Present: 6 patientswho signed in (kept on file)

In attendance: Linda Morris (Haverstock); Min Kourti, Service Manager; Dr. Brassey (part)

  1. Apologies –Sixapologies had been received from patients via email.
  2. Appointment of a Minute Taker for the meeting –Wendy Hardcastleagreed to do the minutes.
  3. Minutes of 17th February meeting – agreed
  4. Matters arising/action points from the Minutes not on the Agenda
  • Letter to NHS seeking additional funding – outstanding
  • Letter to CLH (Central London Healthcare) re refusal of membership to Haverstock – a further letter had been received from CLH regretting that an earlier letter had implied that patients could only access out of hospital provision through Camden and clarifying that patients would have access to the services in the Westminster area.
  • Complaint about procurement process – outstanding
  • Letter to Westminster Planning officers - outstanding
  1. Procurement of permanent provider update –patients were saddened to learn that Haverstock Healthcare had reluctantly decided not to bid for the permanent practice as, having seen the final income figures, they did not feel that they could offer a service without either incurring a significant financial loss, or reducing the quality of care to a level that they would not find acceptable. An additional per capita sum was included to take account of the fact that the patient list is smaller than what the NHSE considers viable, but this was not adequate to bridge the gap between Haverstock’s projected costs – based on their experience of running the practice - and the income. As a non-profit organisation Haverstock said they could not take a loss which they calculated at £220,000+ over the 5-year contact period. Haverstock would inform NHSE of their reason for not submitting a bid. The temporary contract had been viable because it is more generously funded. Haverstock said they would be happy to extend the temporary contract if no other provider put in a bid, or was awarded the contract.

Grave concern was expressed by patients that if Haverstock were unable to offer an acceptable (to them) service, how would any other provider be able to do so. The alternatives were thought to be: an overseas organisation, or other large commercial organisation that wants to break into the English NHS market and would be willing to take on a loss to do so; or an organisation that can afford and is able to cross subsidise services; or a commercial provider who would reduce the quality of service.

It was agreed to write to NHSE regarding our concerns regarding the funding of the service. ACTION

An urgent meeting would be requested with any new provider awarded the permanent (5-year) contract to establish how they plan to provide a quality service on the income provided.

It was noted that the procurement process would be completed by the end of April. The new contract is scheduled to start on 1st August. Haverstock undertook to provide the best possible hand-over to any new provider – the handover to themselves had been highly unsatisfactory.

Haverstock were warmly thanked for the service they have provided during the temporary contract and for their willingness to engage with the PPG.

  1. Haverstock Healthcare items – none.
  2. Patients’ comments on service provided by the caretaking provider, Haverstock Healthcare, including any comments from patients sent in via the dedicated PPG email: none
  3. Update on NHS Property Planning Application:email to Westminster Planning officers outstanding.
  4. Representation on Westminster CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) User Panel: Angela had attended a meeting of the CCG Governing Body but there was nothing to note arising out of the meeting although the networking aspect is always useful.
  5. Date of next meeting: Wednesday 20th April at 6.15
  1. Any Other Business (Future agenda items: clarification of catchment area boundaries)

It was agreed to consider inviting speakers to PPG meetings, say for 10 minutes + 10 minutes of questions at a later date when the uncertainties about a permanent provider had been resolved. Patients would be asked what topics they would like covered.