Outdoor Leadership

SSRA 380

Spring 2008

Instructor: Salmon Norgaard-Stroich, Assistant Director, Outdoor Program

Office: G22, next door to the OP and Post Office.

Office Hours: to be arranged by appointment.

527.5791 ofc, 386.7343 cell


There are no prerequisites for this course, except a willingness to travel in remote wilderness settings, to learn new outdoor skills and techniques, and to support the other students in the course in their different levels of learning and experience. A moderate level of physical fitness will help make the course more enjoyable.


Outdoor leadership is a course designed for individuals with a considerable interest and experience in at lest one outdoor adventure sport who are interested in leading or organizing adventure trips. The skills and theory covered will be directed towards cross country skiing, snowshoeing, sea kayaking backpacking, and leadership skills (both soft and hard). Also included will be food planning, legal implications of leadership, hazard awareness and avoidance, navigation, avalanche awareness, mountain first aid, and minimum impact camping. Several weekend outings will be coupled with classroom studies. Students will also be required to participate as a Leader In Training (LIT) in at least one day trip through the Outdoor Program.

Class Meeting Times:

Jan 17 – May 1, 1:00 – 3:30pm, Thursdays, room G02 (ReidCampusCenter)

Plus six required field trips:

1. Feb 7, Thursday, Depart at Noon, return 6pm; Downhill Cross Country Skiing Skills Day: Bluewood Ski Resort

2. Feb10, Sunday, 10am – 6pm; Intro to Cross Country Skiing (snowshoe option)

3. Feb 15-18th, Friday – Monday (President’s day holiday);

Depart at Noon on 15th, return 7pm on the 18th

Backcountry Ski Touring: ElkhornRange;

Peavy Cabin, North Fork of the John Day Wilderness Area

4. April 3, Sea Kayak intro: BenningtonLake – Meet at lake at 4pm

5. April 14, Monday, 7:30 – 9pm; Sea Kayak Rescue Clinic: pool session

6. April 24, Thursday, Depart at Noon, return 9pm; Sea Kayak touring and Open Water Rescues; Columbia River, Wallula Gap

Required Texts:

1. "Outdoor Leadership" John Graham; The Mountaineers

2. "Allen and Mike's Really Cool Backcountry Ski Book", Allen O'Bannon, Mike Clelland

3. "Complete Sea Kayak Touring" by Jonathan Hanson

There will also be additional required readings and weekly quizzes on the reading. Please complete the chapter reading BEFORE each class.

Lecture and Field trip schedules and topics:


17 thuCourse introduction, syllabus, schedule

Leadership styles

Reading: Preface, Chapter 1 & 2

24 thuLeadership Styles Continued

Pre-trip for XC ski trip

Reading: Chapter 4

30 wedAvalanche Beacon clinic (6-8pm Reid G02)

31 thu

31 thuAvalanche film & discussion (6-8pm Reid G02)


7 thuRisk Management

Snow shelters, winter travel

Get skiis for field trip

Reading: Chapter 6

7thuField trip – Downhill Cross Country Skiing Skills day

10 sunField trip - Introduction to Cross country skiing

14 thuRace, Class and Gender in outdoor leadership

1st Aid Scenario Cold Weather Injuries

Reading: Chapter 5

Prep for Backcountry trip

“Is it not the knot?” – The 3 levels of teaching knots

15-18 fri-monField trip - Backcountry Ski Touring; Peavy Cabin

21 thuManaging Group Dynamics

Good times and Bad (IC system)

Whisperlite stoves – bane or boon?

28 thuSituational Leadership


6 thuCaring Leadership

1st Aid Scenario Hypothermia

Ice-Breaker: Peter Gurche & Dana Bialek

(Spring Break)

27 thuDriver’s Training – Kathy Rogers’ lecture

Reading: On-line Driver’s training program

Communicating Effectively

1st Aid Scenario Allergic Reactions

Shelters – Thelma Flys, Tents and Mid’s


3 thuField Trip - Sea kayak intro –Bennington lake – meet at lake

10 thuTeam Building

1st Aid Scenario Splinting

Orienteering – maps, compass, charts, GPS

14 monField Trip - Sea kayak rescues – pool session 7:30 - 9

17 thuMake-up day

1st Aid Scenario Head Injuries

Final Exam Review, and class party

Get Equipment for Sea Kayak trip

24 thuField Trip - Sea Kayak on Columbia


1 thuFinal Exam – Reid G02, 1-3:30


Outdoor Leadership is a graded course. Grades will be determined based on:

Participation and attendance: 20%(each missed day will lower score)

Weekly quizzes:20%

Outdoor Trip portfolio10%

Group game/ice breaker10%(compile together to create a manual)

Medical Scenario10%

Final exam:30% (written and practical skill demonstration)

LIT: Also required to pass the course is participation as a Leader in Training (LIT) for at least one day trip with the Outdoor Program.

Outdoor Trip Portfolio

In combination with the LIT experience, students are required to compile a “Trip Portfolio” that documents planning sessions, lists of required equipment (for leaders, participants, and group gear), logistics of the day, maps of route, and pictures documenting the experience. The portfolio will be compiled in a binder with other trip portfolios, and serve as a resource for future trip leaders leading this same trip. 4 pages maximum.

Medical Scenario

Groups of two or three will be required to present a skit to the rest of the class demonstrating appropriate care for a given medical scenario. Students will be graded on accuracy of information/protocol, and usefulness of skit as a teaching tool to other students.


The fee for this class is $175. This fee will be taken directly out of your student account. The fee will cover transportation, permits, and free Outdoor Program rental equipment for classes and trip. This does not include food! Food will be a joint expense, at approximately $8/person per day.


All equipment pertaining to our activities will be covered by your course fee. Other personal items (socks, long underwear, etc) will be provided by the student.