1. Why did Patolbabu not wait for his turn for the payment?

(Ans)Having performed his role really well, PatolBaburealised that his years of struggle for making a living hadn’t reduced his acting talent. It was true that he needed money badly but when he measured that meager amount with the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication, he felt his work was beyond any price. Therefore, he did not wait for the payment.

  1. How did PatolBabu feel after he had performed his role?

(Ans)After he had performed his role, PatolBabu felt quite satisfied though he doubted whether people would really appreciate his imagination and labour put into that one shot. Nevertheless, he took off his woollen jacket and took a sigh of relief. A feeling of total satisfaction swept over him.

  1. How did PatolBabu behave when the hero banged his head against his?

(Ans)He had an excruciating pain, which robbed his senses for a while. With a lot of effort, PatolBabu could manage to pull himself together to cry “Oh!” and resumed to walk after a brief pause.

  1. “ PatolBabu felt a sudden throbbing in his head. He wished he could take off his jacket.” Why did PatolBabu feel so uncomfortable?

(Ans)PatolBabu had been a talented stage actor. He was very excitedwhen he got a small role to enact in a film. This role was offered to him by Naresh Dutt through Nishikanto Ghosh. The role was that of an absent minded pedestrian who had to collide with the hero on the road.

With a lot of hope and enthusiasm, PatolBabu reached the shooting site the very next day. PatolBabu was waiting curiously for his lines so that he could rehearse it in advance. With that intention in mind, he approached Naresh Dutt. Finally, PatolBabu was given his dialogue. He was shocked to know that he had to utter only a monosyllabic word, “Oh!” while colliding with the hero. He expected a better speaking part in the movie. He felt humiliated and thought that he had been made a laughing stock.

  1. PatolBabu was leading a humble life. He was in need of money. Then why did he walk away without taking the money that was offered for the role he played in the movie?

(Ans)PatolBabu bagged a small walk on part role for a film. The role demanded that him to collide with the hero and utter ‘Oh!’ PatolBabu was quite shocked and frustrated to learn about this. He had high hopes and thought of some speaking part in the movie. But soon the priceless words of advice from his guru, Gogon Prakash, haunted him. He soon realized that even a small word is not devoid of meaning. He rehearsed with heart and soul. Everybody appreciated the way he had enacted that small scene. A feeling of total satisfaction swept over him. He doubted if the unit people would ever realise the kind of effort he had put in his one shot. His dormant thirst of acting was fulfilled. Money did not matter to him since he had derived an intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection. That is why he walked away without the payment. ‘What was twenty rupees when measured against the intense satisfaction of a small job done with perfection and dedication?’

  1. How did PatolBabu manage to get a role in a movie?

(Ans)PatolBabu was a talented stage actor. He was always passionate about acting.Throughout his life he had been trying different means of earning a livelihood without much success. But one day his neighbor, Nishikanto Ghosh surprised him with good news. He told PatolBabu that his brother-in-law, Naresh Dutt, was looking for an actor for a scene in a film. The character he described – fiftyish, short, bald-headed- resembled PatolBabu. Therefore, NishikantoBabu gave his brother-in-law PatolBabu’s address. He met PatolBbabu and told him that he had to play the role of an absent-minded, short-tempered pedestrian. PatolBabu never imagined that an offer to act in a film would come to a non-entity like him at 52. It was a dream come true. Without any hesitation he grabbed the opportunity.