Membership Survey
Please take a few minutes to fill out this questionaire. Your response will help us identify the needs of our members. Please return with your membership form. Thank you.
1. Please check if you are a NEW MEMBER ______Bucks County Resident ______
2. BCHP Information, Newsletters, Prizelists and Ominbuses will be downloadable from the web site and via email. In an attempt to reduce are postage costs, information will only be mailed upon request. Please print your email address so we can read it.
3. What Information are you interested in receiving?
Newsletters ______Driving Poker Drive and show Information_____
Thursday Morning Horse Show Prizelist______Polocrosse Information ______
Tuesday Evening Dressage Information______Dressage show Information______
Hunter Pace & Judged trail Ride Reminders______Jumper show Prizelists______
Horse Trial and Combined Test Information______Western show Series ______
4. How far do you trailer to the Park?
Less than 5 miles ___ 5 to 10 miles___ 10 to 25 miles___ 25 to 50 miles___ >50 miles_____
5. How often do you plan to use the Park?
More than once a week___ Once a week____ Once a month ______3 or 4 times a year______
6. How do you spend most of your time at the Park? Please rank in order of importance, 1 being how you spend most of your time.
Riding ____ Polocrosse ____ XC Schooling ____ Driving _____Riding in the rings ____ Walking or Jogging ____ Lessons in the Rings____ Competitions ____Lessons cross country____
- Which facilities do you use most in the park? Please rank those you use in order of importance, 1 being the most important facility.
Trails____ XC Jumps ___ All weather rings _____ Dressage Rings ___ Polocrosse fields ______
- If you use the XC Jumps, how high do you generally jump? Please rank the heights you use, 1 being the height you jump most.
< 18inches _____ 18 ins to 2ft 6ins____ 2ft 6ins to 3ft______>3ft______
- Which activities do you participate in at the Park? Please rank those you attend, 1 being activity you attend the most: Driving____ Polocrosse____ Tuesday Evening Dressage ____ Thursday Morning Horse Shows ____ Hunter Paces____ Judged Trail Ride____ Jumper Shows____ Recognized Dressage Shows____ Recognized Horse Trials____ Schooling Horse trials & Combined Tests____
- Where do you see most of the BCHP Advertising? Please rank in order, 1 being where you see most ads.
Horse News____ Horse of the Delaware Valley_____ Bucks County Herald_____
Equine Marketeer Calendar____ Pennsylavania Equestrian ____
11. Please add your comments if the above questions have not covered your thoughts.
For more information please contact the Bucks County Horse Park Office
610~847~8597 Fax 610~847~5507
P.O.Box 386, Revere, PA 18953
Part of the Bucks County Park System