Patient Participation Group (PPG) of Court Thorn Surgery (CTS)

Notes from meeting 15.9.2014

Present: Tony Lainsbury, Jen Sutton, Vikki Sant, Sally Hardcastle, John Poland, Angela Davies, Tina Walker, Dr Ken Sutton

Apologies: Margaret Riches, Lynda Robinson, Sally Budd, Joyce Ousby, Gill Mordain, Catherine Robinson

Reminder about the Purpose:

The PPG purpose is to establish how CTS is performing. What’s working and not working from the patients’ perspective. In order to find this out, it will be the aim of the PPG to connect with the practice population in all communication methods and for this information to feedback into the development of practice and future development of services.

Guest: Sally Jenkins, Eden Commissioning Manager

Sally Jenkins joined the PPG meeting for the first 30 minutes to share with us the news about a new chaplaincy facility that was being commissioned by Cumbria CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group).

Sally was searching for volunteers to promote a new service which is about supporting people in their own home and reduce unnecessary admissions. So this was somewhat confusing as there are numerous services already available and it’s about not reinventing the wheel.

For example this service would be similar to: neighbourhood scheme, tackling isolation, listening ear, volunteer involvement, gardening, shopping,

The PPG suggested a number of avenues for Sally to approach to help accessing more volunteers and to get their promotional material out to help clarify the purpose of the initiative.

Jennie will feedback to Sally that CTS is happy to assist in helping to promote the service when it knows what it is!


Clinical Involvement in future PPG meetings:

Dr Sutton attended for half an hour as he is keen to be further involved with the PPG and clarify any questions the members have.Discussion took place on a number of points:

GP Appraisals:

This is something that all GP’s have to undertake on an annual basis and it assists with revalidating the GP as being fit for practice year on year.

A & E (Accident and Emergency) charges:

Dr Sutton explained that the Practice are very keen to reduce unnecessary admissions or use of A & E especially as the winter pressure time is approaching. There is a new initiative where GP’s have to carry out discussing with patients their own needs around care and planning that care. This is for patients who have a long term conditions, maybe patients in the palliative stages of their illness and patients who have previously attended A&E unnecessarily.

Dr Sutton also explained how CHOC (Cumbria Out of Hours) works, and how liaison of information between CHOC and the Practice works.


There was discussion about online booking of appointments and how this works. Presently we open 3 online booking appointments for all GP’s in the morning and in the afternoon. There is an exception – this is when a GP is working independently or the Practice have additional medical students to facilitate. Then on those days there is no online appointment available because the Practice needs to manage the workflow.

Future Health Seminars:

Ideas came forward for future health seminars for 2015 after the success the PPG have had over the last two years.

Suggestions are:

  • Diabetes
  • Mental health
  • First Aid
  • Disabilities – Physical and Learning
  • Keeping healthy and exercise
  • House bound and armchair exercises

The programme will run in the months of March, June, October.

Forth coming Health Seminar:

The next seminar on 7th Oct will have guest speakers from Cadas and Eden Carers.

Again stands will be welcomed from these groups and Tina will invite Hospice at Home too.

Here is an overview of the publicity that is currently available (Parish newsletter, Prescription bags, TV Slide show, Website, Facebook, Twitter, Posters, Fliers to School, Vicar, Pub Night)

  • Vikki to mention the need for the urn in the school kitchen for the evening.

Slight changes to the health seminar – the PPG thought it would be useful to open up the talk to be inclusive of all informal carers and not just young carers.

  • John will contact Radio Cumbria and his media contacts.
  • Jennie to give an overview of news from CTS at the event – include October Newsletter, Flu Jabs etc

Tuesday 7th October

High Hesket School


Helping Change in Your Neighbourhood!

This health seminar is about:

  • Understanding the perspective of being an informal carer who take on practical and/or emotional caring responsibilities.

Provided by Eden Carers

  • Identify the key pointers that may suggest that drugs and alcohol have moved from recreational use to a more addictive and habit forming pattern.

Provided by CADAS

Join this seminar for children, teens, parents to grandparents.

This health seminar is brought to you by the CQC commended Patient Participation Group of Court Thorn Surgery.

Areas to be covered include:

  • What help is available for informal carers (both young and adult)?
  • How to support someone who has a drug or alcohol problem?

For any additional information please ring Court Thorn Surgery on: 016974 73548

This event requires booking of places as numbers are limited.


  • Donations at the last seminar raised £21
  • Expenses for refreshments £10
  • High Hesket School (venue) £100
  • Real Food works £300

This means that now that the grants are spent following the Prescription delivery expenses that the PPG reserves of £8515 will be utilised.

  • Jennie to explore more grant opportunities for the work of the PPG.

Other CTS News:

  • CTS has got a new website and those patients who are on email have been invited to give there feedback. This has been well received.
  • In addition, patients have been encouraged to ‘Like’ CTS facebook page which regularly gives news and updates from both the surgery and beyond.
  • Flu Clinics will be starting at the beginning of October and patients have been encouraged to attend via email as well as other publicity avenues.


  • It was also raised that a patient had used the Scanning facility at Shap Practice. The directions given where not helpful to find the practice. Jennie will liaise with the Shap Practice Manager.
  • The police have been involved around the monitoring of speeding cars past the entrance to the surgery. This will receive ongoing monitoring.
  • Vikki had previously mentioned that it would be useful to have a debrief following the seminar. This will facilitate any additional actions and analysis of the event.

Jennie suggests that we have a follow up meeting on Monday 13th October say 2pm at CTS for those who can attend. For those who cannot attend then perhaps an email to Jennie with your feedback.

Main contact at practice:

Because Jen only works a day a week, if PPG members need to speak to someone at the Practice and the issue can’t wait – then please do ask for Rachael Somerville – Business Manager in Jen’s absence.

; 016974 73548

Date and time of Next meeting:

Health seminar 7th October – High Hesket School, 7 – 9pm.

Volunteers would be helpful to ensure smooth planning and delivery of yet another exciting community engagement platform for the PPG.

Jennie Sutton
