Regnum Books International

Regnum Studies in Mission

Theological Thoughts from the South

Top of Form

Please email a copy of this form to

or send it on a disk to

Jessica Abel Smith


St Philip and St James Church

Woodstock Road

Oxford, OX2 6HR


fax: 01865517722

NOTE:Except in extenuating circumstances RegnumBooks International is only willing to assess material that is not under simultaneous review by other publishers. If you are currently offering your book to other publishers please let us know.


Working Title of the Proposed Book:

Brief Description of the Book (50-70 words, possibly for back cover of book):

Editor(s)/Author(s) Name:




Biographical Note - for back cover of book

(Please describe how you wish to be known):

Personal information:


Date and place of Birth:

Marital Status:

** Please include a picture of the author (soft copy preferred)


Work Experience:

Confidential posts:

Previous Books/articles published
(inc. bibliographic details):

PhD dissertations only

If the proposal is a PhD please provide contact information (especially email addresses) for the following people so that we can request reports from them on your work:

(1) Supervisor

(2) Second supervisor (if relevant)

(3) Examiner 1

(4) Examiner 2

PhD Dissertation only

What year was the PhD granted?

Which institution did you do the PhD at?


A breakdown of the structure of the book (main sections, chapters and sub-sections) with a brief summary of the content of each part.


If a multi-author volume please include the names of the authors, a mini biography and contact details for each.


Who is going to want to buy your book? Think carefully about this.

Marketing Ideas

If you have any creative ideas (e.g., special events at which the book could be sold, organisations that would promote the book, networks for advertising it) for marketing add them here.

Please list any competing titles known to you:

Unique Features

What are the unique selling features of this text?

Estimated word extent:

Estimated manuscript delivery date:

When do you realistically expect to be able to deliver a first draft? If the manuscript or a part of it is available for review then please send an electronic version of the material to or post a disk of it to Dr Wonsuk Ma, OCMS, St Philip and St James Church, Woodstock Road, Oxford, OX2 6HR. If the proposal is a PhD thesis we require an electronic copy of the full text.

Possible foreword writers and commendations

Individuals who may be prepared to commend your book or write a foreword to it


Anything else you would like us to bear in mind when we consider your proposal?