.W. and Perelson, A.S. Mathematical Analysis of delay differential equations models of HIV-1 infection. Mathematical Biosciences V179:1 2002, pgs 73-94

[7] Criminale, W.O., Jackson, T.L.,and Nelson, P.W. Limit cycle-strange attractor competition. Studies in Applied Mathematics V112 2004, pages 133-60

[8] Bortz, D. and Nelson, P. Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Lumped Parameter Models of HIV Infection Dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology V66 2004, pages 1009-26

[9] Nelson, P.W., Gilchrist, M., Coombs, D., Hyman, J., and Perelson, A.S. An Age-structured model of HIV infection that allows for variations in the production rate of viral particles and the death rate of productively infected cells. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering V1:2, 2004, pages 267-88

[10] Forde, J. and Nelson, P. Applications of Sturm Sequences to Bifurcation Analysis of Delay Differential Equation Models. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, V300:2, 2004, pages 273-284

[11] Ciupe, S. , De Bivort, B., Bortz, D. and Nelson, P.. Estimating kinetic parameters from HIV primary infection data through the eyes of three different mathematical models. Mathematical Biosciences V200, 2006 pages 1 – 27.

[12] Bortz, D. and Nelson, P. Model Selection and Mixed-Effects Modeling of HIV Infection Dynamics. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, V68(8), 2006, pages 2005-25.

[13] Ciupe, S., Ribeiro, R., Nelson, P., Dusheiko, G., and Perelson, A.S. The role of cells refractory to productive infection in acute hepatitis B viral dynamics (Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, V104, 2007, pgs 5050-55)

[14] Yi, S., Nelson, P., and Ulsoy, G. Delay differential equations via the Matrix Lambert W Function and bifurcation analysis: Application to machine tool chatter, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, V4(2), 2007.

[15] Yi, S. Nelson, P. and Ulsoy, G. Controllability and Observability of Systems of Linear Delay Differential Equations via the Matrix Lambert W Function, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2007, pgs 5631-36.

[16] Yi, S., Ulsoy, G. and Nelson, P. Solution of systems of linear delay differential equations via Laplace Transformations, Proceedings 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,2006, pgs 2535-40.

[17] S. Yi, P. W. Nelson and A. G. Ulsoy, Chatter stability analysis using the matrix Lambert function and bifurcation analysis, Proc. International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering, MSEC 2006, 2006.

[18] Greineder, Nelson, P. C., Dressel, A., Erba, H., and Younger, J. An in-vitro and in-silico analysis of the utility of Annexin V binding to lymphocytes as a biomarker in Emergency Department’s studies of Sepsis, Academic Emergency Medicine, V14(9), 2007, pgs 763-771)

[19] Yi, S., Ulsoy, G. and Nelson, P. Analysis of systems of linear delay differential equations using the Matrix Lambert Function and the Laplace Transformation (to appear Automatica, 2007)

[20] Ciupe, S., Nelson, P., Rubiero, R. and Perelson, A. Modeling the mechanisms of acute hepatitis B virus infection, Journal of Theoretical Biology, V247(1), 2007, pgs 23-35)

[21] S.Yi, P. W. Nelson and A. G. Ulsoy, Survey on analysis of time delayed systems via the Lambert W function, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems (Series A), 2007. (in press). [Also presented at Proc. 5thInt. Conf. on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Edinburg, Texas, Dec. 2006]

[22] Yi, S., Ulsoy, G, and Nelson, P. Feedback control via Eigenvalue assignment for time delayed systems using the Lambert W Function (submitted)

[23] S. Yi, P. W. Nelson and A. G. Ulsoy, Controllability and Observability of Systems of Linear Delay Differential Equations via the Matrix Lambert Function, IEEE Trans. Aut. Cont., (submitted).

[24] S. Yi, P. W. Nelson and A. G. Ulsoy, Feedback Control via Eigenvalue Assignment for Time Delayed Systems Using the Lambert W Function, J. Vib. Control, (submitted).

[25] Nelson, P., Smith, N., Jackson, T., and Pietropaolo, M. Type 1 Diabetes: Modeling immunoregulation and beta cell function. (submitting)

Professional Associations and Activities

*Director of the NSF-UBM program at Michigan

*Elected to Board of Directors, Society for Mathematical Biology, 2007

*Review Panelist, NSF (Mathematical Biology) 2006

*Review Panelist, NIH (Mathematical Biology) 2006

*External PhD reviewer, Arizona State U. and U. Western Ontario 2005

*Review Panelist, NSF/NIH 2004

*Assistant Director, Michigan Math and Science Scholars 2004-Present

*Associate Editor, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2004-Present

*Chair, SMB's annual meeting, 2004

*Co-Organizer, Distinguished Lecture Series in Mathematical Biology 2004-2006

*Co-Director, University of Michigan's Mathematical Biology Research Group 2000- Present

*Chairman, First Annual Conference on Mathematical Immunology, Duke University, April 23-26, 2000

*Reviewer, Mathematical Biosciences, JTB, JMB, BMB, Physica A and D, SIAM and IEEE 1998-Present

*Book reviewer, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology and Siam Review 1999

*Visiting Research Scientist, Los Alamos National Lab, 1998-Present

*Co-Organizer, sixth annual Pacific Northwest Workshop in Mathematical Biology 1998

*Member, SMB, SIAM, AMS, MAA

Invited/Contributed Talks

[2007] Plenary Speaker, World congress on Engineering and Computer Sciences:

International conference on modeling health advances, UC Berkeley

[2006]SIAM Annual Meeting, Boston; University of Michigan.

[2005] UM Alumni and Rotary Club of Battle Creek, MI,; Arizona State University;

[2004] Michigan State University; University of Michigan; Society for Mathematical Biology’s Annual Meeting; AMS Annual Meeting.

[2003] SIAM Annual Meeting, June: Montreal, CA: University of Iowa, March: Department of Mathematics

[2002] Arizona State University, Nov: Department of Mathematics: University of Michigan, Oct: Bioinformatics: Rutgers University, DIMACS Workshop on The Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases: Host-Pathogen Dynamics Piscataway, NJ, Sept: Burroughs Wellcome Meeting, Durham, NC, Aug. (Poster): Society for Mathematical Biology's Annual meeting, Knoxville, July: Symposia talk on Modeling HIV-1 Infection: Lawrence Technical University, April: Detroit

[2001] International conference honoring John Jacquez, Oct: Ann Arbor: Arizona State University, December: University of Michigan, April: Applied and Interdisciplinary Seminar Series. AMS/MAA Joint Meeting, Jan.: New Orleans

[2000] University of Michigan, Feb: Department of Mathematics: University of North Carolina, April: School of Public Health: Duke University, May: Workshop on Mathematical Biology

[1999] Arizona State University, April: University of Minnesota, May: Duke University, May: Duke University, Oct

[1998] Washington State University, January: Microbiology Colloquium, Department of Microbiology: Washington State University, January: Mathematics Colloquium, Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics: Pacific Northwest Workshop in Mathematical Biology, March: University of Minnesota Nov: IMA

Courses Taught

[2007] Math 417, Linear Algebra, Math 463, Mathematical Biology

[2006] Math 557, Methods of Applied Mathematics II

Math 463, Mathematical Biology

[2005] Math 558, Non-linear Dynamics

[2004] Math 215, Calculus III

Math 651, Applied Partial Differential Equations

[2003] Math 651, Multiple Scales and Singular Perturbations Methods

[2002] Math 462, Mathematical Modeling

[2001] Math 404, Intermediate Differential Equations

Math 450, Advanced Mathematics for Engineers

Math 462, Mathematical Modeling

[2000] Math 115, Introductory Calculus

Courses Developed and Supervised

2004Math 651, Applied PDE’s and Multiple Scales

2001Math 462, Mathematical Modeling

2000Math 463, Mathematical Biology

1999Duke University, Mathematical Immunology

Ph.D. Students (s), Post-docs (p) and Undergraduates (u)

[1s] Stanca Ciupe, Development and Applications of Mathematical Tools in models of infectious diseases and biological phenomenon (PhD 2005)

[2s]Jonathan Forde, Delay Differenatial Equation Models in mathematical Biology (PhD 2005)

[3s]Sun Yi (Ph.D. student Mechanical Engineering, Co-advisor with G. Ulsoy), 2005 –

[1p]David Bortz (Post-doc) 2002-2006

[2p]David Gammack (Post-doc) 2003-2007

[1u]Tadashi Yamada (Undergraduate) 2000-2001

[2u]Louis Conlon (Undergraduate) 2003

[3u]Lydia Bilinsky (Undergraduate) 2005-2006

[4u] Noah Smith (Undergraduate) 2006 -

Department Service

[2006] AIM Preliminary Exam Committee, Undergraduate Advising, MMSS, AIM Admissions, AIM Fellowships

[2005] AIM Preliminary Exam Committee, Undergraduate Advising,

Michigan Math and Science Scholars Program

[2004] AIM Preliminary Exam Committee, Undergraduate Advising, MMSS

Computing Committee

[2003] Computing Committee, Undergraduate Advising, Mathematical Modeling
