Student Government Meeting

Regular SummerSession Meeting

May 22, 2008, 834 Conference Room, WPU

Members in Attendance:

CALL TO ORDER / Meeting called at 12:04pm (lunch provided)
ROLL CALL / Representing Council are: Rosey Natale, President; Justin Brunner, Ric Fera, Wendy Vernier Lovicks, Rodney Jackson
Also in attendance: Sherry Miller Brown
APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM LAST MEETING / Minutes from last council meeting not available for approval.
Giveaways / All members of council touched on giveaways that we already have in the office. Ric suggested we move forward with the t-shirts. He believed that it was allotted on last year’s budget.
Staff Advisor Position / The council was previously informed that Staff Advisor, Jocelyn Cilik, will no longer be holding the position. The Director of Student Life is in the process of interviewing candidates to fill the vacancy. There are no new details on the replacement advisor to date. The board was assured of an update as soon as a decision was made.
Fall meeting dates: / Council was asked to provide possible options for council meeting during the year. Not everyone was able to provide a fall class schedule so the decision on council meting was put on hold. A suggestion was made by Justin that council meetings are scheduled at a set, regularly scheduled day and time. This will be addressed again at the next council meeting.
Retreat / Council members were asked their opinion regarding a council retreat. Date, locations and length were discussed. The retreat will be on June 28, 2008. Ric might have class that date but would be able to attend after the class. Locations were suggested. I encouraged using the PAA for the meeting and conclude with a group outing on Just Duckie Tour or Gateway Clipper. There were not objections to this option. I would like to limit the retreat to a one day event. The afternoon session would include anyone interested in being a Divisional Director.
Summer Planning Session / A summer planning session was proposed as a follow up to the retreat. Best time to hold this session will be either Tues., July 15 or Thur., July 17 in the afternoon. Exact time and date will be decided via email communication. Agenda for planning session will focus on dates and mailing for end of summer and fall activities, anniversary events, and contact information.
Suggested Summer / Early Fall Events / Baseball Game – Rosey will investigate
Kennywood Day – Sept 13 - Justin investigating (LAE will be making youth ID cards)
SandCastle – Ric will follow up
Laurel Caverns – Wendy checking (mid to late fall)
Movie Night – Ric
Adventure Outdoors – Ric suggested
Picnic – Sherry proposed partnering with Alumni Association and CGS for picnic. They will help promote, pay for spirits and soda. CGS staff working on tag line for anniversary.
Homecoming – Sherry talked about some of the proposed activities during homecoming weekend. The university is hosting a reception in the Cathedral of Learning for all alumni. CGS will suggest their alumni to “get a piece of cake” at the Student Government event in Alumni Hall. A 50th Anniversary cake will be given to guest at the PAA gathering. More discussion at a future meeting.
HeinzHistoryCenter– in association of Pittsburgh 250 - Justin
Pitt Football – discount option for departmental purchase. - Rosey
White Water Rafting – Rosey
(Wendy provided a list of options including Civic Light Orchestra, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame)
Ric encouraged our continued association with IFTS – study abroad program for the Eat & Learn Series.
Justin also reminded council about the “Bridge to GraduateSchool” program and building on that relationship.
Council Titles / Council assignment title or job responsibilities were discussed. Members were asked if they had a preference on a job title. I encouraged one council member and one divisional director work with Jackie for finances. Open for further discussion. I posed that Jackie continue with all clerical responsibilities for the office and meetings. If she would require assistance a council member and or a divisional director would assist. It was opened for discussion regarding Justin being named Vice President of council. All were in favor of the suggestion. Ric was asked to work with communications.
Divisional Directors / A list was started for Divisional Directors. Debby Morris, Ralph Natale, Tonya Bucci and (Wendy’s suggestion)were suggested. Jo Ann Snow is not eligible, due to her graduation in August. A request was made by Rosey to think of additional people.
CGS Web Page / All agreed it needs to be updated. Wendy informed council that her husband, Quinton, would be willing to consult on design and lay out. The work would be done pro bono. Justin has supplemental information from previous work on the site. Rick also interested in being involved. (Rosey will get Jackie a letter “from the president” to go on the web page.)
Mailing / Brief mention of a post card going out end of July. Other summer activities will be promoted via email. Timeline for mailings TBD.
NEXT MEETING DATE / The next meeting will be UNKNOWN
Location will be UNKNOWN
MEETING ADJOURNMENT / Adjourned at 12:58pm

Meeting minutes prepared by: Jaclyn Campbell, CGSSG Assistant


Meeting minutes approved by: Rosemary Natale, President (or proxy)
