Patient/Claim Merge Utility
What is the Patient/Claim Merge Utility?
Accessing the Patient/Claim Merge Utility
Searching and Merging
What is the Patient/Claim Merge Utility?
The Patient/Claim Merge Utility allows users to merge duplicate and/or incorrect patients and claims into one record.
Accessing the Patient/Claim Merge Utility
To Access the Patient/Claim Merge, simply follow the steps below:
- From the Web RePrice homepage, click on the Patient Claim Merge link (shown in Figure 1). This will bring you to the Patient/Claim Merge Utility login screen.
Figure 1
To login to the Patient/Claim Merge Utility, follow the steps below:
- Enter your WRP Login ID and Password into the Name and Password fields, then click OK. The Location dropdown will be defaulted to the database chosen at the Auto-Deploy screen, no data entry is required.
Searching and Merging
The Patient/Claim Merge Utility allows you to search for Last Name, First Name, Claim Number, or any combination of the three. To search and merge follow the steps below:
- Enter the desired search criteria into the Search field, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
- Select the radio button next to the correct type of search to be conducted, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
- Select the amount of records you would like to be displayed on each page from the Results Per Page dropdown window, as shown below:
Figure 5
Helpful Hint: To locate a record by First Name only, you must search for the patient one of two ways:
- Search Field = , ‘first name’ AND Type of Search = Search Patient Only
- Search Field = ‘first name’ (no comma needed) AND Type of Search = Search Patient and Claim. However with this option the utility will also display records with last names and claims that match the search criteria entered.
- Once the desired selections are entered/selected, click on the Search button. The Search Results will appear below the Search Criteria section, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6
- The Search Results section will display various information about each record, each described below:
- The Patient Name column will display the patient’s name (last, first)
- The Patient ID column displays the auto generated ID assigned to each patient when they are created within Web RePrice.
- The Date of Birth column displays the patient’s date of birth.
- The Address, City, State and ZIP columns display the patient’s full address.
- The SSN column displays the patient’s social security number.
- The Client Profile column displays the
- The Claim Number column displays the claim number.
- The Claim ID column displays the auto generated ID assigned to each claim when it is created within Web RePrice.
- The Date of Loss column displays the date of loss for the claim.
- The Case Number column displays the case number associated with the claim.
- The Case ID column displays the auto generated ID assigned to each case when it is created within Web RePrice.
- Within the Search Results section, locate the record you wish to keep and enter a checkmark within its corresponding Good Record checkbox, as shown in Figure 7.
- Locate the record you wish to remove and enter a checkmark within its corresponding Bad Record checkbox, then click on the Merge button, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7
- You will be brought to the Confirm page (Figure 8), where your choices will be displayed. Once you have reviewed your choices and they are correct, click on the Merge Patient button.
Helpful Hint: The type of Merge button will depend on the following factors:
- If the two records’ Patient ID’s are different the system will default to a Patient Merge. After the Patient merge is complete, you will then be given the option to also merge the claims.
- If the two records’ Patient ID’s are the same, the system will default to a Claim Merge.
- If the choices displayed are not correct, simply click on the Patient Claim Merge Home link. This will bring you to the main search screen, where you may search for the correct records.
Figure 8
- If the records were successfully merged, a page will be displayed, much like the one shown in Figure 9. You may now search for a new record by clicking on the Patient Claim Merge Home link. If you are done using the Patient/Claim Merge you can either logout of the application using the Logout link, or return to the Web RePrice Homepage by using the Web RePrice Home link.
Figure 9
Last updated: 08/27/03Patient/Claim Merge Utility
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